

请点击关注 👉 爱天涯 2023-02-28



演讲者:Ricardo Lieuw On


How to triple your memory by using this trick


So, I have a little test for you. Don't panic. 

所以,我给你们准备了一些测试。不要惊慌。I'm not here to judge you.我不是来批判你的。It's just a little test, OK? 这只是一个小测试,好吗?First, you get 30 seconds to memorize 10 words in the right order. 首先,你有30秒的时间以正确的顺序记忆10个单词。After that, you get 30 seconds to write down what you remembered. 在那之后,你会得到30秒来记下你记得的东西。And then finally, you get 30 seconds to check your answers. 最后,你得到30秒来检查你的答案。 So, are you guys ready? 所以,你们准备好了吗?Well, we're going to start anyway. 好吧,无论如何我们都会开始。So, memorize 10 words in the right order in 30 seconds in three, two, one, go! 好,让我们用30秒内以正确的顺序记住10个单词,3,2,1,开始!OK. Stop. Now write down what you remember. 好。停止。现在写下你记得的东西。OK, and stop. Now quickly check your answers. 好的,停下来。现在快速检查你的答案。OK, and stop. Very exciting;好的,停下来。这非常令人兴奋。I heard a lot of grunting and moaning. 我听到很多咕噜声和呻吟声。So I hope I didn't stress you out too much. 所以我希望我没有给你太多压力。
Now a moment of reflection. 现在是一个反思的时刻。I'd like you to ask yourself,我希望你问问自己,"How did I memorize this, and was it the best way to do it?" “我怎么记住这个,这是最好的方式吗?”Now, for the generation of my parents and grandparents, 现在,为了我的父母和祖父母的一代,being able to memorize something like this was an absolutely essential skill. 能够记住这样的事情是绝对必要的技能。But nowadays, why would anyone want to remember a list of anything? 但是现在,为什么会有人想记住列表上的任何事情?You just take a picture of the screen, and you're done, right? 你只是拍了一下屏幕的图片,你就完事了吧?So with all the technology we have these days,因此,凭借我们现在拥有的所有技术,it seemed as if memorizing has somehow become less important. 似乎记忆在某种程度上变得不那么重要了。
So why should we then, in today's day and age, still want to get better at memorizing? 那么,为什么我们在今天这个时代仍然想要更好地记忆?Well, to answer that question, I'd like to tell you a little story. 那么,为了回答这个问题,我想告诉你一个小故事。 In high school, I flunked a grade, twice. 在高中时,我两次失去了成绩。After seven years of torture, I finally got my diploma. 经过七年的折磨,我终于拿到了文凭。Sweet, sweet freedom! What would I do with it? 自由万岁!我该怎么办? I didn't know. One thing I did know, however, was that我不知道。但是,我知道的一件事是,I didn't want to go back to school我不想回到学校,because that old learning business, it wasn't cut out for me. 因为传统的学习方式,并不适合我。
So instead, I went to sunny California for nine months, 所以相反,我去了阳光明媚的加利福尼亚州九个月, and there I worked as a bagger, not beggar - bagger. 在那里我作为一个装袋工,不是乞丐,是装袋工。So in a supermarket, I had to put people's groceries in bags,在超市,我不得不把人们的杂货放在袋子里,and then I'd get a little tip. 然后我会得到一点小费。Surprisingly, that year I learned so much.令人惊讶的是,那一年我学到了很多东西。 I learned how to bag a bunch of groceries really, really quickly. 我学会了如何真正地,非常快地包装一堆杂货。I learned how to drive a car. 我学会了如何驾驶汽车。 And in California, people are a little bit more open than they are in Amsterdam. 在加利福尼亚州,人们比在阿姆斯特丹更开放。So I also learned how to have a little chat with a stranger,所以我也学会了如何与陌生人聊天,just for the hell of it. 只是为了(好玩)它的地狱。That year I discovered that I don't hate learning, 那一年,我发现我不讨厌学习了,just the specific way of doing it. 并且还会具体地去学。So I decided to go and study psychology. 所以我决定去学习心理学。 Now for the first time ever, 那是有史以来第一次,I was getting information that I absolutely wanted to know. 我得到了我绝对想知道的信息。
