
专著推荐 | 杨炳钧. Non-Finiteness: A Process-Relation Perspective

通讯君 语言学通讯 2023-03-04

通讯君与剑桥大学出版社合作推广语言学及应用语言学国际前沿著作(注“专著推荐”栏目包括books和edited books)



该书是目前国际顶尖出版社出版的第一部用系统功能语言学研究非限定现象的专著,是作者的国家社科基金结项成果。剑桥大学出版社聘请的匿名审稿人之一给出的总体评价是:“该书作者提供了有深刻见解、极具原创性乃至与正统完全不同”(原话为an insightful and rather original or even heterodox)的研究。




Non-Finiteness: A Process-Relation Perspective

ISBN: 9781316513415 (精装)








上海交通大学长聘教授、博士生导师。入选教育部新世纪优秀人才,上海市浦江人才。独立署名或合作发表SSCI与A&HCI期刊研究论文12篇,CSSCI论文37篇。出版专著、译著、编著19部,其中四部由国际知名出版社出版:Non-finiteness: A Process-Relation Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2022); Corpus-Based Investigations into Grammar, Media And Health Discourse: Systemic Functional and Other Perspectives (Springer Nature, 2020; edited with Wen Li), Language Policy: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach (Routledge, 2017; with Rui Wang) and Absolute Clauses in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective: A Corpus-based Study (Springer, 2015; with Qingshun He)。2016年至今担任“中国英汉比较研究会英汉语篇分析委员会”秘书长。


List of Figures page viii

List of Tables x

Preface xiii

Acknowledgements xvi

Symbols and Abbreviations xviii

Leipzig Glossing Abbreviations xx

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Why This Study? 1

1.2 The Finite/Non-finite Distinction 3

1.3 Purpose of the Study 6

1.4 Research Questions 7

1.5 Methodology 7

1.6 Organization of the Book 7

2 Non-finiteness in the Literature 9

2.1 Non-finiteness in the Early History of English Grammar Writing 9

2.2 Non-finiteness in Traditional Grammar: Morphology-Based 14

2.2.1 The Property of the Verb 15

2.2.2 The Categorization of Non-finite Clauses in English 16

2.2.3 Sentence-Building Power and the Status of Tense 18

2.2.4 Scale of Finiteness 20

2.3 Non-finiteness from the Typological Perspective 21

2.3.1 Category Space and the Continuum Hypothesis 21

2.3.2 Obligatority and Asymmetry 25

2.3.3 Root Infinitives in Children’s Early Language 27

2.4 Non-finiteness in Generative Grammar: Form-Based 29

2.4.1 PRO as Subject of Non-finite Clauses 30

2.4.2 Tense and the Finite/Non-finite Distinction 33

2.4.3 Non-isomorphic Relation between Content and Form 36

2.4.4 Gradient or Binary 37

2.5 Non-finiteness in Cognitive Grammar: Meaning-Based 38

2.5.1 Non-finiteness as Atemporal Construal 38

2.5.2 The View of Scalarity 40

2.5.3 Verbal and Finite versus Nominal and Non-finite 43

2.5.4 Conceptual Motivation 44

2.5.5 Non-finite Clauses as Constructions 45

2.6 Non-finiteness in Systemic Functional Grammar: Meaning- and Form-Based 46

2.6.1 General Discussions on Non-finite Clauses 46

2.6.2 Criteria of Non-finite Clause Identification 49

2.6.3 Function-Specified Systems of Non-finite Clauses 51

2.7 Viewpoints from Other Theories and the Semantic Types 55

2.7.1 Semiotic Grammar 55

2.7.2 Role and Reference Grammar 56

2.7.3 Functional Discourse Grammar 57

2.7.4 Other Approaches and the Semantic Types 60

2.8 Some Special Types to Be Noted 62

2.9 A Summary of the Relevant Research 64

3 Theoretical Foundations 68

3.1 Prerequisite: Distinguishing Spoken and Written Language 68

3.1.1 Differences between Spoken and Written Language 69

3.1.2 Grammars for Speech and Writing 71

3.2 Cryptotype and Cline 73

3.3 Metafunctions as Universal Categories 75

3.4 Process as the Basic Semantic Unit 79

3.4.1 Types of Situation and Types of Process 79

3.4.2 Major, Median and Minor Processes 83

3.5 Clause as the Basic Syntactic Unit: Major, Median and Minor 84

3.6 Ideational Grammatical Metaphor 87

3.6.1 A Sketch of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor 87

3.6.2 Nominalization 89

3.6.3 Adjectivization 91

3.6.4 Verbalization 92

3.6.5 Adverbialization 94

3.7 Embedding, Two Principles and Rankshifting 95

3.8 Defining Non-finiteness in Terms of Function 99

4 Basic Process Relations as One Solution to the Controversy 102

4.1 The Basic Construction and Its Functional Components 102

4.2 The Para-relation of Processes 104

4.3 The Hypo-relation of Processes 106

4.4 The Participant Conflated 108

4.5 Process as Primary Participant 111

4.6 Process as Secondary Participant 114

4.7 Process as Circumstance 117

4.8 The Triple Participant 119

5 Non-finiteness as the Bridge for Process Compression 122

5.1 Clause Combining 123

5.1.1 Conjunctions in English and Chinese 123

5.1.2 Reconsidering Coordination, Subordination and Embedding 125

5.1.3 Non-finite Clauses as a Basic Category of Clause Combining 130

5.2 Basic Clause Relations and Non-finiteness 134

5.2.1 Paratactic Relations 135

5.2.2 Circumstantial Relations 136

5.2.3 Participantial Relations 138

5.3 The Metaphoric Syndrome and Non-finite Clauses as the Bridge 140

6 Revisiting the Controversial English Constructions with Non-finiteness 143

6.1 Controversial Constructions with Non-finiteness in English: A Sketch 144

6.2 Causatives and Non-causatives 144

6.3 COCA Distribution of Typical Verbs in (Non-)Causatives 146

6.4 Process Relations in Typical English Constructions with Non-finiteness 149

6.5 The Serial Verb Construction 151

6.6 The Existential Construction 154

6.7 The Absolute Construction 158

6.8 The Process Relation in Ambiguous Non-finite Constructions 159

7 Revisiting the Controversial Chinese Constructions with Non-finiteness 163

7.1 The Serial Verb Construction 164

7.2 The Pivotal Construction 169

7.3 Pivotal Construction or Grammatical Metaphor? 179

7.4 The Existential Construction 183

7.5 Other Controversial Non-finite Constructions Revisited 190

8 Conclusion 195

8.1 Overview of the Major Findings 195

8.2 Limitations and Further Study 197

References 199

Index 227


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本文编辑:王峰 吉林大学







