Abstract:I investigate whether a rural household’s aversion to commodity price volatilitydrives out-migration. Adapting the standard agricultural household framework, I model a rural household’s migration decision making under uncertainty in commodity prices and migrant wages. Empirical results indicate that a greater household level aversion to price risk is significantly related to a higher likelihood of outmigration. Moreover, the significant relationship between aversion to price risk and migration is more pronounced in villages that lack daily markets and food aid, implying that the negative welfare effects of food price volatility may be amplified by underdeveloped market mechanisms and poor local infrastructure. A battery of robustness checks and falsification tests provide strong suggestive evidence to conclude that migration is a household strategy to manage price risk. This article is among the first to highlight the link between price risk and migration and complements the literature on income risk and migration.
Keyword:migration, risk, uncertainty, commodity price, price volatility, Ethiopia
《AJAE》全称为《American Journal of Agricultural Economics》,《美国农业经济学杂志》旨在为世界各地的农业和食品经济学、自然资源和环境、以及农村和社区发展等领域的创造性学术工作讨论提供平台。最新影响因子为4.082,刊载方向为管理科学-农业经济与政策。