Now I was spending more time in the library than I spent skipping school as a teenager, voluntarily. 现在,我在图书馆花的时间比我少年时自愿逃学的时间还要多。 The only problem was that I was spending all of my time in the library 唯一的问题是我把所有的时间都花在了图书馆,because I'd never learned how to learn. 因为我从来没有学过如何学习。So I started experimenting with different methods of reading texts, of memorizing texts, 所以我开始尝试不同的阅读文本,记忆文本的方法,and I got my reading time of three hours per chapter down to one. 每章的阅读时间为3小时。This way of studying enabled me to do an honors program, to get my degree, 这种学习方式使我能够获得荣誉课程,获得学位,and to fall in love with learning. 并爱上学习。 And now I happily work for a company called Remind, 现在,我很高兴为一家名为Remind的公司工作,in which we teach people the science and art of learning. 在那里我们教人们学习科学和艺术。 We're trying to bring back into education what we ourselves missed. 我们正试图将我们自己错过的教育重新学回来。Now for the past three years,在过去的三年里,we've also organized the Dutch National Memory Championships for high schoolers. 我们还为高中生组织了荷兰国家记忆锦标赛。We do this to show that everybody is capable of amazing feats of memory, 我们这样做是为了表明每个人都有惊人的记忆力,but also to show that memorization is about a lot more than just learning your French or your Spanish words. 但也表明记忆不仅仅是学习法语或西班牙语。
And today I'd also like to share this with you. 今天我也想和你分享一下。 So, in the beginning, I made you do this little test, 所以,一开始,我让你做了这个小小的测试, just to make you aware of how you're memorizing things right now. 只是为了让你意识到你现在正在记忆的事情。Next, I'd like to give you a new type of memory experience. 接下来,我想给你一种新的记忆体验。This time you can even sit back and relax. 这次你甚至可以高枕无忧。So I'm going to ask you to find a comfortable position to sit, 所以我要求你找一个舒适的姿势坐下,to close your eyes, and to take a deep breath. 闭上眼睛,深吸一口气。
Now, I want you to think of someone you know called John, 现在,我想让你想到一个你认识叫约翰的人,and I want you to see him. 我希望你能看到他。Now, John just grabbed the sun out of the sky, 现在,约翰抓住了太阳从天而降,and he just threw it on your feet. 他把它扔到了你的脚上。And now your feet are getting really big and red and swollen 现在你的脚变得非常大,红肿,because John just threw the sun on your feet. 因为约翰把太阳扔在你的脚上。Now you look to your knees, and on your knees,现在,你看着你的膝盖,在你的膝盖上you see 10 little guys playing basketball - very strange sight. 你看到10个小家伙在打篮球 - 非常奇怪的景象。And on their shirts, you can see in brightly colored letters the "New York Knicks," 在他们的衬衫上,你可以看到鲜艳的字母“纽约尼克斯队”,so you have some Knicks on your knees. 所以你会看到一些“克斯队”在你的膝盖上。Next, you look to where your thighs are, but they're gone. 接下来,你看看你的大腿在哪里,但它们已经消失了。Your thighs have been replaced with Fords, the cars. 你的大腿已经被“福特”汽车取代了。They could be Ford Focuses or Ford Mustangs. 他们可能是Ford Focuses或Ford Mustangs。Your thighs have been replaced with Fords. 你的大腿已经被“福特”汽车取代了。Now, with your bottom, 现在,在你的底部,you feel a hard plastic seat of a go-kart vibrating. 你会感觉到一个卡丁车振动的硬塑料座椅。 With your bottom, you feel the hard plastic seat of a go-kart. 在你的底部,你会感觉到卡丁车的硬塑料座椅。 Your belly starts rumbling very loudly. 你的腹部开始大声作响。 So you follow your belly,所以你跟着你的肚子, and it leads you to McDonald's, 它会带你到麦当劳, and there Ronald McDonald starts shooting rays of light at you with a ray gun. 然后罗纳德麦当劳开始用射线枪向你射出光线。 Ronald McDonald is shooting rays of light at you with a ray gun. 罗纳德麦当劳用射线枪向你射出光线。 He hits you on your chest, and now from your chest,他打你的胸部,然后你的胸部那里, a big bush of gray hairs is growing. 一大堆灰白色的毛发正在增长。 A huge bush of gray hair is growing from your chest. 你的胸前长出一大片白发。 So obviously, you hurry home to shave it off,显然,你快点回家把它刮掉, and on your doormat, you see a letter. 在你的门垫上,你看到一封信。 So you open it and it has good news. 所以你打开它,它有好消息。 As you read it, you feel a huge weight falling off your shoulders. 当你读到它时,你会感到巨大的重量从肩膀上掉下来。 A huge weight falling off your shoulders. 巨大的重量从肩膀上掉下来。 Your shoulders get all light and tingly because you just paid all of your bills. 因为你刚付了所有的账单,你的肩膀变得轻盈而且充足。 Big bills, little bills, each and every bill has been paid for,大笔账单,小账单,每一张账单都已付清, and you have plenty of money to spare. 而且你有足够的资金。 Now you proceed to the bathroom, because now on your neck,现在你进入浴室,因为现在在你的脖子上, a bunch of tiny bushes of thin blonde hairs have appeared. 出现了一堆薄薄的金色毛发。 On your neck, a bunch of tiny bushes of thin blonde hair. 在你的脖子上,一堆细长的金色长发。 As you look in the mirror, 当你照镜子的时候, suddenly your mouth just starts talking all by itself, 突然你的嘴巴开始自己开始说话, and it's saying, "Yes, we can; yes we can; yes we can." 它说:“是的,我们可以;是的,我们可以;是的,我们可以。” Now you turn around, and now suddenly your eyes are,现在你转过身来,现在突然间你的眼睛啊, ah, because Donald Duck just poked out both of your eyes with a trumpet made of pure gold. 因为唐老鸭用纯金制成的小号捅了你的两只眼睛。 
