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学术信息交流小组 计量经济圈 2021-10-23



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关于COVID-19,我们引荐过①火了! 携程网梁建章Top5上的文章在COVID-19期间火遍欧美学术界! ②COVID-19下美国常春藤高校如何安排教学, 科研和博士论文的呢?计量院士首次用DID方法分析, 中国封城对新冠病毒扩散的影响!美国621位经济学家关于支持就业和企业应对新冠病毒大流行的声明,⑤SARS病毒在中国媒体, 经济, 社会等领域留下的遗产专辑!关于冠状病毒, 最新中英文期刊上的文章都在这里,⑦两位诺奖得主竟然争吵到《自然》上去了!"新冠"真是一次绝佳的自然实验?过时不候! 全球疫情期最全最新最好的网上学术seminars, conferences日历,⑨关于2019-nCoV, 中国学者已发表了高达50篇期刊文章!疫情期计量课程免费开放!面板数据, 因果推断, 时间序列分析与Stata应用

Asset Markets and COVID-19

Aggregate and Firm-Level Stock Returns During Pandemics, in Real Time

Laura Alfaro, Anusha Chari, Andrew N. Greenland, Peter K. Schott
(NBER Working Paper 26950)

The Unprecedented Stock Market Impact of COVID-19

Scott R. Baker, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Kyle J. Kost, Marco C. Sammon, Tasaneeya Viratyosin
(NBER Working Paper 26945)

Effects of COVID-19 on Households and Firms

How Are Small Businesses Adjusting to COVID-19? Early Evidence from a Survey

Alexander W. Bartik, Marianne Bertrand, Zoë B. Cullen, Edward L. Glaeser, Michael Luca, Christopher T. Stanton
(NBER Working Paper 26989)

Firm-level Exposure to Epidemic Diseases: Covid-19, SARS, and H1N1

Tarek Alexander Hassan, Stephan Hollander, Laurence van Lent, Ahmed Tahoun
(NBER Working Paper 26971)

How Does Household Spending Respond to an Epidemic? Consumption During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic

Scott R. Baker, R.A. Farrokhnia, Steffen Meyer, Michaela Pagel, Constantine Yannelis
(NBER Working Paper 26949)

COVID-19 and Labor Markets

Labor Markets During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Preliminary View

Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Michael Weber
(NBER Working Paper 27017)

How Many Jobs Can be Done at Home?

Jonathan I. Dingel, Brent Neiman
(NBER Working Paper 26948)

The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality

Titan M. Alon, Matthias Doepke, Jane Olmstead-Rumsey, Michèle Tertilt
(NBER Working Paper 26947)

Aggregate Macroeconomic Effects of COVID-19

Economic Policy Incentives to Preserve Lives and Livelihoods

Roberto Chang, Andrés Velasco
(NBER Working Paper 27020)

Covid-19 Infection Externalities: Trading Off Lives vs. Livelihoods

Zachary A. Bethune, Anton Korinek
(NBER Working Paper 27009)

Covid19 and the Macroeconomic Effects of Costly Disasters

Sydney C. Ludvigson, Serena Ng, Sai Ma
(NBER Working Paper 26987)

COVID-Induced Economic Uncertainty

Scott R. Baker, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Stephen J. Terry
(NBER Working Paper 26983)

A Simple Planning Problem for COVID-19 Lockdown

Fernando E. Alvarez, David Argente, Francesco Lippi
(NBER Working Paper 26981)

U.S. Economic Activity During the Early Weeks of the SARS-Cov-2 Outbreak

Daniel Lewis, Karel Mertens, James H. Stock
(NBER Working Paper 26954)

Longer-run Economic Consequences of Pandemics

Òscar Jordà, Sanjay R. Singh, Alan M. Taylor
(NBER Working Paper 26934)

Macroeconomic Implications of COVID-19: Can Negative Supply Shocks Cause Demand Shortages?

Veronica Guerrieri, Guido Lorenzoni, Ludwig Straub, Iván Werning
(NBER Working Paper 26918)

The Macroeconomics of Epidemics

Martin S. Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo, and Mathias Trabandt
(NBER Working Paper 26882)

What Will Be the Economic Impact of COVID-19 in the US? Rough Estimates of Disease Scenarios

Andrew Atkeson
(NBER Working Paper 26867)

Health, Mortality, and Pandemic Modeling for COVID-19

Estimating the COVID-19 Infection Rate: Anatomy of an Inference Problem

Charles F. Manski, Francesca Molinari
(NBER Working Paper 27023)

Policy Implications of Models of the Spread of Coronavirus: Perspectives and Opportunities for Economists

Christopher Avery, William Bossert, Adam Clark, Glenn Ellison, Sara Fisher Ellison
(NBER Working Paper 27007)

The Geographic Spread of COVID-19 Correlates with Structure of Social Networks as Measured by Facebook

Theresa Kuchler, Dominic Russel, Johannes Stroebel
(NBER Working Paper 26990)

How Deadly Is COVID-19? Understanding The Difficulties With Estimation Of Its Fatality Rate

Andrew Atkeson
(NBER Working Paper 26965)

