
外研版九上英语Module 8 Sports life 教案(教学设计)

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10





Module 1 Wonders of the world 教案
Module 2 Public holidays 教案
Module 3 Heroes 教案(教学设计)
Module 4 Home alone 教案设计
Module 5 Museums 教案设计
Module 6 Problems 教案设计

Module 7 Great books 教案设计

Module 8 Sports life 知识精讲


Module 8 Sports life


Module 8的主要内容为运用一般过去时的被动语态来描述自己和他人的运动生活,包括介绍自己喜爱的球队比赛和自己喜爱的一位体育明星。从全书来看,本模块承接上一模块对一般现在时被动语态的学习和运用,着重两类时态的区别使用,让同学们通过课堂活动来掌握其用法。培养学生们对体育活动的热爱。

Unit 1 Daming wasn’t chosenfor the team last time.



1. Key vocabulary: 理解stand for, memory, point,decision, excuse, noon, seat, no way, fair, kick, mad在文中的意思,并能正确地翻译。

2. Key structures: 理解 Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time.  I don’t agree.  I do hope they win this time. 这几个句型在句中的意思和用法。








Step 1 Lead-in   


Step 2Consolidate new words

【操作方式】列出本语篇重要单词,领读这些单词,让学生们尽力熟悉并记住它们, 然后让学生利用这些生词说出文中的一些简单信息。

Step 3 通过图片导入话题


Step 4 听和读

  1. 让学生听录音,理解大意。

  2. 让学生再仔细听一篇,完成Activity 2中的句子。

1 Tony’sbasketball matches are held _______ Saturday.

2 If a school team in Beijing wins its match or scores over _______points in a match, it can play in the competition

3 Tony’s team BIGstands for Beijing____________ Giants.

4 BIG’s ______think they are fantastic.

Key: 1.every    2. fifty    3. International   4. fans

 3. 听一遍Activity 3, 回答下面的问题。

    1. Who is training for the big match next week?


2. When is thematch?

       Next Saturday at noon.


1. HAS stands forHaidian All Stars.       (T)

2. HAS beat BIGbecause Daming was chosen for the team last time.        (F)

3. Tony has playedthree matches against HAS this year.   (T)  

   4. 让学生读对话内容,然后完成Activity 3,4,5, 同桌互相检查,然后全班核对答案。

Activity 3

Basketball  competition


________  against ________

Score of  last match

__________  : __________

Time of  next match


Lingling’s  favourite team to win


  Activity 4

    1 Tony looks tired because______________________________.

2 Betty has seenHAS play this season, and she thinks_______.

3 Tony hopes BIGwill _____.

4 Betty and Linging say thatHAS will win because they want Tony to ________________.

     Key: 1. he isgraining for the big match next week   

2. it’ll be adifficult match

       3. win               4. try harder to win

Activity 5



If Betty’s (1) _______ iscorrect, HAS won the last match. BIG did not play very well because Daming wasleft out of the team, and it was a bad (2) _________.The coming match will start at(3) ______ next Saturday, so if Betty and Linging want to watch the match andhave good (4) _______, they had better get there by 11:30. Linging tells Tonyhe should not (5) ______ the ball, but throw it. Tony is so (6) _______ atBetty and Linging that he will try harder to win.

Key: 1memory   2decision   3noon

    4seats      5kick      6mad

Step 5 Everyday English


•        That’s no excuse! 那不是理由!

•        No way! 绝对不可能!常用来表示不同意做某事或认为某事不可能发生。

•        Face the truth. 面对现实。

•        You’ve got no chance! 你没有机会了!

•        Nice work! 干得好!/干得不错!

Step 6 Language points

让学生们再读一遍Activity 3, 然后找出其中的主要语言点,并理解他们在文中的意思及用法。

1. What does HASstand for?

Stand for表示……的缩写,代表;意味着

e.g. What does theletter UN stand for?


2. Who are youplaying against?

Play against表示和某人/某队对抗,比赛

e.g. Our class willplay against Class Two this weekend.


