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美国经济学会宣布2022年的结果:Susan C. Athey(当选主席),David H. Autor和Caroline M. Hoxby(当选副主席)。


SUSAN C. ATHEY,  斯坦福大学商学院科技经济学教授,老公就是2021年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Guido Imbens,1.2021年诺贝尔经济学奖: 表彰David Card对劳动经济学和和Angrist和Imbens对因果推断的贡献,2.2021年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者学术贡献10000字长文,3.精彩! 三位诺奖获得者“因果推断”Lectures的精彩视频, 信息含量极大的世纪演讲!
关于Susan,1.机器学习和经济学, 技术革命正在改变经济社会和学术研究,2.机器学习对计量经济学的影响, AEA年会独家报道,3.机器学习和大数据计量经济学, 你必须阅读一下这篇,4.AEA公布2017-19年度最受关注的十大研究话题, 给你的选题方向!5.Athey&Imbens: 随机实验的计量经济学,6.JOE 2021年(诺奖得主)最新: 当处理时间变化时双重差分法方法的使用DID,7.应用计量经济学现状: 因果推断与政策评估最全综述,8.斯坦福, 伯克利和MIT对三位经济学诺奖得主人生(伉俪)事迹的全面报道,9.经济学博士在BATJ公司有啥用呢? 难不成比IT程序员还有能耐,10.机器学习方法出现在AER, JPE, QJE等顶刊上了!11.ECM主编: 潜在结果和有向无环图在因果推断实证研究中的应用权威讲解,12.美国经济评论的导师阅读清单,篇篇都是经典,13.弄懂政策评估计量方法, 计量大师给博士生甩出了一份论文单!

目的陈述:The AEA plays a crucial role in supporting the economic profession’s contributions to research and teaching. It creates community, scholarly interactions, and mentoring opportunities, and it provides education, information and institutions for the profession to accomplish its goals. As President, I would focus on the aspects of the Association most affected by recent changes in the environment in which we operate. Recent surveys of the membership have highlighted areas with potential for improvement, particularly around the professional climate as well as a variety of forms of inclusion. At the same time, communication and dissemination of research have been affected by digitization, and the last two years have seen substantial innovation in creating interactions at a distance. The AEA can consider innovation in the areas of opportunities for interaction, dissemination of research, mentoring, education, inclusivity, and the development of the pipeline of talent for the profession.


“Mentoring and Diversity,” (with Avery and Zemsky), AER, 2000;
“Information and Competition in U.S. Forest Service Timber Auctions,” (with Levin), Journal of Political Economy, 2001;
“Single Crossing Properties and the Existence of Pure Strategy Equilibria in Games of Incomplete Information,” Econometrica, 2001;
“Monotone Comparative Statics Under Uncertainty,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2002;
“Identification in Standard Auction Models,” (with Haile), Econometrica, 2002;
“Collusion and Price Rigidity,” (with Bagwell and Sanchirico), Review of Economic Studies, 2004;
“Identification and Inference in Nonlinear Difference-In-Difference Models,” (with Imbens), Econometrica, 2006;
“Comparing Open and Sealed Bid Auctions: Evidence from Timber Auctions” (with Levin and Seira), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2011;
“Position Auctions with Consumer Search” (with Ellison), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2011;
“Estimation and Inference of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Using Random Forests” (with Wager), Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2018.


DAVID H. AUTOR, MIT经济系教授、副系主任
关于Autor,1.经济研究中的自然实验者, Natural Experimenter,2.Top5刊上高被引文章前250强名单,经济学和商学高被引作者前500强名单,3.AER上用断点回归设计的经典文章有哪些?给出了具体的程序和code,4.一份使用工具变量回归的AER文章清单, 思路惊奇定会让你脑洞大开!5.一些关于中国主题的IZA工作论文, 劳动, 发展, 环境, 家庭, 人口等应有尽有!6.前沿: 反向DID, 反向双重差分法DDR全解析, 辅以实证示例!

目的陈述: I am honored to be nominated for this leadership position. Having served on the AEA Executive Committee and as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, I know the organization well and am confident that I can be effective immediately. Never having been burdened by genius personally, I recognize that the latent supply of diverse talent to economics is abundant but that the opportunities for discovering and cultivating that talent are highly and inefficiently constrained. Given the opportunity, I will advocate strongly for the AEA to grow our discipline by cultivating young economists through non-traditional channels—outside of top colleges and feeder post-docs—as Banerjee, Duflo, and Olken have done through the blended online and residential MIT master’s degree in Data, Economics, and Development Policy. Changing who does economics will change what economics does. I welcome that change.


