
专四专八 | 留守儿童问题 - 专八写作

2017-03-18 蔡雷英语



Over the past generation, about 270m Chinese labourers have left their villages to look for work in cities. Many of those workers have children; most do not take them along. We call these youngsters liushou ertong, of “left-behind children”. It is not hard to imagine that the damage will be felt not just by the left-behind themselves but by society as a whole. The following article analyzes the problem in details.

Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:

  • summarize briefly the news report;

  • give your comment.

 How to Solve the Problem of Left-Behind Children 

(源自网络 自行甄别 仅供参考)

As China’s urbanization quickens its space, more and more rural couples head to the cities in search of work and leave their children behind. The report above explores the current situation of the left-behind children in China and discusses the casues and negattive consequences. Due to parental absence, these children are more vulnerable to psychological problems as well as challenges to their personal safety and well-being. The emergence of left-behind children is a natural result of the country’s  household registration system which limits rural migrants’ access to public services in the cities, and makes it unaffordable for migrant parents to keep their children there. It is a pity that in the rush for economic growth, children are becoming victims, and there should be a solution to this social problem.

It is urgent for the government to create an information system to track each and every one of these youngsters to ensure that safe custody is provided to all of them. A feasible way may be that rural official set up files, visit them at home and make sure their parents talk to them regularly via phone or video chat. But these are short-term measures. The fundamental solution is creating more jobs in small towns during urbanization, which will enable migrant workers to find satisfactory jobs closer to home. Meanwhile, reforming the household registration system should not slacken. The government should try to lower the threshold for migrant workers to be registered as urban residents and create conditions to make them financially capable of taking their children along with them. Additionally, enterrprises with migrant parents are encouraged to offer paid leave for employees to visit their children, and charity organizations can launch funds or programs to support such reunions.

The success of battling the problem of left-behind children requires joint efforts of the whole society. Many reforms are needed and they will not bear fruit all at once. But let us not have any doubt about the direction towards which we are moving: for the well-being of the nation’s 61 million left-behind children.

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