讲座名称:Multicompetence and self-directed online language learning
讲 座 人:Professor Li Wei 李嵬教授
主 持 人: 张剑 教授
时 间:2021年10月15日 周五 3:00-4:00pm (北京时间)
腾讯会议:ID:270 876 472 (无密码)
内容简介:This talks discusses the concept of Multicompetence and how it helps to understand the complex process of self-directed online learning of languages, which is increasingly common in the post-Covid world. It uses empirical examples to show how learners orchestrate diverse and multiple resources strategically in the learning process. Implications for learner autonomy and learner agency will be explored.
Professor Li Wei (李嵬教授),国际著名语言学家、教育家,英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)应用语言学讲席教授,教育学院(IOE)院长。英国社会科学院院士、英国皇家艺术学院院士、欧洲科学院院士、英国国家学术院院士。
李嵬教授任国际 SSCI一区 期刊 International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 和 Applied Linguistics Review 主编,《语言战略研究》编委,在 Language and Intercultural Communication, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Language Policy,International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Modern Language Journal, Applied Linguistics, Bilingualism-Language and Cognition, Language Culture and Curriculum等 SSCI期刊发表论文140余篇。
讲座名称:Researching interculturally
讲 座 人:ProfessorZhu Hua祝华教授
主 持 人:张剑教授
时 间:2021年10月15日 周五 4:00-5:00pm (北京时间)
腾讯会议:ID:270 876 472 (无密码)
内容简介:Research is very often an intercultural encounter. For students and scholars of intercultural and multilingual communication and applied linguistics, researching interculturally requires a critical and creative understanding of the contested concept of culture, the ‘inter-’ aspects of cultural encounters and cultural translation and the researcher’s own positions. This workshop will focus on the core conceptual and methodological issues of researching interculturally.
Professor Zhu Hua (祝华教授)国际著名语言学家、教育家,英国社会科学院院士,国际跨文化研究学会院士,现任伯明翰大学教育学院讲席教授、Mosaic 多语研究中心主任,学院国际化主任。英国应用语言学学会(BAAL)成立以来第一位华人主席。
主要研究多语交际、跨文化交际及儿童语言,主持系列大型双语政策研究项目,发表100篇SSCI论文,专著、编著14部。劳特利奇(Routledge)《语言与跨文化交际》丛书联合主编,《剑桥应用语言学关键话题》丛书联合主编,《剑桥应用语言学元素》丛书联合主编, 应用语言学期刊 (Applied Linguistics)论坛书评主编. 担任 Language, Culture and Curriculum, Language, Culture and Society, Contrastive Pragmatics, Applied Pragmatics, Chinese Language and Discourse ,《外语与外语教学》等期刊编委。香港科研基金委员会人文和社科学科评委,香港高等教育学院2020科研评估教育学科评委(Hong Kong UGC Research Assessment Exercises (RAE) 2020), 英国高等教育学院2021 科研评估教育学科评委(UK REF 2021)。