
COVID-19下美国常春藤高校如何安排教学, 科研和博士论文的呢?

计量经济圈 计量经济圈 2021-10-23



所有计量经济圈方法论丛的code程序, 宏微观数据库和各种软件都放在社群里.欢迎到计量经济圈社群交流访问.

关于各种计量方法,各位学者可以参看如下文章:实证研究中用到的200篇文章, 社科学者常备toolkit”、实证文章写作常用到的50篇名家经验帖, 学者必读系列过去10年AER上关于中国主题的Articles专辑AEA公布2017-19年度最受关注的十大研究话题, 给你的选题方向2020年中文Top期刊重点选题方向, 写论文就写这些。后面,咱们又引荐了使用CFPS, CHFS, CHNS数据实证研究的精选文章专辑!这40个微观数据库够你博士毕业了, 反正凭着这些库成了教授Python, Stata, R软件史上最全快捷键合辑!关于(模糊)断点回归设计的100篇精选Articles专辑!关于双重差分法DID的32篇精选Articles专辑!关于合成控制法SCM的33篇精选Articles专辑!最近80篇关于中国国际贸易领域papers合辑!最近70篇关于中国环境生态的经济学papers合辑!使用CEPS, CHARLS, CGSS, CLHLS数据库实证研究的精选文章专辑!最近50篇使用系统GMM开展实证研究的papers合辑!这些文章受到了各位学者的欢迎和热议,博士生导师纷纷将其推荐给学生参阅。

最近,我们引荐了①如何选择正确的自变量(控制变量),让你的计量模型不再肮脏,②忽略交互效应后果很严重,审稿人很生气!,③过去三十年, RCT, DID, RDD, LE, ML, DSGE等方法的“高光时刻”路线图,④空间双重差分法(spatial DID)最新实证papers合辑,机器学习方法出现在AER, JPE, QJE等顶刊上了,⑥中介效应检验流程, 示意图公布, 不再畏惧中介分析等,在学者间引起了广泛的讨论。今天,我们主要关注一下COVID-19全球疫情下美国高校的应对措施,尤其关于教学、科研和博士论文事宜。



Harvard College students have been asked not to return to campus after spring break and to move out of their Houses and first-year dorms by Sunday. Remote instruction is set to begin March 23.
Currently, Harvard has no documented coronavirus, but today the University announced two community members are being tested.
Harvard College is providing students on financial aid with up to $200 to ship items home. Students should email the Registrar’s Office, registrar@fas.harvard.edu, to receive prepaid shipping labels.
With the move to online learning, Zoom training is available to faculty members. Faculty have been asked to sign up for a Zoom account and complete training no later than March 20. A number of training sessions are available online and in person, including a video tutorial, a workshop, office hours, and one-on-one help. Harvard University IT has been working with Zoom to ensure the system can handle the high demand.
The University has also issued travel and meeting and event guidance to the community. It has banned all work-related travel until at least April 30 and is strongly discouraging nonessential personal travel. University events or meetings of 25 people or more are discouraged.


MIT’s Response to the Challenge of Covid-19
  • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts declared a state of emergency due to the doubling of Covid-19 cases in the Greater Boston area.

  • All classes for today, Friday, March 13, have been cancelled.

  • We strongly advise all undergraduate students to accelerate their move out plans. MIT will reimburse travel change expenses and new reservation costs up to $500 for undergraduates who move up their departure to before Sunday, March 15 at midnight.

  • All students who have requested an exception from moving off-campus and have not yet received a determination will be contacted today with a decision.

  • MIT Libraries will suspend all in-person library services effective 5 p.m. today.

  • The MIT Police would like to remind all community members who will be working remotely from home to please follow the following procedures when securing their Institute offices and workspaces.

    • Shut down all computers.

    • Secure all valuables in a closed and locked desk or filing cabinet.

    • Secure all office windows.

    • Take all personal valuables home.

    • Make sure all office doors are pulled tightly closed and locked.


University announces further steps in response to coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
  • The University of Chicago is moving to remote learning for undergraduate and graduate classes for the entire Spring Quarter of 2020, beginning on Monday, March 30, the first day of the Spring Quarter.

