


Details of Interior No.10


Medium: Alkyd resin, oil and pigments on linen

尺寸 Size: 60 x 61 cm


「神奇的静止」—— 罗伯特·博西西奥个展  

Painted Stillness
 Robert Bosisio Solo Exhibition

展期 Duration

姓名 /人数 / 到访时间 /联系电话

地址 Venue
NO.202, 2nd Floor, Sea World Culture & Arts Center, Shenzhen

距离展览结束还有 4 


* 英文文本请参阅文末
* For English version please refer to the end of the post

The stillness in Bosisio’s paintings


Interior1995, 75 x 90 cm, Oil and egg tempera on canvas



Medium: Alkyd resin, oil and pigments on linen

尺寸 Size: 72.5 x 80.5 cm




photo: ian


Interior No.4


Medium: Mixed media on paper, laminated on wood panel

尺寸 Size: 42 x 46 cm


中:薄丘尼“Unique Forms of Continuity in Space(1913)”
右:莫兰迪“Natura morta(1952)”

Medium: Alkyd resin, oil and pigments on wood panel
尺寸 Size: 28 x 21 cm


photo: Yuexi GUO

Body No.3


Medium: Alkyd resin, oil and pigments on linen

尺寸 Size: 193 x 165 cm




photo: Yuexi GUO



The stillness in Bosisio’s paintings

Ours is an era in which human beings are paralysed by so much visual information that they end up being almost “blinded” by it. In such a context, seeking some moments of stillness could be a way most suited to make specific moments "visible" and "perceivable". The two-dimensional physicality of painting itself, compared to sculptures, installations or other three dimensional mediums, encourages a kind of stillness, a private viewing time removed from our physical world, and thus gently pushes the viewer into an alternate reality where a certain amount of time and attention must needs be dedicated to the specific act of viewing, otherwise the meaning so deeply embedded in the paintings might slip out of his reach.

Watching Robert Bosisio's depictions of interior spaces instantly sparks in us a magical sense of stillness. After sharp contours and concrete objects in his 90s paintings, recent interiors tone everything that can be discerned down to the bare minimum, leaving only the lines, colours and lights. The sense of contrariety in the previous paintings thus followed by a neutral mystique. The use of different media such as oil painting, tempera, ash, sand, wax, and mortar, yields subtle shades of ochre, brown, Prussian blue, apricot orange, lemon yellow, light green, lilac, coal black, blueish white, and many other delicate hues and textures. While painting, Bosisio deftly disposes “luminous poles” on his canvas, so that the viewer's central perspective finds itself extended through these shafts of light. In this way, the contours of the individual shapes are prolonged and perpetuated in other shapes and lines, thus achieving an overall sense of unity.

There must be something magical about Italian sunlight. Due to its unique atmospheric clarity, the light is rarely disrupted by the phenomenon of diffusion. This physical reality may well explain how many great Italian artists have come to treat light in the most ingenious ways. In this may also lie the answer to how Bosisio skilfully balances pastel tones and subtle hues in his works, making the lights in his canvases appear humble and subdued, occasionally to the point of seeming to be enveloped in a fluffy texture. These lights are sometimes hidden between thresholds, giving the impression of being easily unsettled by eventual passers-by; they seem to have life, always furtively moving and slipping away behind the viewer’s back. And as soon as one turns around to stare at them anew, all the lights and shadows nimbly settle into place once again. Through the lines of door frames and window eaves, they ripple and vibrate in our eyes. Under the domes of many religious architectures, where light is suspended from above through the rose windows, looking sacred and meaningful. Bosisio's works bring us a similar effect. Even if the painting is tiny, the light in the painting is so faint that when you look at it, it still creates a sense of being “under the dome”. Just as the sacred light in a church actually comes from Tyndall effect, the aura in Bosisio’s paintings reflects the artist's brilliant use of color.

