
特荐 | 四部情人节电影 | 时空恋旅人 | 恋恋笔记本 | 爱乐之城 | 时间旅行者的妻子












《时空恋旅人》(About Time)

We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride. 
如果你可以go back to any moment in your life, 你会做什么?
《时空恋旅人》(About Time),是由导演理查德·柯蒂斯自编自导,由多姆纳尔·格里森、瑞秋·麦克亚当斯、比尔·奈伊、汤姆·霍兰德、玛格特·罗比等主演的一部英国爱情、科幻片。


How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you.


We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.


It's very bad for a girl to be too pretty. It stops her developing a sense of humor. Or a personality.


I love your eyes. And I love the rest of your face, too.


All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride. 


Big lesson number one, all the time travel in the world can't make someone love you.


So it begins, lots and lots of types of days, Fun!


No one can ever prepare you for what happens when you have a child. When you see a baby in your arms, and you know that it's your job now. No one can prepare you for the love and the fear. No one can prepare the love, people you love can feel for them. And it's a shock how quickly you have to move to a new place you completely can't afford. Suddenly time travel seems almost unnecessary, because every detail of life is so delightful.


As all families do, we got used to life after death. And it was still fine. And things settled back into their traditional rhythms season after season, and are much as they have always been.



《恋恋笔记本》(The Notebook)

I am no one special, just a common man with common thoughts. I've led a common life.


There are no monuments dedicated to me. And my name will soon be forgotten. 


But in one respect, I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough. 





In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love.


Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.


The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.


If in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent a summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love.


Allie:I didn't know what to do. I was afraid you were never coming back我不知道该怎么办,我害怕你永远不会回来了Noah:I'll always come back.我一定会回来的。Allie:What's gonna happen when I can't remember anything any more? What will you do?要是我什么都不记得了怎么办?你会做什么?Noah:I'll be here. I'll never leave you.我会陪着你,我永远不会离开你。Allie:I need to ask you something.我要问你件事Noah:What is it, sweetheart?什么事?亲爱的Allie:Do you think that our love can create miracles?你觉得我们的爱能够创造奇迹吗?Noah:Yes, I do. That's what brings you back to me each time.能,每次将你带回我身边的正是我们的爱。Allie:Do you think our love could take us away together?你觉得我们的爱能把我们一起带走吗?Noah:I think our love can do anything we want it to.我觉得我们的爱能让我们实现所有愿望。Allie:I love you.我爱你Noah:I love you, Allie.我也爱你


《爱乐之城》(La La Land)

Here's to the ones who dream, 

foolish as they may seem.”

《爱乐之城》女主角 | 艾玛·斯通奥斯卡金像奖获奖感言


Mia: Here's to the ones who dream Foolish, as they may seem Here's to the hearts that ache Here's to the mess we makeI trace it all back, to that Her, and the snow, and the SeineSmiling through it She said she'd do it, Again米娅:致拥有梦想的傻瓜,也许他们看起来疯癫;致支离破碎的心;致我们闯的祸。多年之后当我回望,我想起她、那雪、塞纳河,她带着笑回忆,说她仍会再次跳入河中。
City of stars Are you shining just for me? City of starsThere's so much that I can't see Who knows? I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you That now our dreams They've finally come true繁星之城,你是否只为我闪耀?星光璀璨之城,有太多我看不到的,谁能知晓?第一次与你拥抱,我就已经感觉到我们的梦想,终于成真。Mia: Maybe I'm not good enough!Sebastian: Yes, you are.Mia: Maybe I'm not! It's like a pipe dream.Sebastian: This is the dream! It's conflict and it's compromise, and it's very, very exciting!米娅也许我不够好!塞巴斯汀你很好了。米娅也许我并不够好!这就像是个白日梦!塞巴斯汀这就是梦想!有冲突也会有妥协,而且非常非常振奋人心。Mia: It's pretty strange that we keep running into each other.Sebastian: Maybe it means something.米娅很奇怪,我们总是能碰上。塞巴斯汀:也许这就是缘分。Sebastian: I'm letting life hit me until it gets tired. Then I'll hit back. It's a classic rope-a-dope.塞巴斯汀我任由生活打击我,直到它疲惫无力。然后我会回击。这是典型的以逸待劳。Mia: People love what other people are passionate about.米娅人们喜爱别人倾注热情所做的事情。


《时间旅行者的妻子》(The Time Traveler's Wife)

I never wanted to have anything in my life that I couldn't stand losing. But it's too late for that.     It's not because you're beautiful and smart and perfect.     I don't feel alone anymore.我一生从不想拥有任何东西让我无法承受失去之痛,但现在来不及了,这并不是因为你漂亮、聪明或是完美。有了你我不再感到孤单。













