
Trusona:获融$20M 身份认证

PAUL SAWERS 网络安全投资 2021-05-21

【200114 Venturebeat】Trusona, a security and authentication platform that helps businesses verify logins without relying on passwords, has raised $20 million in a round of funding led by Georgian Partners, with participation from Microsoft’s M12, Kleiner Perkins, OurCrowd, Seven Peaks Ventures, and Akamai.

【谷歌翻译 未经校对】Trusona是一个安全和身份验证平台,可帮助企业在不依赖密码的情况下验证登录,该公司在由乔治亚州合作伙伴牵头的一轮融资中筹集了2000万美元,微软M12,Kleiner Perkins,OurCrowd,Seven Peaks Ventures和Akamai参与了此次融资。

Poor password hygiene is a major driving force behind identity theft and security breaches — particularly in businesses, where 81% of all breaches are said to be due to compromised passwords. The underlying problem is that people are not that great at remembering lots of passwords so they often reuse the same password across multiple online services or use a really easy-to-guess password. Sometimes both.


Founded in 2015, Scottsdale, Arizona-based Trusona provides organizations with the tools to verify their employees or customers more securely, without having to rely on passwords. This may involve biometrics, QR codes, document scanning, and more.


Given that more people have become accustomed to frictionless sign-up and login flows with all the big mobile app providers, anything less can come across as a subpar experience. What Trusona offers via a software development kit (SDK) is the opportunity for any developer to integrate the experience customers are coming to expect into their own app.


“We are on a mission to make the online world a safer place by turning usernames and passwords into memories and eliminating compromised credentials,” said Trusona CEO and founder Ori Eisen.

Trusona首席执行官兼创始人Ori Eisen表示:“我们的使命是通过将用户名和密码转化为记忆,并消除受到破坏的凭据,从而使在线世界变得更加安全。

Trusona had previously raised around $18 million, including a $10 million funding tranche that was led by Microsoft’s VC arm back in 2017. With another $20 million in the bank, the company said it plans to work on new products and expand its existing services to new businesses.


“This round of funding will not only help us meet the growth in demand for our passwordless authentication solutions but will also support new breakthrough innovations,” Eisen added.



Judging by recent activity, password management — which effectively moves passwords to the background of the authentication process — is big business. A few months back, popular password management service 1Password raised $200 million in the first round of funding in its 14-year history. Shortly before that, rival Dashlane raised $110 million. Elsewhere, Mozilla launched its Firefox Lockbox service for Android users, enabling them to log into native mobile apps using passwords that are already stored in their Firefox browser, while VPN giant NordVPN launched a password management app of its very own.

从最近的活动来看,将密码有效地转移到身份验证过程的后台的密码管理是一项大生意。几个月前,流行的密码管理服务1Password在其14年的历史中的第一轮融资中筹集了2亿美元。在此之前不久,竞争对手Dashlane筹集了1.1亿美元。在其他地方,Mozilla为Android用户启动了Firefox Lockbox服务,使他们能够使用已存储在Firefox浏览器中的密码登录本地移动应用程序,而VPN巨头NordVPN推出了自己的密码管理应用程序。

Global demand for password management solutions in mobile devices amounted to less than $115 million in 2016, according to a report from Grand View Research. But Grand View estimates that the figure will rise to more than $2 billion by 2025. Similarly, Gartner predicts that by 2022, 60% of large and global enterprises, and 90% of midsize enterprises, will deploy passwordless verification methods such as biometric authentication “in more than 50% of use cases” — up from 5% in 2018.

根据Grand View Research的报告,2016年全球对移动设备密码管理解决方案的需求不到1.15亿美元。但据Grand View估计,到2025年,这一数字将增加到20亿美元以上。同样,Gartner预测,到2022年,将有60%的大型和全球企业以及90%的中型企业部署无密码验证方法,例如生物特征认证“在超过50%的用例中”,高于2018年的5%。

Trusona said it’s seeing “unprecedented demand” from enterprises seeking passwordless login technologies, which was also evident in the strategic investment made by Akamai, a U.S.-based content delivery network (CDN), edge platform provider, and cybersecurity company.


“We are seeing increasing demand for passwordless authentication because of how it simplifies and improves the user login experience,” said Rick McConnell, president and general manager of Akamai’s web division. “Trusona’s unique approach complements what Akamai does to register and manage customer identities, allowing our customers to offer great online experiences while reducing fraud and achieving compliance with growing regulatory requirements.”

Akamai网站部门总裁兼总经理Rick McConnell表示:“由于无密码身份验证可以简化和改善用户登录体验,因此我们对无密码身份验证的需求正在增加。” “ Trusona独特的方法补充了Akamai注册和管理客户身份的工作,使我们的客户能够提供出色的在线体验,同时减少欺诈并实现对不断增长的法规要求的遵守。

网安团队找钱 / 投资人找网安项目

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【身份认证】SpyCloud:获融$21M M12领投 ATO
【整体并购】Demisto:被平底锅$560M并购 提升应急自动化
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【数据安全】Illumio:获融$65M JP摩根领投 自适应分片
【应用安全】Signal Sciences:获融$35M 加码Web应用安全


【移动安全】芯盾时代:获融¥3亿 宽带资本领投
【数据安全】Rubrik:获融$261M 数据管理与备份
【身份认证】Authenteq:获融$5M 区块链身份认证
【身份认证】OneLogin:获融$100M 企业级身份认证
【整体并购】Akamai:并购Janrain 布局CIAM
【智能安防】澎思科技:获融¥数千万 软硬结合AI+安防
【网络安全】360企业安全:获融¥9亿 投后估值¥206.5亿