Some of Bosisio’s interiors are also marked by the presence of obvious lines or grids. When one moves closer, these lines will cut the picture into countless tiny and blurred blocks of pigment, gradually making it impossible for the viewer to recognise the motif, allowing one only to examine the lights and shades embedded in the colours. Conversely, as one slowly backs away from the canvas, the lines gradually blur until they disappear, causing the picture in the viewer’s eyes to become whole and clear again. In the process of repeatedly moving closer and backing away, the projection of the painting on the human retina happens in the form of a steady succession of static frames, each of them quiet and expressive.

One might ask: "How can a work depicting such an unremarkable scene still succeed in attracting people’s attention ?"

What Bosisio's interior spaces allow the viewer to experience is not a spiritually detached moment, but a visible and perceptible point in time. Such moments are thus endowed with the ability to be tranquil and gentle. Although the information provided by our senses is rich enough, some things always inspire us to gain a broader and deeper understanding of certain elements, such as the light, the shadow, and the unknown in Bosisio's paintings. The vividness and stillness of his canvases can spark in us some kind of creative reaction that stops the movement of the outside world for a fraction of time, meanwhile opening a pathway for us to enter this state of peaceful contemplation.

When talking about stillness, movement is one inevitable aspect that must needs be addressed. And the fascination with stillness stems from its ability to make the invisible visible through motion. By capturing moments in different transitions of visual clarity, the artist brings events that should be in the past or future, into the present. However, this “present” is not the flowing present of real life, but the "static" present of our imagined past and future. Thus, although the stillness expressed in Bosisio's work is composed of still images and objects, these inevitably generate an energetic flow in the viewer's mind.

With regard to movement and stillness in art history, these have always been marked by many evolutions. 19th-century painters were prone to depicting their models in static poses, giving the impression that their figure would remain in that pose forever. People at the time believed that art should avoid the peculiarities of a given moment, but should instead devote its efforts to seeking a perfect and unchanging beauty fixed beyond the flux of time. As a result, the figures in many paintings and sculptures of that era exude a stable and timeless ideal of beauty, reflected in their complete, or almost complete, absence of movement. Following the advent and subsequent development of modern thought, the depiction of the human body and its movements became more natural towards the late 19th century. Rodin, for example, refused to render the body in the academic style of his times, and tried instead to capture it in motion in its everyday activities. He "believed that the expression of life in sculpture requires a hint of movement, that one must feel the preceding and succeeding movements or moments, and that these represent the passage of time rather than a frozen instant”. Under these influences, cubism further inherited Rodin's ideas of movement or moment, while today, advances in technology and visual design have pushed the limits of human perception even further by incorporating 3D rendering and VR. In the field of visual arts, these techniques are used to create imaginary environments that transport viewers into a surreal realm situated somewhere between reality and fantasy.

Today, Robert Bosisio's paintings bring us back to the quiet stillness of times long gone by. In his portraits, the artist relies more heavily on the use of sfumato. Some of these images might appear familiar to the viewer : some may evoke figures from the Flemish Renaissance, others may remind him of Shanghai ladies from the Republican period, while others still depict only details or specific lines of the human body. Regardless of its subject matter, each image appears as if swathed in diaphanous gauze — all elements under the thin transparent veil are frozen, as if the relentless trickling of the sands of time had suddenly come to a halt. Compared to his series of interiors, the chromatic scale in Robert Bosisio’s portraits has been reduced to a strict minimum and is imbued with the temperament of classical paintings. However, the unique out-of-focus effect of these canvases always radiates a particular sense of distance and universality. What these works have in common is a kind of historical repetition, not of a specific event, but of formal structure, and the final effect created upon the viewer feels like that particular moment when one promptly grasps a distant memory as it suddenly flashes by.

Ernst H. Gombrich has argued that one major concern in classical painting has been to determine which particular moment could be best suited to convey to the viewer the idea of a whole narrative. In this sense, the moment of stillness may be considered as best expressing the idea of narration because it represents the moment of possibility, and thus of expectation. Robert Bosisio regards his interiors also as portraits, and thus successfully captures the most potential moments of each figure or space : all seem to be informed by a sense of stillness and opacity, suggesting and concealing a narrative, all at the same time.