Now you can open your eyes again and come back to this place. 现在你可以再次睁开眼睛回到这个地方。 Luckily, it's a lot safer here than where you just came from. 幸运的是,这里比你刚来的地方更安全。 So, I just made you guys memorize the past 10 presidents of the United States of America in the right order. 所以,我只是让你们按照正确的顺序记住美利坚合众国过去的10位总统。 Now I'm going to show you, 现在我要告诉你, and then you can see how many of these you still know. 然后你可以看到你还知道其中有多少。 So with each body part, I'm going to ask you what happened there, 因此,对于每个身体部位,我会问你那里发生了什么, and then you could think of it. 然后你可以想到它。Even better would be if you just shout it out. 如果你只是喊出来,那就更好了。Now, what happened to your feet? 现在,你的脚怎么了? John threw the sun, yeah - President Johnson. (Laughter) 约翰扔了太阳,是的 - 约翰逊总统。Now, what happened on your knees?现在,你的膝盖发生了什么? Knicks, yes - President Nixon. 尼克斯,是的 - 尼克松总统。 OK. So what were your thighs replaced with? 好。那么你的大腿被替换了什么? Fords - President Ford. 福特 - 福特总统。 OK, and what did you feel with your bottom? 好的,你觉得你的底部是什么感觉? OK, President Carter, yes. 好的,卡特总统,是的。 Some people are ahead of the game. 有些人领先于比赛。 Now, your belly led you to McDonald's; 现在,你的肚子带你去了麦当劳; what happened? 发生了什么? OK. Ronald McDonald shooting rays of … 好。罗纳德麦当劳拍摄的光芒......So Ronald Reagan. 罗纳德里根。 He hits in your chest, and you got what? 他打在你的胸前,你得到了什么? Big bush of gray hairs - Bush senior. (Laughter) 灰色头发大灌木 - 布什前辈。Now, your shoulders got light, why? 现在,你的肩膀很轻,为什么? Paid all your bills - Bill Clinton. 支付所有账单——比尔克林顿。 Now, what did you have on your neck? 现在,你脖子上有什么? OK, a bush of thin blonde hairs. 好的,一束薄薄的金色头发。 Bush junior. What was your mouth saying?布什少年。你的嘴说什么?  "Yes we can" - President Obama. “是的,我们可以”——奥巴马总统。 And what happened to your eyes? 你的眼睛怎么了? Yeah, Donald Duck, trumpet, pure gold. 是啊,唐老鸭,小号,纯金。 Who else but Donald Trump? 还有(除了)唐纳德特朗普还有谁? So, if you memorized more this time than the first time, please stand up. 所以,如果你这次比第一次记忆的更多,请站起来。 OK. So we have almost everyone standing up; that's awesome.好。所以我们几乎每个人都站起来; 棒极了。 Now, if you think this way of memorizing is more fun than the last way you used, 现在,如果您认为这种记忆方式比您使用的最后方式更有趣, please stand up or remain standing if you're already standing. 请站起来或保持站立,如果您已经站立。 Oh whoa, now we almost have everyone. 哦,哇,几乎所有人都站着。 I'm very pleased to see this. 我很高兴看到这一点。 OK. You guys can sit back down. 好。你们可以坐下来。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。 Now, when you make bizarre images to memorize, 现在,当你制作奇怪的图像进行记忆时, suddenly it becomes a lot easier. 突然变得容易多了。 If you tie these bizarre images to a place you know well, 如果你将这些奇异的图像绑在一个你熟悉的地方, like your body, 比如你的身体, suddenly memorizing things in order becomes a lot easier. 那么突然记住的东西会变得容易得多。 OK. Well, cool. But I asked you guys in the beginning,好。好吧,很酷。但我一开始就问过你们,  "Why should we, in today's day and age, still want to get better at this - at memorizing?" “为什么我们在今天这个时代仍然希望在这方面做得更好——在记忆这件事上?” Well, because by getting better in a skill like this, 好吧,因为通过这样的技能变得更好, you can also get better at a different skill: the skill of experimentation. 你也可以在不同的技能上变得更好:实验的技巧。 By experimenting with different methods of doing things, 通过尝试不同的做事方法, I found out that I can get better at anything. 我发现我可以做得更好。 I found out what works for me and what doesn't. 我发现什么对我有用,什么没用。 What if I'd never learned the skill of experimentation? 如果我从未学过实验技能怎么办? I may have never gone back to school; 我可能从未回到过学校; I may have never enjoyed studying psychology, 我可能从未喜欢学习心理学, and I probably would not have been standing here today,今天我可能不会站在这里, because one of the things I thought I really couldn't do was public speaking. 