  • University residence halls will continue normal operations until the end of Winter Quarter. Students who can return home at that point should do so. The University will continue to provide housing, dining, health, and other resources to students for whom travel restrictions or other circumstances require them to remain on campus for Spring Quarter. Other students should plan on vacating their on-campus housing by 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 22. Students who requested and have been granted spring break housing will still be able to stay through spring break.

  • Students will continue to receive financial aid and stipends.

  • The University and the University of Chicago Medical Center remain open.

  • The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools will also be moving to remote learning on March 30.


New COVID-19 actions; letter from University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne
  • FINAL EXAMS: The provost is asking instructors to make winter quarter final exams optional for undergraduate students. If a student chooses not to take a final exam, their grade should be calculated on work they have done in the course to date. It will be important for instructors to provide students with clear information about the choice that should be made, the deadline by which they have to choose, and how the final grade will be calculated if they choose not to take the exam. This guidance applies only to undergraduate students.

  • UNDERGRADUATE DINING BEGINNING SATURDAY: Due to the new county restrictions, beginning Saturday we will need to move to significantly modified meal service for undergraduates who are on campus.

  • SPRING UNDERGRADUATE HOUSING: For spring break and spring quarter, we will only be able to provide on-campus undergraduate housing and dining for a very limited number of students – those who have no other option than to be here.

  • If you are NOT in one of the above prioritized categories, we unfortunately need you to make plans to leave the campus as soon as possible but at the latest by Wednesday, March 18, at 5 p.m. We encourage you to make your plans quickly, as the external environment is changing quickly and we do not know if or when additional restrictions may be imposed.

  • REMOTE WORK: While we do not mandate telecommuting, we do want to increase the number of employees who are working remotely to the greatest extent possible, while doing so in a way that still supports the necessary operations of the university.

    This also applies to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the research environment. We expect to provide further guidance on steps to be taken in the research environment in coming days.


COVID-19 – Moving courses online and other significant updates
  • Moving classes online when they resume after spring recess. When spring recess ends and through April 5 at the earliest, classes will be held using Zoom, Canvas, or other online tools. I know classes take many forms across the university, so this shift to online teaching and learning raises many questions. Deans will be communicating with their faculty and students to provide further details in the days ahead.

  • Asking students to remain home or return home when possible. We are asking Yale College students to remain at home after spring recess. For undergraduates who are on campus now, please make every effort to return home as soon as possible, and no later than Sunday, March 15.

    Graduate and professional students are encouraged to remain off-campus and participate in online instruction, unless being on campus is necessitated by the nature of their research or academic programs. More information is forthcoming from the deans of each school.

  • Limiting international and domestic travel

  • Maintaining continuity of research and teaching. While the health of Yale’s faculty, staff, and students is our top priority, the university also remains committed to its mission of research and education. Faculty members and graduate and professional students are asked to carry out their teaching responsibilities online. Research groups have been asked to make contingency plans to maintain research continuity, which may involve faculty, staff, and students continuing to work and study in labs, machine shops, offices, and other campus facilities. The university will maintain central services to support research and teaching.


What You Need to Know
  • NEW To further support students able to leave residence halls, Columbia will provide up to $500 to any undergraduate who needs help in this regard.

  • NEW As of Monday, March 16, only designated personnel required to perform essential functions should report to work on-site. All other employees are asked to report to work virtually according to procedures announced and coordinated by your departments and schools.

  • NEW Updated recommendations are available for affiliates who have had direct close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 or who have returned from travel to a CDC Level 2 or CDC Level 3 country in the past 14 days.

  • Columbia will remain open, but all classes for the remainder of the semester will be conducted online. Students who are able to move out of undergraduate residence halls are encouraged to do so.

  • All Columbia business travel, both international and domestic, is now suspended for all affiliates.

  • No Columbia student, faculty, or staff has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

  • Columbia continues to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 developments and will be making a decision in the coming weeks about Commencementceremonies. Details will be shared with all school planners and posted here as soon as possible.