3. If my memory iscorrect, HAS 98 points to BIG 52.


If my memory iscorrect…表示如果我没记错的话…”

e.g. If my memory iscorrect, he lived in Parisfor a while.


4. - Do you thinkthey’ll win, Lingling?

  - No way!

no way常用来表示不同意做某事或认为某事不可能发生。

e.g. There’s no wayI’m going to ay 300 just for a weekend in Pairs.


5. That’s a baddecision.


Make a decision表示做决定

Make a decision todo sth.=decide to do sth.都表示决定去做某事

e.g. I have not madea decision to travel in abroad.

   =I have not decide to go travelling inabroad.


6. It’s nextSaturday at noon.

at noon表示在中午

e.g. He had a biglunch at noon with his family in the hotel.


7. He’s so mad at usthat he’ll try harder to win, just to show we’re wrong!

be mad at sb.表示和某人生气。等于be angry with sb.

e.g. She became madat her friend when he said something to hurt her.


Step 7 Pronunciation and speaking


Strongwords in bold

1. Yes, I’m training for the big matchnext week.

2. It’s next Saturday at noon, but if you wantgood seats, you should come by 11:30.

3. He’s so mad at us that he’ll tryharder to win, justto show we’re wrong!

Step 8 Summary

重点短语:standfor       make a decision

            at noon         no way

Step 9 Exercises


1. -What does the sign _______?

   -It means“No parking”.

    A. stand for      B. stand at      

    C. look at         D. look for

2. He has a bad _______, so he often forgetssomething.

   A.excuse        B. memory      

   C.point          D. seat

3. -Have you made a decision ____ the movie.

    -Yes, Ihave.

   A.see               B. to see        

   C.seeing          D. saw

4. His father is ____ at his low marks in the exam.

    A.mad           B. angry     

    C.nice           D. glad

Keys: 1. A   2. B   3.B  4. A

Step 10 Homework


Unit 2 He was invited tocompetitions around the world


1. 语言知识目标

Key vocabulary—sportsman, ability, hurdling, sportswoman, race, record,method, hurdles,Japan,break, sportsperson, Asian, suffer, courage, pride

Key structures—high jump, set up, suffer from, first place, stop sb.from doing sth.  take pride in


2. 语言技能目标


3. 情感态度目标



1. 学习文中的一些表达法。

2. 了解一些过去时的被动语态的用法。


Step 1 Lead-in


Step 2 学习新单词


Step 3 Reading


1. 让学生先听文章内容,回答两个简单的问题。

   Who wona gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games? Liu Xiang

Where was LiuXiang born? In Shanghai.

2. 先让学生快速浏览短文,理解文章的主旨,并浏览3个选项,选出最佳答案。然后全班核对答案,说出选此答案的理由。

a) Liu Xiangwas helped by his sports school to win a gold medal.

b) Liu Xiangwill be a star and not a sports hero.

c) Liu Xianghas trained for many years and won many gold medals.

Key: c

3. 让学生细读课文,梳理出每个年份发生的事情,完成管匹配。然后由部分学生汇报,全班核对答案。


Keys: 1983-c   1993-e  1998-b 

2001-a   2004-d   2008-g    2012-f

3. 让学生个体活动,浏览方框中给出的单词,通读短文,完成填空。全班核对答案。

ability         Asian        courage  

method       pride         race

The Chinese take great(1) ______ in Liu Xiang. At first, he was not very successful, but his coachnoticed his (2) _______ in running and jumping, and helped him change histraining (3) _________.

He won a number of important (4) ______and became the first (5) _______ sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal forhurdling. However, from 2008 on, he missed some competitions because of a footproblem. Although he did not complete the 2012 Olympic Games, he is still asymbol of great (6) _________ and success.

Keys: 1. pride  2. ability   3. methods  

4. races   5. Asian   6. courage

Step 4 Learningto learn

  To learn about the notes.

Notes usually include only the most important information from a passage.Further details and some words are left out as long as the meaning is clear.