“The fall of the labor share and the rise of superstar firms,” (with Dorn, Katz, Patterson, and Van Reenen), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020;
“The China shock: Learning from labor-market adjustment to large changes in trade,” (with Dorn and Hanson), Annual Review of Economics, 2016;
“Why are there still so many jobs? The history and future of workplace automation,” JEP, 2015;
“The China syndrome: Local labor market effects of import competition in the United States,” (with Dorn and Hanson), AER, 2013;
“The growth of low-skill service jobs and the polarization of the US labor market,” (with Dorn), AER, 2013;
“Skills, tasks and technologies: Implications for employment and earnings,” (with Acemoglu), Handbook of Labor Economics 4, Elsevier, pp. 1043-1171, 2011;
“The skill content of recent technological change: An empirical exploration,” (with Levy, Murnane), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003;
“The rise in the disability rolls and the decline in unemployment,” (with Duggan), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003;
“Outsourcing at will: The contribution of unjust dismissal doctrine to the growth of employment outsourcing,” Journal of Labor Economics, 2003;
“Computing Inequality: Have Computers Changed the Labor Market?” (with Katz and Krueger), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998.

CAROLINE M. HOXBY, 斯坦福大学经济学教授

目的陈述: Of all of the activities I have done, my favorite has been leading the NBER's Economics of Education program. First, I greatly enjoy mentoring young economists, helping them make intellectual connections, and ensuring a community that works together. Second, economics is an incredibly powerful tool for the study of education and related issues in public and labor economics. It is rewarding to see its expanding use on matters so fundamental to people's welfare. Third, I have tried to make the Program welcoming and collegial, including to many people who are not members of the NBER. I have built a uniquely diverse program in terms of race, ethnicity, and gender. I believe that our profession will be strengthened if it feels like a welcoming and supportive environment for people of all backgrounds. I would welcome opportunities to enhance the AEA's mentorship programs, recognition programs, publications, and policies.


“Advanced Cognitive Skill Deserts in the US: Their Likely Causes and Implications,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, forthcoming;
“The Missing ‘One-Offs’: The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low-Income Students” (with Avery), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2014;
“A Revealed Preference Ranking of American Colleges and Universities” (with Avery, Glickman, and Metrick), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013;
“Political Jurisdictions in Heterogeneous Communities” (with Alesina and Baqir), Journal of Political Economy, 2004;
“Would School Choice Change the Teaching Profession?”, Journal of Human Resources, 2002;
“All School Finance Equalizations Are Not Created Equal,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2001; “Does Competition Among Public Schools Benefit Students and Taxpayers?” AER, 2000;
“The Effects of Class Size on Student Achievement: New Evidence from Population Variation,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2000;
“The Productivity of Schools and Other Local Public Goods Producers,” Journal of Public Economics, 1999;
“How Teachers' Unions Affect Education Production,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1996.

关于三位经济学家,一些相关内容:1.J.Angrist就因果推断长篇评论+音频版,2.Angrist因果推断课程,经典期刊读物汇集,3.经济研究中的自然实验者, Natural Experimenter,4.USA经管商博士最狂热崇拜的计量书籍震撼出炉,5.计量经济学的“公信力革命”, 1983-2010,6.哪本因果推断书籍最好?我们给你整理好了这个书单!7.你应该阅读哪本因果推断书籍: 一份进阶流程图和简短书评列表,8.Sims与安神的论战从未停止,JOE卷入第三次大论战,9.我是安神, 我为因果推断计量代言,10.安神+克拉克奖得主的RDD论文, 断点回归设计,11.政策效应评估的四种方法(Policy evaluation),12.Guido Imbens: 潜在结果和有向无环图在因果推断实证研究中的应用实例讲解(二),13.应用计量经济学现状: 因果推断与政策评估最全综述,14.ECM主编: 潜在结果和有向无环图在因果推断实证研究中的应用权威讲解,15.微观计量经济学在理论和应用上走过的30年,16.微观计量经济学:政策效应评估,17.断点回归设计RDD分类与操作案例,18.广义合成控制法gsynth, Stata运行程序release,19.基于模型还是基于设计的实证方法? 诺奖候选人给你的insights!20.劳动经济学“诺贝尔奖”公布了, 获得者实至名归!21.三重差分法运行和示例, 附上运行代码和结果解析!22.拐点回归设计RKD概览, 及其开展实证研究的经典示例




Econometrics Circle

数据系列空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 |  夜间灯光 | 官员方言  | 微观数据 | 内部数据计量系列匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 | 200篇合辑 | 因果识别 | 社会网络 | 空间DID数据处理Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 | CHIP/ CHNS/CHARLS/CFPS/CGSS等 |干货系列能源环境 | 效率研究 | 空间计量 | 国际经贸 | 计量软件 | 商科研究 | 机器学习 | SSCI | CSSCI | SSCI查询 | 名家经验计量经济圈组织了一个计量社群,有如下特征:热情互助最多前沿趋势最多、社科资料最多、社科数据最多、科研牛人最多、海外名校最多。因此,建议积极进取和有强烈研习激情的中青年学者到社群交流探讨,始终坚信优秀是通过感染优秀而互相成就彼此的。