I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I‘m tired. I watch the wind play with the trash that’s been under the snow all winter. Everything seems simple until you think about it. 我独自一人入睡,独自一人醒来。我经常走动。我工作到精疲力尽。我注视被一整个冬天的积雪覆盖的垃圾,随风飞舞。除非你停下来想这件事情,否则一切都依旧单纯。Each moment is as slow and transparent as glass. Through each moment I can see infinite moments lined up, waiting. 每个微小的时刻,如同玻璃沙漏里的细沙,缓慢而透明,每个微小的时刻,我都能看见,它们无穷无尽,汇聚成漫长的等待。Maybe I’m dreaming you. Maybe you’re dreaming me; maybe we only exist in each other’s dreams and every morning when we wake up we forget all about each other.也许你是我梦里的人,也许我是你梦里的人;也许我们只活在对方的梦里,第二天早晨醒来,再把彼此忘掉。


DearestClare,最挚爱的克莱尔:AsI write this, I am sitting at my desk in the back bedroom looking out at yourstudio across the backyard full of blue evening snow. Everything is slick andcrusty1) with ice, and it is very still. It’s one of those winter evenings whenthe coldness of every single thing seems to slow down time, like the narrowcenter of an hourglass2) which time itself flows through, but slowly, slowly. Ihave the feeling, very familiar to me when I am out of time but almost neverotherwise, of being buoyed3) up by time, floating effortlessly on its surfacelike a fat lady swimmer. I had a sudden urge, tonight, here in the house bymyself (you are at Alicia4)’s recital at St. Lucy’s) to write you a letter. Isuddenly wanted to leave something, for after. I think that time is short, now.I feel as though all my reserves, of energy, of pleasure, of duration5), arethin, small. I don’t feel capable of continuing very much longer. I know youknow.当我写这封信的时候,我正坐在后卧室里我的书桌旁,穿过后院夜色中幽蓝的积雪,眺望你的工作室。万物都披上了一层光滑的冰衣,寂静无声。这是无数个冬季夜晚中的一个,每一件事物上的严寒,仿佛令时间减缓了速度,仿佛让它们从沙漏狭小的中央穿越,不过,那么缓慢,缓慢。我有种很熟悉的感觉,我被时间托起来,就像一个正在夏日里游泳的肥妇人,轻而易举地漂浮到水的上面,这种感觉只有当我离开正常的时间后,才能体会到。今晚,就我自己一个人(你正在圣路丝教堂,听爱丽西亚的独奏音乐会),我突然有种冲动,想给你写封信。我想为你留下些东西,在那之后。我觉得,时间越来越少了。我所有的精力、快乐、耐性,都变细了,变少了,我觉得我无法维持太久。我知道你明白的。Ifyou are reading this, I am probably dead. (I say probably because you neverknow what circumstances may arise; it seems foolish and self-important to justdeclare one’s own death as an out-and-out6) fact.) About this death of mine—I hope it was simple and clean andunambiguous7). I hope it didn’t create too much fuss. I’m sorry. (This readslike a suicide note. Strange.) But you know: you know that if I could havestayed, if I could have gone on, that I would have clutched every second:whatever it was, this death, you know that it came and took me, like a childcarried away by goblins8).当你读这封信的时候,我可能已经死了(我说可能,是因为谁都不知道还会发生什么,直截了当地宣布死亡,不仅愚蠢,而且狂妄)关于我的死——我希望它简单明了,干净利落,而且毫无悬念,我不希望它引起太多的纷乱。我很抱歉(这听上去像是绝命书,真奇怪)。可是你知道的:你知道如果我还有一线希望,还能继续留在这个世界上,我会死死抓住每一分钟的:无论如何,这一次,死亡真的来了,它要带走我,就像妖精要把孩子掳走一样。Clare,I want to tell you, again, I love you. Our love has been the thread through thelabyrinth, the net under the high-wire walker, the only real thing in thisstrange life of mine that I could ever trust. Tonight I feel that my love foryou has more density in this world than I do, myself: as though it could lingeron after me and surround you, keep you, hold you.克莱尔,我想再次告诉你,我爱你。这些年来,我们之间的爱,一直是汪洋的苦海中指航的明灯,是高空钢索步行者身下的安全网,是我怪诞生活中惟一的真实,惟一的信任。今晚我觉得,我对你的爱,比我自己,更紧紧地抓着这个世界:仿佛在我之后,我的爱还可以留下来,包围你,追随你,抱紧你。Ihate to think of you waiting. I know that you have been waiting for me all yourlife, always uncertain of how long this patch of waiting would be. Ten minutes,ten days. A month. What an uncertain husband I have been, Clare, like a sailor,Odysseus9) alone and buffeted10) by tall waves, sometimes wily and sometimesjust a plaything of the gods. Please, Clare. When I am dead, stop waiting andbe free. Of me—put me deep inside you and then go out in the world and live.Love the world and yourself in it, move through it as though it offers noresistance, as though the world is your natural element. I have given you alife of suspended animation. I don’t mean to say that you have done nothing.You have created beauty, and meaning, in your art, and Alba11), who is soamazing, and for me: for me you have been everything.