Step 5 Language points

1. Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump.

encouragesb. to do sth.表示鼓励某人去做某事

beencouraged to do sth.表示被鼓励去做某事

e.g. Ms Wang always encourages us to speak English in class.


    We are encouragedby Ms Wangtospeak English in class.


2. …at the same time broke the Olympic Games record.


break the record表示打破记录

3. In 2001, a special programme was set up tohelp young sportsmen and sportswomen.




set up表示设立;创办

e.g. She plans to set up her own company.


4. His races wererecorded, and he was compared with the world’s best sports stars.

be compared with表示……相比

e.g. Don’t compare me with other students.


5. From 2008 on,he suffered a lot from his foot problem, but he didn’t give up.

suffer from表示受(某种病痛)折磨,因……而受苦

e.g. I often suffer from toothaches. 


6. He still returnedto first place in the world 110mhurdles race in 2012.

first place表示第一名,冠军

e.g. He once won the first place in the race.


7. It is apity that his foot problem stopped him from completing the 2012 London OlympicGames.

it’s a pity that ...表示很遗憾……”

e.g. It’s a pity that he didn’t see the movie yesterday. 


stop sb. from doing sth.表示阻止某人做某事

e.g. I want to stop my brother from playing computer games.


8. …and we continue to take great pride in him.

当我们想表达……感到骄傲、自豪时,可以用takepride in

be proud of 表示……为骄傲

e.g. They take great pride in their daughter’s achievements.


   I’m proud of my hometown.


Step 6 Writing

1. 让学生根据要点写出完整的句子,然后同桌互相检查,交流补充。最后由教师核对答案。

2. 让学生两人一组交流,总结一般过去时被动语态的结构。然后教师总结以加深学生对被动语态的理解。最后全班核对答案。

3. 学生两人一组进行活动,思考、讨论并拟出写作提纲。然后让学生自己根据自己对张怡宁的了解写一篇介绍张怡宁的短文。

Step 7 Summary


•        重点短语: set up      suffer from       first place

               stop sb. (from) doing sth.     take pride in

Step 8 Exercises


1. Our school ____ a newclassroom for sports.

   A. set down      B. set up        

   C. set off          D. set at

2. Liu Xiang suffered_____ great pain to take part in the hurdling last year.

  A. at         B. off       

 C. to         D. from

3. At last he got the____ place in the school math competition.

 A. first          B. one            C. his first

4. Liu Xiang won the goldmedal. We took ____ in him.

 A. pride       B. proud        C. prides

Step 9 Homework

•        Finishyour passage about Zhang Yining.

•        Write a passage to introduce Yao Ming following the passagewe learned today.

Unit 3 Language in use


1. 语言知识目标


2. 语言技能目标


3. 情感目标





Step 1 Language practice

1. 让学生掌握被动语态的用法。

1. Daming ______________ for the team last time.

2. He _____________to competitions around the world.

Keys: 1. wasn’t chosen       2. wasinvited

Step 2 Grammar

被动语态 (2)




e.g.He told the story. (主动语态)

      The was told by him. (被动语态)




主语+was/were+动词过去分词( + by+动作执行者)

e.g.The letter was written by Jim.


主语+was/were not+动词过去分词( + by+动作执行者)

e.g.The letter wasn’t written by Jim.



e.g.Was the letter written by Jim?



e.g.When was the letter written by Jim?



e.g.The school encouraged Liu Xiang to train for the high jump.

   Liu Xiang was encouraged to train for thehigh jump.


e.g.The boss made him complete the work one day.

    He was made to complete the work one day(by the boss).

Step 3 Practice

1. 让学生个体活动,阅读对话,完成填空。然后全班核对答案。最后教师引导学生小结被动语态在特殊疑问句中的用法。

choose    hold  win

Linging: Let’s answerthese questions about sport in the school magazine. Are you ready?

Betty: Sure, I love sport.Go on, ask me the first question.

Linging: Where (1) ________the Olympic Games ______ in 2008?

 Betty: That’s too easy! They (2) _________ in Beijing.