The Coronavirus Epidemic Curve is Already Flattening in New York City

Jeffrey E. Harris
(NBER Working Paper 26917)

Social Distancing and Other Policy Responses

Lock-downs, Loneliness and Life Satisfaction

Daniel S. Hamermesh
(NBER Working Paper 27018)

Risk Perception Through the Lens of Politics in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

John M. Barrios, Yael Hochberg
(NBER Working Paper 27008)

Did California's Shelter-in-Place Order Work? Early Coronavirus-Related Public Health Benefits

Andrew I. Friedson, Drew McNichols, Joseph J. Sabia, Dhaval Dave
(NBER Working Paper 26992)

Optimal Mitigation Policies in a Pandemic: Social Distancing and Working from Home

Callum J. Jones, Thomas Philippon, Venky Venkateswaran
(NBER Working Paper 26984)

Social Distancing, Internet Access and Inequality

Lesley Chiou, Catherine Tucker
(NBER Working Paper 26982)

Triage Protocol Design for Ventilator Rationing in a Pandemic: Integrating Multiple Ethical Values through Reserves

Parag A. Pathak, Tayfun Sönmez, M. Utku Unver, M. Bumin Yenmez
(NBER Working Paper 26951)

Polarization and Public Health: Partisan Differences in Social Distancing during COVID-19

Hunt Allcott, Levi Boxell, Jacob C. Conway, Matthew Gentzkow, Michael Thaler, David Y. Yang
(NBER Working Paper 26946)

Compliance with COVID-19 Social-Distancing Measures in Italy: The Role of Expectations and Duration

Guglielmo Briscese, Nicola Lacetera, Mario Macis, and Mirco Tonin
(NBER Working Paper 26916)

Human Mobility Restrictions and the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China

Hanming Fang, Long Wang, and Yang Yang
(NBER Working Paper 26906)

Data Gaps and the Policy Response to the Novel Coronavirus

James H. Stock
(NBER Working Paper 26902)

An SEIR Infectious Disease Model with Testing and Conditional Quarantine

David W. Berger, Kyle F. Herkenhoff, and Simon Mongey
(NBER Working Paper 26901)

Other Aspects of COVID-19

The Subways Seeded the Massive Coronavirus Epidemic in New York City

Jeffrey E. Harris
(NBER Working Paper 27021)

Covid-19: Testing Inequality in New York City

Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Ken Teoh, Martín Uribe 
(NBER Working Paper 27019)

Demographic Determinants of Testing Incidence and COVID-19 Infections in New York City Neighborhoods

George J. Borjas
(NBER Working Paper 26952)

1918 Spanish Flu and Other Pandemics

The Brazilian Bombshell? The Long-Term Impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic the South American Way

Amanda Guimbeau, Nidhiya Menon, Aldo Musacchio
(NBER Working Paper 26929)

The Coronavirus and the Great Influenza Pandemic: Lessons from the "Spanish Flu" for the Coronavirus's Potential Effects on Mortality and Economic Activity

Robert J. Barro, José F. Ursúa, and Joanna Weng 
(NBER Working Paper 26866)

Selected Pre-2020 Papers of Related Interest

Fetal Shock or Selection? The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and Human Capital Development
Brian Beach, Joseph P. Ferrie, and Martin H. Saavedra
(NBER Working Paper 24725)

Sunlight and Protection Against Influenza
David Slusky and Richard J. Zeckhauser
(NBER Working Paper 24340)

The Inclusive Cost of Pandemic Influenza Risk
Victoria Y. Fan, Dean T. Jamison, and Lawrence H. Summers
(NBER Working Paper 22137)

Pollution, Infectious Disease, and Mortality: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic
Karen Clay, Joshua Lewis, and Edson Severnini
(NBER Working Paper 21635)

Policy Response to Pandemic Influenza: The Value of Collective Action
Georgiy Bobashev, Maureen L. Cropper, Joshua M. Epstein, D. Michael Goedecke, Stephen Hutton, and Mead Over
(NBER Working Paper 17195)

The Effects of Employment on Influenza Rates
Sara Markowitz, Erik Nesson, and Joshua Robinson
(NBER Working Paper 15796)

Public Avoidance and the Epidemiology of novel H1N1 Influenza A
Byung-Kwang Yoo, Megumi Kasajima, and Jay Bhattacharya
(NBER Working Paper 15752)



Econometrics Circle

数据系列空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 |  夜间灯光 | 官员方言  | 微观数据 | 内部数据计量系列匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 | 200篇合辑 | 因果识别 | 社会网络 | 空间DID数据处理Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 | CHIP/ CHNS/CHARLS/CFPS/CGSS等 |干货系列能源环境 | 效率研究 | 空间计量 | 国际经贸 | 计量软件 | 商科研究 | 机器学习 | SSCI | CSSCI | SSCI查询 | 名家经验计量经济圈组织了一个计量社群,有如下特征:热情互助最多前沿趋势最多、社科资料最多、社科数据最多、科研牛人最多、海外名校最多。因此,建议积极进取和有强烈研习激情的中青年学者到社群交流探讨,始终坚信优秀是通过感染优秀而互相成就彼此的。

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