He said none of your business, which did not go over so well, and then he started giving various explanations. And one of the explanations was that he had given his financial statement to the election commission.
As someone who’s filled out financial statements and someone who has filled out an income tax return, I call tell you, they are two very different animals. You will learn a whole lot more about Donald Trump if he produces his income tax return.
That’s why I would like to make him an offer. An offer that he can’t refuse. Donald Trump, at one point, he said various things at different times. But at one point, he said several times, he says he can’t do it. He can’t release it because he is under audit.
Now, I’ve got news for him. I am under audit too. And I would be delighted to meet him any place, anytime between our election. I’ll bring my tax return. He can bring his tax return. Nobody is going to arrest us. There are no rules against showing your tax returns and just let people ask questions about the items that are on there.
对于这个,我只想说,我也在审计中啊。我欢迎他在选取区间跟我见面,时间、地点由他随便挑。我带上我的税单, 带上他的税单。没人会因为这个抓我们进警局。从来没有哪条规矩是说不能公开自己的税单让人检查的。
How many of you would be afraid to have your tax return made public? You're only afraid if you got something to be afraid about. He's not afraid of the IRS. He's afraid because of you.
I will meet him in Omaha or Mar-a-Lago or he can pick the place anytime between our election. I’ll bring my return. He’ll bring his return. We're both under audit. And believe me, nobody will stop us from talking about what's on those returns. Send the word to him, if you will.
我们可以约在奥马哈,或者佛罗里达州棕榈滩Mar-A-Lago俱乐部(由Donald Trump拥有),大选期间,地点时间任他选。我带上我的税单,他带上他的税单。我们都在审计中。相信我,没人会对此指指点点。请务必把我的话转告给他。
The another thing he (Donald Trump) said is he says America isn’t great anymore. You know, you need him because America is just not great anymore.
I’m gonna read this, cuz I wanna make sure I got it exactly right.
He says no one knows the system better than me which is I ALONE can fix it.
I didn’t really realize we are in such a danger. I think when some people make a statement like that, you should look at his record when he is appeared to the American public before.
Donald Trump has had a lot of bankruptcies. But in 1995, that might not just be the only time. Donald Trump went to American people and he said “ Join me. I am a winner. Join me and invest in my company.” Trump Hotels, Casinos and Resorts.
The next ten year. The company loses money every year. Every single year. He takes out 44 million dollars in compensation during that period.
If a monkey had thrown a dart at a stock page, the monkey on average would made a 150%.
But the people who believe in him, that listen to his siren song, came away losing well over 90 cents on a dollar. They got back less than a dime.
No member of the Buffet family has gone to Iraq or Afghanistan.No member of the Trump family has gone to Iraq or Afghanistan.We both none extremely well during these periods. And our families haven’t sacrificed anything. Donald Trump haven’t sacrificed anything.
But how in the world that you stand up to a couple of parents who have lost son and talked about sacrificing because you are building a bunch of buildings.
I ask Donald Trump: 'Have you no sense of decency, sir?
When I was born in 1930, if my parents would see what the world would look like in 2016 , they wouldn’t believe it. The GDP per capita is 6 times what it was when I was born that never happened in mankind. It is a miracle and the miracle at America and it’s still has all the qualities that it had in 1913. American delivers wealth has been incredible. In terms of distributing wealth, it not been what I consider its potential.
I just described 56,000 dollars of GDP per capita and that means a family of four on average would have 224,000 of GDP per capita , but it hasn’t worked out that way. This country marking some people enormous wealthy and left people behind. Hillary Clinton is the person who cares about it.
The aggregate wealth of the top 400 was 93 billion in 1990. Currently it is two trillion 374 billion. That 2.4 trillion 400 people in this country , they are not bad people, I know many of them. They have benefit from this system. It’s not because they are evil, they took the advantage of this system. They are the one with lobbyists, they are the one come up with carried interest.
It is goanna somebody with strength, resoluteness, brains, energy to affect change. It wouldn’t happen by itself. It takes guts, it is a tough tough job when you try to change the code that people makes billions dollar a year in order to give a better break the people who work harder and take home you know a few hundred dollars a week. It is really wrong in the country where 56,000 dollars GDP per person for anybody that works 60 hours per week still can’t provide a decent living for their family.
This problem would not cure itself and Donald Trump would not fix it. Hillary Clinton has told you what she is going to do. She just telling you what what she is gonging to do with the tax code and when that get enacted. I will be a little worse off and you will be better off.
这个问题并不会自己自愈,并且川普不会试图解决它。Hillary Clinton已经告诉你她将会做什么了,她将会提高美国富人的税,当这个议案得到通过时,我的财务状况可能变得糟糕一些,但是你们将会变得更富有!
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