Linging: And how manygold medals (3) _______China______ at the Beijing Olympics?

Betty: Oh, I know.Fifty …no, fifty-one gold medals (4) __________ byChinaat the Beijing Olympics.

Linging: Correct,Next, what competition (5) ______ Liu Xiang ________at the 2004 Olympic Games?

Betty: Was it the hurdles?

Linging: Well done!Yes, it was. And one more question. Who (6) ___________ for the schoolbasketball team last week?

Betty: Ha, ha! I don’t know.Let’s go and find out.

Keys: 1. were; held     2. were held     3. did; win

    4. were won      5. did; win      6. was chosen

2. 让学生个体活动,通读短文,掌握大意。然后根据语境用动词的正确时态和语态填空。最后全班核对答案。

Millions of people across the world (1) ________ (watch) the 2008 BeijingOlympic Games. The excellent results at the Games were the products of manyyears of hard work. Young Olympic players (2) ____________ (train) by theircoaches. Their training (3) ______________ (record) and (4) ___________ (compare)with those of the world’s best players. The information (5) __________ (use) tomake training methods better. Hard training and proper methods helped manyplayers become successful at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Keys: 1.watched    2. were trained        3. was recorded

     4. compared   5. was used

3. 让学生看图技术图片。然后两人一组,根据提示谈论图片。最后教师点名,部分小组展示,全班反馈。

an Italian marathonrunner, Dorando Pietri / enter the stadium/take/wrong turn during therace/he/fall down

he /treat / a doctor

 he / help / across finishing line

 he / give / first place / the American, Johnny Hayes / give / secondplace

 after a discussion, the American, Johnny Hayes / give / first place

For example:

An Italian marathon runner, Dorando Pietri, entered the stadium and tooka wrong turn during the race. He fell down. He was treated by a doctor and hewas helped across the finishing line. At first, he was given first place, andthe American runner Johnny Hayes was given second place. But after adiscussion, the American runner was given the first place.

4. 让学生先朗读方框中给出的单词,并理解其含义。然后让他们个体活动,根据语境完成句子。最后全班核对答案。

ability       Asian        decision       method

neck          pride         race              seat

1. What_________do the sportspersons use to prepare for the Olympic Games?

2. They choseDaming for the team, and this was a good __________.

3. We waitedin our ________ for the _______ to start at noon.

4. Her parentstake great _______ in her when they see the Olympic gold medal round her________.

5. Liu Xiangwon a gold medal at the _______ Games.

6. His great_________ in running helped him win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.

Keys: 1. methods     2. decision       3. seats; race

    4. pride; neck   5. Asian         6 ability

5. 让学生熟读题目,选出正确答案,训练学生识词和理解句意的能力。

1. The basketball player ____ by his coach to train every day.

    a) was compared        b) advised    

    c) compared            d) was advised

2. The teamplayed well, but they did not ____ the competition.

    a) score        b) do      

    c) win         d) be successful

3. Mr Li______ to work for the new computer company.

    a) was noticed     b) was chosen    

    c) set up          d) held

4. UN _____the United Nations.

    a) makes                b) spells           

    c) stands for             d) looks like

5. Our teamlost! We ______ by the other team.

    a) noticed         b) were beaten      

    c) won              d) were encouraged

Keys: 1.d   2. c   3. b   4. c   5.b

6. 让学生个体活动,先看题,然后带着问题听录音,选出正确的句子。

1. Betty is reading a book about Chen Zhong.

2. Chen Zhongfound her training difficult when she first started doing taekwondo.

3. Chen Zhongdid not win a gold medal at the Sydney Olympic Games.

Keys: 2√

7. 让学生先浏览问题,再听录音,理解细节信息,作出正确的选择。

1 Whatdid Chen Zhong do before she changed to taekwondo?

   a) She did a project on the Internet.

   b) She played basketball.

   c) She almost gave up sport.

2 Whoencouraged Chen Zhong to continue with her training?

   a) Her coach.           b) Her friends.

   c) Her mother.

