谭词|2021年度词汇:柯林斯选了啥?(附 TOP 10 图解)
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a unique digital certificate, registered in a blockchain, that is used to record ownership of an asset such as an artwork or a collectible.
另一位美国艺术家安妮·斯帕尔特(Anne Spalter)也将一些作品作为 NFT 出售。起初她并不看好 NFT,但后来她改变了主意。她说,这项技术让那些可能永远不会亲自去画廊的人对艺术感兴趣。然而,斯帕尔特表示,她仍然对一些作品的“天价”感到“困惑”。
推特创始人杰克·多尔西以290万美元(约合人民币1852万元)的价格出售了他第一条推特的 NFT。
2020年《柯林斯词典》的年度词汇是“lockdown(封锁)”,但与疫情相关的词汇今年仍有入围,如 double vaxxed(接种两剂疫苗)和 hybrid working(混合办公)。Crypto 是比特币等加密货币的缩写,cheugy 意思是笨重或过时,这两个词也是今年的入围词汇。
Collins' 2021 Top 10 Words
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cheugy (ˈtʃuːɡɪ) adjective, slang
no longer regarded as cool or fashionable
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climate anxiety (ˈklaɪmət æŋˈzaɪɪtɪ) noun
a state of distress caused by concern about climate change
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crypto (ˈkrɪptəʊ) noun, informal
short for cryptocurrency: a decentralised digital medium of exchange which is created, regulated and exchanged using cryptography and (usually) open-source software, and typically used for online purchases
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double-vaxxed (ˌdʌbəlˈvækst) adjective, informal
having received two vaccinations against a disease. Also: double-jabbed
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hybrid working (ˌhaɪbrɪd ˈwɜːkɪŋ) noun
the practice of alternating between different working environments, such as from home and in an office
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metaverse (ˈmɛtəˌvɜːs) noun
a proposed version of the internet that incorporates three-dimensional virtual environments
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neopronoun (ˌniːəʊˈprəʊˌnaʊn) noun
a recently coined pronoun, especially one designed to avoid gender distinctions
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pingdemic (ˌpɪŋˈdɛmɪk) noun, informal
the large-scale notification of members of the public by a contact-tracing app
自我隔离通知(pingdemic = ping [手机收到消息时发出的提示音“叮”] + pandemic [全球性流行病;疫情])
Regencycore (ˈriːdʒənsɪˌkɔː) noun
a style of dress inspired by clothes worn in high society during the Regency period (1811–20). Also called: Regency chic