
专四专八 | 孩子娱乐时间太少 - 专八写作

2017-03-17 蔡雷英语



A child’s world is supposed to be fresh and beautiful, full ofwonder and excitement. Unfortunately, this is not the case for some kids,especially for those born and bred in cities. Their joys are dimmed and evenlost to study. In the following news report, you can find more details aboutthis phenomenon.

Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, inwhich you should:

  • summarize the main idea of the news report, andthen

  • express your opinion towards this phenomenon.

 Don’t Infringeon Children’s Right to Play 

(源自网络 自行甄别 仅供参考)

Mountains of homework and long hours of extracurricular classesamong school children and adolescents are never an isolated case in China whereeducation is seen as a major pathway to social success. According to the newsreport, many Chinese youngsters are deprived of a happy childhood and aresusceptible to mental problems caused by unbearable study  pressure. Such pressure partly comes from thesuffocating educational environment, but parents’ over-concern on children’sacademic and extracurricular excellence makes children feel even morestressful. Kids should be carefree at their ages instead of being pushedtowards unhealthy lifestyles. I therefore strongly suggest reducing thecompetitive nature of education and promoting the right of children to play.

First of all, the general public should stop being so obsessedwith academic success. Test scores should not be viewed as the sole indicatorof competence or intellectuality, and the assessment and enrollment systems,which still heavily count on examination results, should be adjusted. In thisregard, a fundamental change needs to be made to the college entrance exams,which is used as the single criterion for college admissions. 微信搜索蔡雷英语或cailei_sz关注,获取更多四六级资讯)Otherwise, theChinese educational system will continue to define academic success based on scores. For primary and lower-secondaryeducation, the policies should try to reduce the pressure on students andparents to compete for the limited seats in the high-achieving schools bynarrowing the resource gaps among schools. Next, it is time for parents toreturn their children a carefree childhood. “Never let our kids lose at thestarting line” is a common voice of most Chinese parents and it becomes theirvery reason for enrolling their children in numerous tutorial classes andextracurricular activities. However, few may realize that it doesn’t matter whowins at the starting line but who lasts until the finishing line. There has tobe some balance between schoolwork and recreational activities. Play isn’t awaste of time, but rather gives children life experiences and relieves themfrom pressure.

In short, much effort needs to be done to relieve children fromacademic stress, and it requires the interaction between parents, schools andsociety as a whole.

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