
GitGuardian:获融$12M 数据防泄漏

【191206 Pulse2】GitGuardian — a developer-centric cybersecurity startup specializing in finding company “secrets” in online code — announced that it raised $12 million in Series A funding led by Balderton Capital. Fly Ventures, GitHub co-founder Scott Chacon, and Docker founder Solomon Hykes also joined this round.

【谷歌翻译,未经校对】GitGuardian是一家以开发人员为中心的网络安全创业公司,专门研究在线代码中的公司“秘密”,该公司宣布获得由Balderton Capital牵头的1200万美元A轮融资。 Fly Ventures,GitHub联合创始人Scott Chacon和Docker创始人Solomon Hykes也加入了这一轮。

And GitGuardian was built to uncover sensitive company information hiding in online repositories. And GitGuardian’s real-time monitoring platform helps enterprise teams manage data leaks to prevent breaches that could cause millions of dollars in potential damages.


The scale of this problem represents a major challenge for companies today. For example, a SANS Institute survey this year found half of company data breaches were the result of account or credential hacking, higher than any other attack method among firms using cloud-based services.

这个问题的规模对当今的公司来说是一个重大挑战。例如,SANS Institute今年的一项调查发现,公司数据泄露的一半是帐户或凭据黑客的结果,高于使用基于云的服务的公司中的任何其他攻击方法。

Enterprise software developers rely on the integration of multiple internal and third-party services to offer essential features to clients. And to integrate such services, developers handle incredibly sensitive secrets like login details, API keys, and private cryptographic keys used to protect confidential systems and data such as payment systems, servers, and intellectual property.


To build and refine the code needed to make such integrations work, more than 40 million developers and almost 3 million businesses and organizations worldwide use GitHub. And the collaborative nature of this platform is what makes GitHub such a useful and revolutionary development tool, but it can also lead to “secret leakage” in which developers unwittingly expose sensitive company credentials to the public via their code repositories.


“Through our detection and alerting services, GitGuardian has already supported global government organizations, more than 100 Fortune 500 companies and 400,000 individual developers to date,” said GitGuardian co-founder and CEO Jérémy Thomas. “Currently, every company with software development activities is concerned about secrets spreading within the organization, and in the worst case, to the public space. As a company with so much sensitive information at hand, we have built a culture of unconditional secrecy at our core.”

“通过我们的检测和警报服务,GitGuardian已经为全球政府组织,超过100家财富500强公司和40万个人开发商提供了支持,” GitGuardian联合创始人兼首席执行官JérémyThomas说。 “目前,每家从事软件开发活动的公司都关心组织内部(最坏的情况是传播到公共场所)的机密。作为一家手头有这么多敏感信息的公司,我们已经建立了一种无条件保密的文化。

GitGuardian’s systems are able to detect thousands of credential leaks per day. And while some breaches are relatively low impact, many are of a highly critical nature and may put companies at significant risk. This potentially giving hackers access to entire systems and classified databases. And in recent years, breaches have led to billions of dollars wiped off company valuations and millions being paid in settlement costs and fines.


GitGuardian originally built its launch platform with public GitHub in mind. But GitGuardian is built to be able to monitor and notify on secrets that are inappropriately disseminated in internal systems such as private code repositories or messaging systems. Internal systems are often treated with complete trust leading to secrets being freely shared on messaging platforms for instance. And this makes these systems high-value targets for hackers: once compromised, secrets found there can be leveraged to make larger and more damaging attacks on other systems.


“The modern software development process is remarkable in its ability to allow large, distributed teams to deliver complex systems quickly. However, the very connectivity and openness this depends on has left many companies unwittingly exposed,” added Balderton Capital partner Suranga Chandratillake. “Rather than encumber technology organizations with limiting compliance procedures, GitGuardian allows the modern enterprise to develop code quickly and how it wants to, but with automated visibility and protection over how data, credentials and other sensitive information is used, moved and shared. We are delighted to be joining Jeremy and Eric on their mission to build a platform that allows more people to build more code faster and more safely.”

