
UCL Bartlett优秀作品 | “甜蜜”提案 - The Sweet Proposal

叁碗 LAC STUDIO 2020-01-25

原作者/Elliot Bishop  翻译、编辑/柒杯 【原作者已授权,如需转载请先联系我们】

编者按:UCL巴特莱特建筑学院作为世界领先的建筑学院,每年Summer Show的优秀作品总会备受关注。今天我们分享的作品来自著名的CJ Lim导师组的优秀学员Prize Winner of the year —— Elliot Bishop的毕业设计。欢迎各位分享转载~

The Sweet Proposal:

A Cautionary Tale Of The corporate City




Elliott Bishop

The Bartlett School Of Architecture, London, UK.

 设 计 简 介  |

The Sweet Proposal, a Cautionary Tale of the Corporate City. Puts forth Nestlé’s New York, a satirical city scaled confectionary factory. As a critique of the privatisation of cities around the world which are taking place in such examples as Sandy Spring’s, Silicon Valley in the USA and the City of Gurgaon in India to name a few.

Elliot Bishop的项目“The Sweet Proposal(甜蜜提案)”是一个关于企业化城市的警示故事。项目将位于“新”约克的雀巢讽刺地描述构造为一家城市规模的糖果工厂,以此作为对世界各地城市私有化的批判,受批的现实例子包括Sandy Spring’s(桑迪斯普林斯),美国硅谷和印度古尔冈市等。

Where the largest corporate infrastructures control our, employment, governance, housing and nutrition. The project converts the happiest city in Britain, York into a dystopian corporate utopia veiled in a facade of sweetness. Devoted to the production of confection to be exported to Europe, as a new type of corporate colonialism in a post Brexit Britain.


The British government in the northern powerhouse, bestowing the largest food company in the world Nestlé’s, political derestriction of the county of Yorkshire signifying it as a special economic zone, in exchange the company provides perpetual employment.


The project was inspired by the quintessential American novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. As a commentary of the 1920’s view of the American Dream and the pursuit of happiness. This story has been interpreted as a critique of capitalism and modern paternalism of company towns, shown between the relationship of Gatsby and Daisy. Just as Gatsby is devoted to Daisy the employees are dedicated to the company. The tale embodies the aspects of dependency, greed and selfishness in its characters, which led to their ultimate demise.

该项目的灵感来自F. Scott Fitzgerald的美国经典小说“了不起的盖茨比”,作为对1920年代美国梦和追求幸福观的评论。在这个故事中,Gatsby和Daisy的关系被诠释为对资本主义和公司城镇的现代管辖主义的批判。就像Gatsby对于Daisy的奉献一样,员工同样致力服务于公司。这个故事体现了人物中依赖,贪婪和自私的各个方面,导致他们最终消亡。

Employee residents of Nestlé’s New York opt into a contract with the company and arranged a job for life in the least automatable roles such as construction, health care and teaching, in exchange for their innate freedoms. While the company provides security, infrastructure, and stability through a corporate authoritarian control.


The workers are paid through an act of participation to perpetuate the corporate fantasies of the company, environmental proficiency, ethical treatment and nostalgia in the production of goods. This is achieved by the constant restoration of the vale of respectability, a green sweet façade over the brutality of mass production made up of biodegradable sugar glass bricks.

Produced in the existing Nestlé’s site rechristened the White Rose Parliament, this cathedral of capitalism is the new centre of governance for the new privately run city state. This project acts a cautionary tale of the lost freedoms which could arise if we entrust in the privatisation of our lives.


在现有的雀巢工厂中,项目给“White Rose Parliament(白玫瑰议会)”注入了宗教意味,这个资本主义大教堂成为了这个自治区新的政治中心。这个项目警示着我们,一旦我们纵容私有化企业渗透到我们的生活中,我们的自由将成为最后的代价。

|  对 话 作 者  |

Q:Firstly Elliott, if you could give us an introduction about yourself, where you have studied, what stage you are in your architectural career/degree and also any of your interests or specialities?


A:Well I am a 5th year Masters Student at the Bartlett School of Architecture, I studied my undergraduate degree at Kent and was on the rowing team there. My specialities are in narrative and disruptive forms of architecture which have philosophical and highly visualised qualities. I have an outward approach to learning any new skills which will strengthen my repertoire.

A:好的,我是UCL Bartlett巴特莱特建筑学院的五年级硕士生,我在肯特(Kent)大学完成了我的本科学位,之前在大学时候参加过赛艇队。我比较偏好叙事性建筑,形态上具有一定的入侵/破坏性,项目常常会具有哲学含义在背后,并以渲染作为表现手段。当然我对于新技巧/技能我也很愿意学习来加强我的建筑理念。



Q:Your project is satirical in its nature which offers a diverse perspective on design not often seen in most architecture schools, what influenced you to explore your project in this way? 