因为我认为我真的不能做的事情之一是公开演讲。 Now, there are people of every generation not doing things that they might love,现在,每一代人都没有做他们可能喜欢的事情, that they might even be great at because they think they can't do it. 即使他们可能很擅长,因为他们认为他们做不到。 So how beautiful would it be if in schools we can teach kids that they can get better at anything, 那么如果在学校我们可以教孩子们,让他们可以在任何事情上变得更好, and they can even get better at getting better at things, get it? 他们甚至可以更好地在事情上变得更好,得到它,那将是多么美好? But not just the kids, because the older generation is often seen as too old to learn. 这不仅仅是对孩子们,还有老一代,他们经常被认为太老以致于无法学习。 But they're not too rusty. 即使他们的学习技能并没有太生疏。 Anyone can improve themselves by experimenting, and I hope you experienced that today. 任何人都可以通过实验来提高自己,我希望你今天能够体验到这一点。 Now at Remind, we break up this process of experimentation into three steps: 现在Remind(回想一下),我们将这个实验过程分为三个步骤: the check, the experience and the experiment. 检查,经验和实验。 The check is all about becoming aware of what you're doing right now. 检查就是要了解你现在正在做什么。 So maybe during the first test,所以也许在第一次测试中, you became aware of the fact that you just repeat the words over and over and that你意识到你只是一遍又一遍地重复这些词, that doesn't work too well. 而这种方法效果不好。 The second step: the experience is all about being open to new possibilities and trying them out. 第二步:经验就是对新的可能性开放并尝试它们。 So maybe during the visualization, 因此,也许在可视化过程中, you realize that this works a bit better or at least you like it more. 您会意识到这样做会有所改善,或者至少您更喜欢它。 And the third step is the experiment. 第三步是实验。 This is about taking something from that new experience that这是关于从你拥有的新体验中获取一些东西 you had and applying it in your own life to see how it works for you. 并在你自己的生活中应用它来看看它是如何为你工作的。 So, maybe you're one of those people that所以,也许你是其中一个人, when someone introduces themselves to you, 当有人向你介绍自己时, you just immediately forget their name. 你会立即忘记他们的名字。 Yeah, sound familiar? 是的,听起来很熟悉? And you want to use visualization to do something about that. 然后您希望使用可视化来做一些事情。 So far I've only taken you guys through the first two steps. 到目前为止,我只带你们完成前两步。 The final step is up to you.最后一步取决于你。 So when I'm done here, I'd like you to take a moment for yourself 所以,当我做完这些时,我希望你能为自己花点时间, and to write down an experiment on the little card we've given you 并在我们给你的小卡片上写下一个实验, and to put that in your wallet as a reminder. 然后把它放在你的钱包里作为提醒。 By continually following these steps of experimentation, 通过不断地按照这些实验步骤, you discover what you're doing; 你会发现你在做什么; you keep yourself open to new possibilities, 你要保持自己对新的可能性开放,and you allow yourself to continually transform. 让自己不断变换。 And regardless of what you're learning, 无论你正在学习什么, be it memorizing or martial arts or mathematics, 无论是记忆还是武术或数学, you'll get better not only in the skill that you're trying to develop, 你不仅会在你正在努力发展的技能上变得更好, but you'll get better at the process of learning itself. 你还会在学习本身的过程中变得更好。 And that's something that sticks. 这是坚持不懈的事情。 It's something you could take with you to your new job,这是你可以带着你的新工作, your new hobby, your new relationship, your new whatever. 新的爱好,新的关系,新的事物。 So this is something absolutely everyone should know, 所以这绝对是每个人都应该知道的, and I believe we should teach it in schools. 我相信我们应该在学校里教它。 But let's not just wait for it to be implemented in schools. 但不要只是等待它在学校实施。 I also believe that the most important change starts with the individual. 我相信最重要的变化始于个人。 It starts with you. 它始于你。 So, go out there and experiment. 所以,回学校开始试验吧。 Learn something new or a new way of approaching something old 学习新的东西或接近旧事物的新方法, because there are few skills as valuable as the art of learning. 因为很少有与学习艺术一样有价值的技能。 Thank you. 谢谢。






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主编/慕容风 监制/Richard
视频编辑/李小可 安雅制图/慕容秋水©爱天涯