The old folding screens that have been disposed in the halls hosting the present exhibition also assist the artist in his endeavours to achieve this moment of stillness with strong tension. Screens hold an important place in Oriental culture: in ancient Chinese scroll paintings, with the continuous unfolding of the picture, the appearance of screens allows to establish a distinction between different graphic elements, making it at the same time possible to reveal or hide certain parts of the painted surface, luring the viewer into exploring those concealed recesses. Within the present context, the use of screens also constantly readjusts the relationship between the viewer and the screen — ensuring a certain distance, preventing people from getting too close, and thus balancing the degree of separation that exists between both. The outstanding chiaroscuro effects and subtle brushstrokes that animate the painting are reflected by the frame of the screen a few steps away, causing them to appear more detached and serene, as if transcending time.

The stillness in Bosisio's paintings and the quiet atmosphere that this exhibition is trying to convey may not necessarily constitute a perfect moment per se, but ought instead to be understood like an invitation — an invitation to meditate, walk, and even fall asleep together, an invitation to play, quarrel, heal, and burn together. The door in this picture could lead us anywhere, here, there, or elsewhere. While this stillness may in itself be an illusion, it allows us to focus on one particular moment, even if only for a short time, and to understand the different meanings or aesthetic possibilities that lie within.

Article by ian

Proofread/ Dr. Claudio D. Lucchi (易柏霖)

Robert Bosisio

1963年出生于意大利特罗德纳,1988年毕业于维也纳应用艺术大学,师从维也纳行动主义代表人物阿道夫·弗罗纳(Adolf Frohner)教授,现生活与工作于意大利特罗德纳和德国柏林。
博西西奥的作品曾数次参与国际重要艺术展览,例如54届威尼斯双年展(La Biennale di Venezia, 2011),英国肖像大赛(BP Portrait Award, 2020)等。其作品也被多家艺术机构以及私人藏家收藏,例如雨果·沃滕基金会(Hugo Voeten Foundation)等,广受赞誉的奥斯卡获奖电影导演维姆·文德斯(Wim Wenders)也是博西西奥在欧洲的重要藏家之一。

Born in Trodena nel parco naturale, northern Italy, in 1963
Graduated from the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 1988
Taught by Professor Adolf Frohner(1934-2007), a representative of Viennese Actionism. 

He currently lives and works in Trodena nel parco naturale, Italy and Berlin, Germany. His paintings lie between abstraction and figurativeness; they do not depict concrete individual objects, but descriptions of an anonymous illusion. His portrait paintings are mysterious and out of focus. They also have a calm perspective and blurry contour. His Interior series has high-saturated warm hues and spatial structure made by extremely simple geometric shapes. The unreachable horizon may stimulate the viewer to pursue and explore the distant and endless space that lies beyond, showing a sense of silence and invisibility that transcends both actual time and real existence.
Robert Bosisio's paintings have been exhibited in many critical international exhibitions, such as the 54th International Art Biennale Exhibition Venice and the 2020 British Portrait Competition. They are also collected by art institutions and personal collectors, such as the Hugo Voeten Foundation and Oscar-awarded film director Wim Wenders, who is also one of the most important European collectors of Robert Bosisio.
"What matters to me is that my paintings remain simple, quiet and objective."("Mir ist es wichtig, daß meine Bilder einfach, ruhig und sachlich bleiben.") Robert Bosisio seriously defends the legitimacy of painting, exploring its boundaries from an independent and earnest perspective.

「神奇的静止 - 罗伯特·博西西奥个展」



W.ONE SPACE is an art gallery founded in Shenzhen by three Generation Y art practitioners. It was established in 2020 during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. New perspectives on art and life have emerged in this post-pandemic era. W.ONE SPACE aims to melt the boundaries between present, future and the past by mixing contemporary and ancient art under the logic of aesthetic research, thus bringing together arts of different countries, different periods and different forms to interact and express in unity as ONE.