A:This project takes a more philosophical approach to architecture than conventional projects. This is because it aims to hold up a mirror to society’s issues, to provoke people greater than myself to act and change upon matters important to how we live. My tutor CJ Lim was a big influence to me in this approach and an icon in his own right of satirical projects.

A:与传统项目相比,这个项目站在哲学立场来讨论建筑,以此影射现实社会问题,希望能呼吁人们关注此问题并有所行动。我的导师CJ Lim也以他自己的讽刺性项目出名,在这方面的研究对我影响很大。

Q:Whilst your project is satirical, it does aim to tackle a very pressing issue of the privatisation of cities and towns by large conglomerate companies, was there any particular reason as to why you explored this topic? 


A:We spend 35%, roughly a third of our waking lives working. The power large corporate institutions hold in society is ever increasing and some of the richest companies in the world are far more influential in our lives than countries. Holding power over our housing, employment, resources, entertainment and nutrition. This project acts as a cautionary tale of the lost freedoms which could arise if we entrust in the privatisation of our lives. Therefore it needs to be addressed and regulated, what this project tries to do is to get the observer to consider its importance, if done correctly the project has achieved its goal.


Q:Your dystopian Nestle’s New York was inspired by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, interpreted as a critique of capitalism and employee dependency on large corporations. How did the use of Fitzgerald’s book as a reference influence your design? And has the use of literature always been influential within your architectural work? 


A:I have always been fond of the wisdom found in fictional stories, however this direct reference came as part of the project’s brief this year, which asked us to take a piece of literature to instigate our thesis’s. The Great Gatsby became my starting point for this project as it best describes the pursuit of happiness in the American Dream through work and self-betterment. The novel embodies the aspects of dependency, greed and selfishness in its characters, which led to their ultimate demise. I interpreted the characters relationships between each other as Gatsby, the employees (us) and his dependency to Daisy, the institutions which rule them.



Q:Through this process your project too tells its own story, do you feel that storytelling through architecture is a critical aspect of the design process? 


A:Yes, storytelling has always been at the centre of architecture, we use it to convey a building, an idea, or a world not yet realised. The stories within literature or film have influenced me in the same way these medians convey important points to large audiences. Therefore I try to use architecture in the same way, where the tectonic forms all have important roles in translating the story to the observer.



Q:The imagery you produce is unlike any other we have seen, how has your flair developed over time and is there anyone or anything that has inspired your graphical style? 


A:Imagery conveys an idea faster than any other medium, ’a picture tells a thousand words’. I developed my particular style over the duration of my architectural education, tailoring it to what the project is trying to convey. My project prior this one took on a very photorealistic aesthetic as it best described the disruptive nature of a near post automation future. While this project ‘The Sweet Proposal’ has taken a more of story book appearance, to address the fantasia of a sweet dystopian world set in a nostalgic 1920’s aesthetic.

A:图像传达想法比任何其他媒介都更快,“一张图片胜过千言万语”。我的画图风格在学习建筑的过程中不断变化发展,并且根据项目所述不同进行调整。这个项目则选择采用了非常逼真的渲染,因为它最好地描述了近自动化阶段后期的破坏性。虽然这个项目“The Sweet Proposal”的图更多地采用了故事书的风格,但是为了解决一个基于怀旧背景的反乌托邦世界的幻想,仍然沿用了的1920年代的美学风格。


Q:No doubt our readers will be intrigued as to what your process is when producing these drawings, do you use particular software or hand drawing or a combination of the two?


A:In a brief summary the process to creating a drawing like this. I would first sketch out the composition and model in rhino and sketch up models which I try to texturize and colour, this could be up to 15 models per drawing. I then export these views as simple PDF prints and compose them using Photoshop, adding illustrations I have drawn in Illustrator such as trees, people, and unique elements.


Q:You study at the prestigious Bartlett School of Architecture UCL how do you feel the school differs to that of others in the UK? 


A:I am very grateful to study at the Bartlett, I am surrounded by some of the best students of architecture from all over the world, it forces you to up your own game. Bouncing ideas off each other and teaching our own specialities to one another. The Bartlett as well has excellent facilities and teachers that will challenge and support any project you wish to embark on.



Q:If you could offer one piece of advice to our architecture student followers what would it be? 


A:That would be to pursue what you enjoy. Whatever you enjoy will be the best product of your making, a pleasure to do and not a task.



Q:Finally, where can people find out more about you and your projects? 



A:You can find all my previous work and this one, in full, soon at my website, www.elliottbishop.com or follow me on my Instagram, @elliottgjbishop which is regularly posted with work in progress drawings. Thank you.

A:可以登陆我的网站www.elliottbishop.com上找到我以前的所有作品和完整的作品,或者在我的Instagram上关注我,@ beliottgjbishop定期发布工作进度图。 谢谢。

PS:在之前的软件班课程中我们有讲到过CJ Lim组大场景表达的制图技巧,已经报名上过课的同学可通过获得的相关素材进行练习,未报过名的同学请期待我们下次软件班开课哦~





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