

英文传 中国传媒大学 2023-09-06






官微主编、官微英文音频部部长  王雪枫同学







Trust me, it's gonna be a mind-blower!



Vocabulary: significant premise or not?


I cannot tell you vocabulary is not important in IELTS. After all, it's an applied linguistic test, so vocabulary is the basic of the basics. But what I can definitely tell you is, starting your preparation with memorizing vocabulary is not a wise choice. 
First of all, many of the words you memorized are actually quite useless, aka, they wouldn't appear in the test. It really depends on the quality of the vocabulary books. Secondly, even if you did cover all the valuable words, after not using them for a while, they will become blurred in your mind. So it's a waste of time and energy. 

And even if you can remember most of them, you'll still find that you cannot swiftly identify these words while listening, cannot figure out their actual meaning in the context while reading, cannot use them fluently while speaking, and most certainly cannot get a higher mark even if you fit them all into your writing task. 

Why? Because IELTS is a highly skill-oriented exam, it is designed to test whether your English skills can well support your daily communication with your friends, classmate, professor, tutor, supervisor, shopkeeper, etc. So to pass this exam, it's not about how much you know about English, but how well you can use English as a tool to socialize and deliver your thoughts.

And that leads to my third point, even if you don't know many words and expressions, as long as you get command of some crucial test skills, it's very likely for you to achieve a high score in IELTS. 

To sum up, don't start preparing IELTS with vocabulary, always start with getting your hands on the real test papers and skill guidance from online classes. If you really want to expand vocabulary, from my own GRE preparation experience, the only effective way is to memorize a fixed amount of words at a fixed time everyday and make it a habit. 


Grammar: worth exploring or not?


Actually, many commonly-mentioned test skills have its basis on grammar, and this is always ignored by trainers. So, if you find yourself well aware of the skills dealing with various kinds of questions, but just cannot solve them correctly or efficiently, it's probably because your grammar needs improving. 

For example, in listening task, trainers will tell you to pay attention to "Synonym Replacement"of the keyword. So you would go memorizing many pairs of synonyms. But when you actually get down to listening, you will find yourself losing point often because identifying the wrong keyword for replacement, or the keyword appears way ahead the target blank so you didn't notice what it actually was. Then your trainer will tell you to form the habit of "prediction". But how? This is where a good comprehension of the how a sentence can be structured and subordinate clauses can be organized plays its trick. And that, my friend, is called grammar. 

Also, when doing reading test, have you ever wasted a lot of time on figuring out the meaning of a hell-long sentence? Sometimes you can't even avoid it because it's related to a question. You know every single word in the sentence, but because of its over-complicated structure, the nuanced meanings behind it will cost you a lot of scores. 

I don't even need to mention the awkward moment when you know you want to say something in speaking task, and you have memorized the key expressions for it, but you just can't finish the sentence without several pauses or self-corrections. And the reason why you are always in a rush during writing task and find yourself constantly erasing what had been written down because what you are going to write next in this sentence does not harmonize with it? 

All because of grammar problems!
A good grammar will guarantee you unhindered comprehension as well as fluent expression both in oral and in written English. So please spare enough time on grammar practice. Reading grammar books won't do the job. You have to do grammar tasks, like passage correction or bilingual translation. The more, the better.


Samples: necessary or not?


Indeed, copying from samples is not favorable in IELTS, and most of the time will seem disharmonious in your essay or sounds obviously not your true color in speaking task. However, if you have a little ambition and would like to score over 7 in speaking task or more than 6 in writing, samples can be your good friends – just not the way you normally utilize it. 

In each of the four grading standards of speaking and writing tasks, one common standard plays a critical role: lexical resource, which basically means, smart usage of words, expressions and beautiful sentences. 

And to enhance your lexical resource, memorizing well-written paragraphs or sophisticated conversations is a must. After reciting these good examples for a while, you will find yourself with: first, various ways to express a same point; second, simpler and more direct words to express an argument which used to cost you 3-4 sentences to make it clear; and third, more felicitous description of your inner feeling about many things. 

It is also true that as soon as you try to deliberately recite them in task, you will be doomed as heck. Whenever I try to find a balance for using samples, I would recall a classic scene in Yi Tian Tu Long Ji, in which the male protagonist Zhang Wuji was facing a kick-ass enemy and needed to learn a brand-new set of swordsmanship called Taiji Jian. His master taught him move by move, and weirdly, asked him how much he had forgotten the moves already. When Zhang Wuji said he had completely forgotten the swordsmanship, his master said he was ready to face his enemy. It's because only when you don't apply what you have learned in a fixed mode and try to perform every move “right”, will you use these moves in a way that is “good”.

(▲ 电视剧“倚天屠龙记”中 苏有朋版张无忌)


Logic: important or not?


Actually, after talking about grammar and lexical resource, the other two remaining judging criteria for IELTS writing are TR, Task Response and CC, Coherence and Cohesion, both related to logic. To be clear, TR examines through how relevant your argument is to the given topic and the question specifically asked about it, while CC is meant to test the quality of your logic linkage, i.e., whether or not you can organize an argument in a way that is both comprehensible by normal people and convincing even for your opponent. 
A simple way to self-check your logic is to read your essay right after you finished it, and see if the two adjacent sentences actually means the same. A common mistake made by band 5.5 students are that their lexical resource is too fine that they just use different expressions for the same meaning and merely being repetitive in making an assertion without getting down to prove it. And another very common mistake is the example you give is not talking about the same thing as the first sentence of the paragraph given as your line of argument. 

A good logic can also help with your reading. For example, in the True/False/Not Given questions, many people have difficulty distinguishing what's false and what's not given. That's because they overlooked the nuance between “no prove” and “disprove”. And in speaking, many people just randomly throw their opinions at the examiner, leaving the examiner to figure out their argument by themselves. When they receive a low score, they complain that their idea is perfect, their argument is correct, and they often blame it on their pronunciation or the examiner's discrimination. In fact, if you put their speech into text, and reorganize the same sentences into a more structured one, their speaking score is likely to rise as much as 1 point. That's why there are always people try to recite already organized speeches, but most certainly, they fail. 
一个好的逻辑同样可以帮助你的阅读提分。例如在True/False/Not Given题型中,不少同学区分“错误”和“未提及”存在困难。这是因为他们忽视了“无法证明”和“证明为假”两种逻辑的细微差别。还有在口语考试中,许多人只是随意地向考官提出自己的看法,让考官自己去理清他们的思路和论点。当他们得分并不理想的时候,抱怨自己的想法没毛病,论点也正确,经常怪的是自己发音不好,或者考官故意压分。事实上,如果把他们说的话写成文字并重新组织,他们的口语分数可以上涨整整1分。这就是为什么总是有人尝试背诵整段或整篇的模板,因为这样逻辑会更顺畅,只是不幸常常以失败告终。
The essence is, have better logic. You could improve your logic by joining in English debating, that's the way I do it, or you could consult teachers who are good at academic writing, asking them to help you analyze the logical linkage sentence by sentence in sophisticated academic papers or sample essays. 

NOTES:Let's have a little recap of our five our classic misconceptions and their correct answers: 复习一下:Resource: online or offline? Online.资料选择线上还是线下?     选择线上。Vocabulary: significant premise or not? Nope.背单词是开始复习雅思的前提吗?    并不。Grammar: worth exploring or not? Very well worth it!语法值得我们花精力去着重复习吗?    相当值得。Samples: necessary or not? Quite necessary.模板要背吗?    还是很有必要的。Logic: important or not? Definitely important.逻辑重要吗?    很重要。



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