我最恨去想你的等待。我知道,你的一生都在等我,每一次都不知道要等多久,十分钟,十天,还是一整个月。克莱尔,一直以来,我是个靠不住的丈夫,像个海员,像是那独自一人去远航的奥德赛,在高耸的海浪里饱受蹂躏,有时是狡诈的诡计,有时只是众神灵的小把戏。克莱尔,我请求你。当我死去以后,别再等我,自由地生活吧。至于我——就把我放进你心的深处,然后去外面的世界,生活吧。爱这个世界,爱活在这个世界里的自己,请你自由地穿梭,仿佛没有阻力,仿佛这个世界和你原本就同为一体。我给你的都是没有意识、搁置在旁的生活。我并不是说你什么都没做,你在艺术上创造出美丽,并赋予其意义;你带给我们这么了不起的爱尔芭;对于我,你就是我的一切。Aftermy mom died she ate my father up12) completely. She would have hated it. Everyminute of his life since then has been marked by her absence, every action haslacked dimension because she is not there to measure against. And when I wasyoung I didn’t understand, but now, I know, how absence can be present, like adamaged nerve, like a dark bird.我妈妈去世以后,她把我父亲吞噬成一副空壳。如果她知道,她也会恨自己。他生活中的每一秒都被她的空缺标下印记,他的一举一动都失去了量度,因为她不在那里作他衡量的依据。我小时候并不明白,可是现在,我知道了,逝者并未曾去,就像受伤的神经,就像死神之鸟。IfI had to live on without you I know I could not do it. But I hope, I have thisvision of you walking unencumbered13), with your shining hair in the sun. Ihave not seen this with my eyes, but only with my imagination, that makespictures, that always wanted to paint you, shining; but I hope that this visionwill be true, anyway.如果没有你,我也不知道该怎么活。但我希望能看见你无拘无束地在阳光下漫步,还有你熠熠生辉的长发。我没有亲眼见过这样的景致,全凭想象,在脑海中形成这幅图画,我一直想照着它画下你灿烂的样子,但我真的希望,这幅画面终能成真。Clare,there is one last thing, and I have hesitated to tell you, because I’msuperstitiously14) afraid that telling might cause it not to happen (I know:silly) and also because I have just been going on about not waiting and thismight cause you to wait longer than you have ever waited before. But I willtell you in case you need something, after.克莱尔,还有最后一件事情,我一直犹豫是否要告诉你,因为我迷信地担心,泄漏天机反倒会阻碍它的发生(我知道我很愚蠢)。还有一个原因,我刚刚让你别再等待,而这次,恐怕会比你任何一次的等待更加漫长。可是我还要告诉你,以备你需要一些力量,在今后。Lastsummer, I was sitting in Kendrick15)’s waiting room when I suddenly foundmyself in a dark hallway in a house I don’t know. I was sort of tangled up in abunch of galoshes16), and it smelled like rain. At the end of the hall I couldsee a rim of light around a door, and so I went very slowly and very quietly tothe door and looked in. The room was white, and intensely lit with morning sun.At the window, with her back to me, sat a woman, wearing a coral-coloredcardigan sweater17), with long white hair all down her back. She had a cup oftea beside her, on a table. I must have made some little noise, or she sensedme behind her...she turned and saw me, and I saw her, and it was you, Clare,this was you as an old woman, in the future. It was sweet, Clare, it was sweetbeyond telling, to come as though from death to hold you, and to see the yearsall present in your face. I won’t tell you any more, so you can imagine it, soyou can have it unrehearsed when the time comes, as it will, as it does come.We will see each other again, Clare. Until then, live, fully, present in theworld, which is so beautiful.去年夏天,我坐在肯德里克的候诊室里,突然发现自己到了一间陌生的房屋,一处漆黑的过道,我被一小堆橡胶靴子缠住,闻上去有雨的味道。在过道的尽头,我看见门边一圈依稀的微光,于是我非常缓慢、非常安静地走到门边,朝里张望。在早晨的强光下,房间里一片亮白。窗边上,背对我坐着的,是一位女士,她穿着珊瑚色的开襟衫,一头白发披在背上,她身边的桌子上放着一杯茶,一定是我发出了声响,或者她已感觉到我在她的身后……她转过身,看见了我,我也看见了她。那是你,克莱尔,是年迈的你,是未来的你。多么甜美的感觉,克莱尔,比一切我能形容的还要甜美。就好像从死神手里走出来,抱着你,看着你脸上留下的岁月的痕迹。我不能再多说了,你可以去想象,当那一时刻到来的时候,你将会有全新的感受,那一定会到来的。克莱尔,我们还会再见面的。在那之前,好好地活在这个世界上,它是多么美丽啊。It’sdark, now, and I am very tired. I love you, always. Time is nothing.现在天色暗了,我也倦了。我爱你,永永远远。时间没有什么了不起。                                                                                 Henry亨利










