素馅姜黄萝卜Stuffed Turmeric Radish
Stuffed Turmeric Radish
300克 白萝卜
300g white radish
200克 老豆腐
200g old tofu
3-5朵 鲜香菇
3-5 shiitake
30克 干扁豆
30g dried lentils
少许 姜黄粉
A bit of turmeric powder
少许 胡椒粉
A bit of pepper
少许 生抽
A bit of soy sauce
少许 盐
A bit of salt
1. 扁豆煮熟备用。(这道菜需要的扁豆不多但可以多煮点另外用);
Cook lentils and set aside. This dish doesn't need many lentils, but you can cook more and use other for another dish.
2. 白萝卜去皮,切成直径6cm大小、厚度约1cm的圆柱形,并将中间掏空去除形成扳指形;
Peel the radish, cut it into a cylinder with a diameter of about 6cm and a thickness of about 1cm, and remove the middle part.
3. 将白萝卜放入锅中,加入适量的水、少许姜黄粉和盐,煮10分钟,备用;
Put the radish into the pot, add appropriate amount of water, a bit of turmeric powder and salt, cook for 10 minutes, and set aside.
4. 豆腐切小粒,香菇擦净切小粒;热锅依次煸炒香菇粒和豆腐粒,并用生抽和胡椒粉调味, 最后加入煮熟的扁豆搅拌均匀;
Chop the tofu, clean and dice the mushrooms; stir fry the mushrooms then add tofu, and season with soy sauce and pepper. Finally add the boiled lentils and stir well.
5. 将炒熟的豆腐、香菇、扁豆放入碗用叉子压碎搅拌(也可以用搅拌机),馅料部分完成;
Put the fried tofu, mushrooms and lentils into a bowl, mash with a fork (or blender).
6. 在煮好的萝卜中间的孔里加入馅料;摆盘即可。
Fill the hole in the middle of the cooked radish with stuffing. Enjoy!
Pay attention to your thoughts for they will influences your life
I want to share with you a famous saying that I like very much
“Watch your thoughts; they become your words…
Watch your words; they become your actions…
Watch your actions; they become your habits…
Watch your habits; they become your character…
Watch your character, for it will become your destiny.”
Thoughts, language, action, habits, character, if one of them is slightly devious, it will eventually affect our destiny.
Prov 4:23 (NIV)
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
There is a saying that a man will become what he thinks.
The formation of a person's character is closely related to his ideas. It can be said that a person's character is basically determined by what he thinks all day long.
比如,平时我们都有“随便”的态度,有人问你今天想吃什么回复“随便”,有人问你想看什么电影回复“随便” 那么久而久之我们生活确实会变得很随便。
For example, when a person has a "whatever " attitude. Some people ask him what he wants to eat today and he replies "whatever ". Some people ask him what movie he wants to watch and he replies "whatever ". Over time then, his life will truly become "whatever ".
There's a story about three people building a wall:
Three men are building a wall.
Someone asks the first man, "What are you doing, please?"
The first person angrily replied: "Don't you see I'm erecting a wall?"
He asked the second man, who smiled and replied, "I'm building a big building."
He asked the third person, whose smile was even more brilliant: "We're building a new city."
Ten years later,
The first man was still building a wall at another site.
The second man sat in the bright office and made drawings; He became an engineer.
The third became their boss.
The consciousness and attitude of these three men determine what kind of world they live in and finally shape their destiny.
There is a saying that our reality and destiny is created by our mind.
Every little thought, every little action is very important, since they will affect our lives.
In the annals of the Three Kingdoms, it is also said, "Do not do evil even if it is only very small, and do not hesitate to do good even if it is only very small."
As the saying goes, "If you don't do any bad things, you don’t need to be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in middle of the night."
Since our thoughts influence our character and behaviour, it's important to keep our consciousness clear.
Learning to watch our thoughts and seeing whether fear is the dominant emotion behind every thought and action will help us to stay aware of our thoughts.
However, in addition to self-observation, eating a pure vegan diet is an important basis for maintaining a clear mind.
For example, it is well known that alcohol has a certain anaesthetic effect on the nervous system. In fact, meat can also affect our mood and consciousness. The reason is that animal products will accumulate many negative emotions of the animals, such as fear and resentment. After eating meat, our souls will resonate with the negative consciousness of animals remaining in the meat.
Many people also have the experience of feeling clearer, more conscious and more emotionally stable after becoming vegan.
Therefore, to eat a pure vegan diet is the basis of keeping clear consciousness and being the master of oneself, and not being influenced by emotions.
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