现代软件开发过程的出色之处在于它可以使大型的分布式团队快速交付复杂的系统。但是,这所依赖的高度连通性和开放性使许多公司不知不觉地暴露了出来。” Balderton Capital合伙人Suranga Chandratillake补充说。 “ GitGuardian不会使技术组织受到严格的合规性程序的限制,而是使现代企业能够快速开发代码以及其希望的方式,但是具有对数据,凭证和其他敏感信息的使用,移动和共享方式的自动可见性和保护。我们很高兴加入Jeremy和Eric的使命,建立一个平台,使更多的人可以更快,更安全地构建更多代码。

With this round of funding, GitGuardian plans to expand its customer base, predominantly in the US. And around 75% of its clients are currently based in the US with the remainder being based in Europe. And the funding will continue to drive this expansion. Plus GitGuardian also developed a monitoring platform for private sites.


“Securing your systems starts with securing your software development process. GitGuardian understands this, and they have built a pragmatic solution to an acute security problem. Their credentials monitoring system is a must-have for any serious organization,” explained Docker founder and GitGuardian investor Solomon Hykes.

“保护系统安全始于保护软件开发过程。 GitGuardian理解这一点,他们已经针对严重的安全问题建立了务实的解决方案。 Docker的创始人和GitGuardian投资者Solomon Hykes解释说,他们的凭据监视系统对于任何严肃的组织都是必不可少的。

GitGuardian’s technology works by connecting developers registered on GitHub with their companies and scanning the content of over 2.5 million commits (or code revisions) per day in search for signs of company secrets. This equates to about 1 billion commits a year, covering more than 300 different types of secrets from keys to database connection strings, SSL certificates, usernames, and passwords.

GitGuardian的技术通过将在GitHub上注册的开发人员与其公司联系起来,每天扫描超过250万次提交(或代码修订)的内容,以寻找公司机密的迹象,从而发挥了作用。 这相当于每年约10亿次提交,涵盖从密钥到数据库连接字符串,SSL证书,用户名和密码的300多种不同类型的秘密。

网安团队找钱 / 投资人找网安项目

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—— 全球网安投融事件 TimeLine ——


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【安全检测】GitGuardian:获融$12M 代码漏洞检测
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【物联网】睿赛德:获融¥近亿 物联网操作系统
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【反欺诈】Cheq:获融$16M 广告反欺诈

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【安全检测】丁牛:获融¥数千万 攻防
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【网络攻防】Picus:获融$5M 攻防平台
【二级市场】安恒信息:科创板IPO 获融¥7.6亿
【物联网】Foundries.io:获融$3.5M IoT安全OS


【整体并购】九州云腾:阿里云全资收购 身份认证

【业务安全】Duality:获融$16M 隐私与数字IP保护


【身份认证】IDnow:获融€36M AI驱动身份认证

【数据安全】VGS:获高盛$35M 0数据




【风险控制】维择科技:获融$数千万 AI驱动风控



【工业网安】长扬科技:获融近¥亿元 工业网安

【智能安防】MyGate:获融$50M 智能安保系统

【身份认证】Hypr:获融$18.3M 免密登录


【二级市场】南洋股份:拟斥资¥1000万 设立成都天融信

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【二级市场】山石网科:9月30日 科创板IPO

【反欺诈】Verafin:获融$515M 金融犯罪防控

【安全检测】Cycode:获融$4.6M 代码检测

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【物联网】Crypto:获融$8M 物联网安全

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【安全测评】HackerOne:获融36.4M 众测平台
【业务安全】PerimeterX:获融$91.5M 网站与应用防护
【开源安全】Snyk:获融$70M 开源安全平台
【整体并购】Zingbox:被平底锅$75M并购 布局工控安全