University issues further COVID-19 guidance, accommodations and criteria for remaining on campus
  • *Leaving campus*. We realize that for those of you leaving campus, the next few days will be distressing and fraught. As you make your arrangements, try to pack in ways that will allow you to leave campus yourself, rather than requiring family members to assist you. Our goal remains to limit the number of people on campus.

    We hope everyone who is able can leave by March 19. We realize you may have logistical questions about packing or storing your belongings; we will post updated information on the student FAQ tomorrow.

  • *Academic accommodations*. All classes, lectures, seminars, labs, and precepts will move to virtual instruction beginning Monday, March 23rd and remain virtual through the end of Spring 2020, including exams.  We realize that some of your coursework will be significantly hampered by this teaching format.  We’ll help your instructors accommodate this shift in the best possible way.  As we continue remote instruction, we’ll guarantee that you’ll be able to complete your Princeton academic work for the spring semester.

    We just this morning urged faculty administering midterm exams to be flexible as we confront this crisis. We asked them, if possible, to:

    Administer the midterm exam online, using Blackboard or Canvas;

    Allow students to pick up the exam and then take it elsewhere to finish and return it, under the auspices of the Honor Code;

    Re-weight the mid-term examination in their grading rubric, to acknowledge student stress and confusion.


To achieve that, we are announcing these measures:
  • Spring Break is being extended for one week for all students, except for those students in health-related Schools and programs in which Spring Break has already occurred or who are actively engaged in clinical rotations.

  • In the critically important interest of public health, if at all possible, students who are currently out of town should not return to campus. Students who are on campus should depart effective Sunday, March 15th.

  • Medical, Dental, Veterinary and some Nursing students will continue their clinical rotations. Information about clinical experiences will be handled separately by the Schools and details will soon be provided in a separate communication from the respective Deans.

  • Guidance on completion of labs and other non-classroom academic activities for graduate and professional students will be provided by each school. Ph.D. students who are on dissertation status or have completed their coursework will be advised separately in consultation with their graduate deans and the Vice Provost for Education, as we recognize individual research is different from classroom education.

  • We are actively working with departments and programs at the undergraduate level to ensure comparable academic experiences are provided virtually.

  • Whether students remain on campus or return home, all classes will be provided by virtual instruction, and on-campus activities will be limited.


关于交互项、中介效应或机制分析,各位学者可以参看如下文章:1.计量回归中的交互项到底什么鬼? 捎一本书给你2.计量经济学中"交互项"相关的5个问题和回应3.实证机制分析那些事,机制分析什么鬼?4.政策评估中"中介效应"因果分析, 增添了文献和Notes5.内生变量的交互项如何寻工具变量, 交互项共线咋办6.因果中介效应分析出现在顶刊, 是时候使用新方法了7.中介和调节效应自助法检验,针对非正态截面数据8.面板数据中介效应的计算程序, 打开面板这扇门9.中介和调节效应操作指南, 经典书籍和PPT珍藏版10.中介效应分析的四种方式, 原则方法和应用综述11.中介效应分析的方法和模型, 一篇听说必须看的文献12.多重中介效应的估计与检验, Stata MP15可下载13.具有调节变量的中介效应分析, moderated mediation14.具有调节变量的中介效应程序和数据, 独家解读相关结果15.有限混合模型FMM,异质性分组分析的新筹码16.省份/行业固定效应与年份固定效应的交乘项固定效应17.面板数据中去中心化的交互项回归什么情况18.面板交互固定效应是什么, 白聚山教授推动了最前沿的研究19.广义合成控制法gsynth, 基于交互固定效应的因果推断20.一个完整的实证程序, 以logit或ologit为例21.跨数据比较回归系数技巧22.U型, 倒U型, 还是线性关系, 你平常的做法不靠谱23.DID中行业/区域与时间趋势的交互项, 共同趋势检验, 动态政策效应检验24.机制分析做到极致的JPE趣文, 身高与收入25.机制分析, 中介渠道, 调节效应必读系列合集26.自变量和中介变量是内生的情况咋办?放在因果中介的框架27.调节变量, 中介变量和控制变量啥区别与联系?28.多个中介变量如何检验中介效应?29.中介变量需要放到回归中去吗?何时放何时不放?30.机制分析, 中介渠道, 调节效应必读系列合集

就内生性问题及其解决方法,咱们为各位学者引荐了很多文章,例如:看完顶级期刊文章后, 整理了内生性处理小册子1.“内生性” 到底是什么鬼? New Yorker告诉你2.Heckman两步法的内生性问题(IV-Heckman);3.IV和GMM相关估计步骤,内生性、异方差性等检验方法4.最全估计方法,解决遗漏变量偏差,内生性,混淆变量和相关问题5.毛咕噜论文中一些有趣的工具变量!6.非线性面板模型中内生性解决方案7.内生性处理的秘密武器-工具变量估计8.内生性处理方法与进展9.内生性问题和倾向得分匹配10.你的内生性解决方式out, ERM独领风骚11.工具变量IV必读文章20篇, 因果识别就靠他了12.面板数据是怎样处理内生性的13.计量分析中的内生性问题综述14.工具变量IV与内生性处理的解读15.一份改变实证研究的内生性处理思维导图;16.Top期刊里不同来源内生性处理方法17.面板数据中heckman方法和程序(xtheckman);18.控制函数法CF, 处理内生性的广义方法19.二值选择模型内生性检验方法20.2SRI还是2SPS, 内生性问题的二阶段CF法实现21.内生变量的交互项如何寻工具变量22.工具变量精辟解释, 保证你一辈子都忘不了除此之外,还有很多与此相关的文章,因此建议学者根据自身需要搜索相关内容。
而关于DID双重差分法,各位学者可以参阅如下文章:1.DID运用经典文献,强制性许可:来自对敌贸易法的证据2.连续DID经典文献, 土豆成就了旧世界的文明3.截面数据DID讲述, 截面做双重差分政策评估的范式4.RDD经典文献, RDD模型有效性稳健性检验5.事件研究法用于DID的经典文献"环境规制"论文数据和程序6.广义DID方法运用得非常经典的JHE文献7.DID的经典文献"强制许可"论文数据和do程序8.传销活动对经济发展影响, AER上截面数据分析经典文9.多期DID的经典文献big bad banks数据和do文件10.因果推断IV方法经典文献,究竟是制度还是人力资本促进了经济的发展?11.AER上因果关系确立, 敏感性检验, 异质性分析和跨数据使用经典文章12.第二篇因果推断经典,工作中断对工人随后生产效率的影响?13.密度经济学:来自柏林墙的自然实验, 最佳Econometrica论文14.AER上以DID, DDD为识别策略的劳动和健康经济学15.一个使用截面数据的政策评估方法, 也可以发AER16.多期DID模型的经典文献,big bad banks讲解",",17.多期DID的经典文献big bad banks数据和do文件18.非线性DID, 双重变换模型CIC, 分位数DID19.模糊(Fuzzy)DID是什么?如何用数据实现呢?20.多期DID的big bad banks中文翻译版本及各细节讲解21.DID中行业/区域与时间趋势的交互项, 共同趋势检验, 动态政策效应检验等22.截面数据DID操作程序指南, 一步一步教你做23.DID的研究动态和政策评估中应用的文献综述24.连续DID经典文献, 土豆成就了旧世界的文明25.DID双重差分方法, 一些容易出错的地方26.连续DID, DDD和比例DID, 不可观测选择偏差27.加权DID, IPW-DID实证程序百科全书式的宝典28.DID和DDD, 一个简明介绍, 双重和三重差分模型29.DID过程中总结的地图展示技巧30.DID的平行趋势假定检验程序和coefplot的其他用法


Econometrics Circle

数据系列:空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 |  夜间灯光 | 官员方言  | 微观数据 |

计量系列:匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 | 

数据处理:Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 | CHIP/ CHNS/CHARLS/CFPS/CGSS等 |

干货系列:能源环境 | 效率研究 | 空间计量 | 国际经贸 | 计量软件 | 商科研究 | 机器学习 | SSCI | CSSCI | SSCI查询 |


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