3 How did Chen Zhong showshe was happy after winning a gold medal?

   a) She cheered.

   b) She put her arms round her coach.

   c) She smiled for a photo.

Keys: 1. b    2. c  3. b

8. 让学生个体活动,阅读材料,分析句子间的逻辑关系,安排顺序。然后全班核对答案,并谈论排序的理由。

a) Well, don’t stop looking. It’s important to find a club thatfits you. There’s always a better one.

b) People say I’ve got no chance of becoming really good attaekwondo in five years.

c) I also want to findout whether I am too old to start taekwondo.

d) Of course not! People of all ages can do taekwondo. First ofall, you need to find a club.

e) Thank you. I thinkI’ll be a good player in three years.

f) There’s one near myschool, but I don’t think it’s good.

g) Well, it usually takes about five years, but it can be donein about two or three years, so go for it!

Keys:a)—6   b) —1  c)— 3   d) —4   e) —7   f) —5   g) —2

Step 4 Around the world


Step 5 Module task

1.     让学生开展小组活动,设计所要的问题。

Work in groups. Write questions in the table tofind out about the sports that your classmates like to watch and do.


Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

What sports do  you like to do/watch?

How often do you  …?

2.     让学生个体活动,采访同学,并认真记录同学的答案。然后整理出答案。

Go around and ask as many students as you can.Write their answers in the table.


Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

What sports do  you like to do/watch?

How often do you  …?

3. 让学生个人整理采访结果,完成调查报告。然后班级汇报、展示。

Write up the results of your survey. Use wordslike and, although, but, etc.

Step 6 Summary


2.常用短语: stand for           no way

         set up               suffer from

       first place             stop sb. from sth.

     take pride in 


Step 7 Exercises


1. Each year quite a lot of food ____ around the world. It’sreally time for us to do something.

    A. was wasted      B. is wasted    C. will be wasted

2.He___ to study harder for the coming exam yesterday.

    A. encourage    B. is encouraged   C. was encouraged

3. Many children inBritain___ to have their own bankcards last year.

   A. allowed        B. are allowed    C. were allowed

4.Tom ____ three chances in the high jump then.

    A. give        B. am given  C. was given      D. will be given

Keys: 1. B   2. C  3. C   4. C


1. Many buildings in Lushan ______ in the earthquake on April20th. It will surely be reconstructed(重建) more beautifully.

  A. have destroyed        B. are destroyed  

  C. were destroyed       D. are destroying

2.-You bought a new car! An American car?

  -No. A Chinese car. It ______ in Taizhou.

   A. makes               B. made  

   C. was made         D. will be made

3.-Why did Tom go to bed so late yesterday?

  -Because his homework _____on time.

    A. didn’t finish      

    B. finish      

    C. wasn’t finished

4. It was reported that nine Chinese people  ______ in a balloon crash (坠毁)in Egypt on February 26, 2013.

  A. are killed              B. were killed

  C. will kill                  D. have killed

5.The mobile phone has influenced people’s lifea lot since it _____.

  A. invents                B. invented     

  C. is invented          D. was invented

6. On June 11th, 2013, Shenzhou-10 carrying three astronauts_____ into space from the space center in Jiuquan.

   A.sent up  B. are sent up   C. was sent up 

7.-“Frog”Mo Yan\\\\\\\'s latest novel, please!

   -Sorry, it _____ just now. But it will comeout again soon.

    A. sold out              B. is sold out       

    C. has sold out       D. was sold out

8.-Who designed this game?

    -It ______ by Tom in 1999.

    A. is designed            B. designs      

    C. was designed       D. designed

9.Annie _____ to the party. She had a wonderful time with us.

   A. invites              B. is invited      

   C. was invited       D. has invited

Keys: 1. C  2. C 3. C  4. B  5. D 6. C 7. D  8. C  9. C

Step 8 Homework

    请写一篇文章来介绍体育运动的好处和坏处(Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports)


a. 体育运动的好处。

b. 体育运动可能带来的副作用。

c. 我参加体育活动的体会。