【终端安全】网思科平:获琥珀投资 加码EDR

【身份认证】Yubico:获融$25M 身份认证与加密硬件

【终端安全】CrowdStrike:设立$20M基金 布局平台应用

【安全管理】Remediant:获融$15M 特权访问管理

【反欺诈】Cofense:获BlackRock投资 加码防钓鱼平台

【整体并购】PageSeal:被PerimeterX并购 强化终端威胁防护

【整体并购】Veriflow:被VMware并购 强化网络维护

【数据安全】Kasten:获融$14M 数据备份与恢复

【身份认证】AU10TIX:获融$60M 云身份认证

【云安全 】CloudCheckr:获融$15M 多云管理平台

【数据安全 】Clumio:获融$51M 云灾备

【数据安全】Securiti.ai:获融$31M 合规与隐私安全
【终端安全】Cybereason:获融$200M 大数据驱动终端防护


【业务安全】New Knowledge:获融$3M 在线商誉保护
【边界安全】Trinity Cyber:获融$23M 提前拦截外网威胁
【业务安全】富数科技:宣布获融 基于隐私保护的多方计算平台
【边界安全】Vectra:获融$100M 威胁监测与处置AI
【整体并购】BlueTalon:被微软并购 数据权限管理
【数据安全】BigID:获融$50M 数据合规管理
【业务安全】安全派:获融¥20M 关键业务安全
【网安AI】瑞数信息:获融¥1亿 动态安全与自动化防护
【智能安防】WatchGuard:被Moto系统并购 强化视频安防
【终端安全】enSilo:获融$23M 实时与预先终端防护
【业务安全】英方:完成B+轮融资 数据保护与业务安全
【业务安全】Digital Shadows:获融$10M 专注DRP
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【数据安全】Druva:获融$130M 数据安全SaaS
【动态防御】卫达安全:获融¥数千万 智能动态防御
【工业网安】融安网络:获融¥数千万 工控安全
【安全运维】Expel:获融$40M 专注MSS
【车联网】Edge Case:获融$7M 自动驾驶安全
【网安AI】墨云科技:获融¥千万 AI模拟网络攻击
【安全培训】KnowBe4:获融$300M 安全意识培训
【二级市场】CrowdStrike: IPO首日涨幅65% 估值超过$10B
【车联网】GuardKnox:获融$21M 车联网安全
【整体并购】Insight Partners:领投SentinelOne 并购Recorded Future


【IoT】智普信:获融¥过亿 物联网安全

【威胁情报】BlueVoyant:获融$82.5M 安全托管及威胁情报
【整体并购】Appsulate:被Zscaler并购 布局浏览器安全
【整体并购】Verodin:被FireEye以$250M并购 布局安全测评
【安全运维】Siemplify:获融$30M 加码安全运维
【智能安防】蓝光安科:获融¥10M 社区智能安防
【安全管理】Exabeam:获融$75M AI驱动SIEM革新
【威胁情报】ID Agent:被Kaseya并购 布局暗网监控与威胁情报


【业务安全】Expanse:获融$70M 连接设备追踪    
【身份认证】Cambridge区块链:获融$3.5M 身份认证与合规管理
【安全管理】Sqreen:获融$14M 应用程序安全管理
【身份认证】Onfido:获融$50M AI驱动身份认证
【整体并购】NetFort:被Rapid7并购 强化流量分析


【整体并购】Azuqua:被Okta以$52.5M并购 加强可视化与自动化


【业务安全】Cequence:获融$17M 企业应用防护
【数据安全】Ionic:获融$40M JP摩根领投
【身份认证】SpyCloud:获融$21M M12领投 ATO
【整体并购】Demisto:被平底锅$560M并购 提升应急自动化
【业务安全】nsKnox:获融$15M 企业支付安全
【整体并购】Luminate:被赛门铁克$200M并购 加码云安全
【数据安全】Illumio:获融$65M JP摩根领投 自适应分片
【应用安全】Signal Sciences:获融$35M 加码Web应用安全


【移动安全】芯盾时代:获融¥3亿 宽带资本领投
【数据安全】Rubrik:获融$261M 数据管理与备份
【身份认证】Authenteq:获融$5M 区块链身份认证
【身份认证】OneLogin:获融$100M 企业级身份认证
【整体并购】Akamai:并购Janrain 布局CIAM
【智能安防】澎思科技:获融¥数千万 软硬结合AI+安防
【网络安全】360企业安全:获融¥9亿 投后估值¥206.5亿


【反欺诈】Devcon:获融$4.5M 对抗广告欺诈
【邮件安全】Avanan:获融$25M 邮件与协同办公安全
【金融风控】AccessFintech:获融$17.5M 金融网络风控
【整体并购】Arctic Wolf:并购RootSecure 布局网络风险测评
【系统安全】Tigera:获融$30M 致力K8s安全与合规
【固件安全】Eclypsium:获融$8.75M 固件安全
【企业安全】360企安:获融¥12.5亿 投后估值¥187.5亿
【身份认证】Pindrop:获融$90M 声控认证
【整体并购】HTBASE:被Juniper并购 强化云能力
【身份认证】Venafi:获融$100M 设备认证管理
【网络风控】CyberGRX:获融$30M 企业网络风控
【移动安全】爱加密:获融数千万元 应用加固

