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【资讯】 2019跨文化培训师高级研修班

Intercultural learning in higher education in China:

Global, local and glocal perspectives

Call for abstracts

University of Nottingham Ningbo, Ningbo, China

19-20 June 2020

Preparation for intercultural engagement, whether in China or beyond, is now an important aspect of young people’s education. As students in higher education seek opportunities for study abroad and/or study alongside their international peers in their Chinese institutions, they need intercultural communication resources to support their learning and engagement. Employers also need interculturally competent graduates who can operate in increasingly globalized and intercultural contexts. Furthermore, national policies have highlighted intercultural learning in Chinese higher education, and intercultural learning has been mandated by the Chinese Ministry of Education within its English language teaching guidelines.

This 2-day conference aims to gather researchers, teachers, administrative and management staff in higher education, commercial providers of educational products and services, and policy makers for workshops and presentations on intercultural learning in higher education in China. By advancing dialogue between researchers and practitioners, building bridges between global and local perspectives, and reflecting on theories and practices of intercultural learning in higher education, a deeper understanding of intercultural education in Chinese higher education can be gained. In addition to invited and selected papers and posters (see below), the conference will offer workshops for teachers and trainers based on the intercultural learning materials developed within the RICH-Ed project.

Keynote Speakers

Sun Youzhong (Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China)

Darla K. Deardorff (Duke University, USA) – (to be confirmed)

Call for abstracts:

We invite researchers and practitioners to submit abstracts for paper and poster presentations at this international conference on intercultural education. Research papers will be 20 minutes long followed by a 5-minute discussion. Poster presentations will enable researchers and practitioners to display (on poster boards) and discuss their research during the conference. Posters may also report pedagogical developments or practitioners’ case studies in the field.

Submissions may include, but are not restricted to:

·international education

·intercultural/global/glocal talents

·intercultural learning through internationalization at home

·assessment of intercultural learning

·intercultural learning and the community of a shared future for humankind

·integrating language teaching and intercultural teaching

·intercultural learning through virtual exchange

·ethnographic and other experience-based approaches to intercultural learning

·intercultural learning beyond the curriculum (e.g., in the workplace, in business, when volunteering)

·intercultural teacher education.

You are invited to submit a 300-350 word abstract in English of your research paper or poster by 31 January 2020. Please include a brief bio of no more than 100 words, and your job title and organization of employment. More details on the submission procedure will follow soon on www.rich-ed.com.

You will be notified whether your abstract is accepted by 29 February, 2020.

More details on the practical arrangements (registration, accommodation, …) will be provided in due time.

RICH-Ed (Resources for Interculturality in Chinese Higher Education) is an Erasmus+ CBHE Project (2017-2020) which aims to support Chinese higher education in creating a learning environment that empowers students and staff for global engagement. The project sets out to define a pedagogical approach for intercultural learning, and to develop learning resources for students and support staff that are tested at the five Chinese partner universities and elsewhere in the Yangtze River Delta and North-East China.

For further information about the RICH-Ed project and the conference, please go to www.rich-ed.com or scan the QR codes:









孙有中 北京外国语大学

Darla Deardorff  美国杜克大学 (待定)
















有关RICH-Ed项目和会议的更多信息见项目网站:www.rich-ed.com 或扫描下方二维码:




