

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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Wukong looked at the Dragon King and sighed.
“You’re right,” said the monkey. “I did make a promise to Guanyin.” He put down his teacup and stood up. “Thank you, my friend. I will visit again soon.”
The Dragon King smiled. “Good luck, Wukong.”
The monkey hurried out of the Dragon King’s palace. He found the Tang Monk traveling alongside a stream. “Master, I have returned,” he called.
“I’m glad you’re back, Wukong,” said the monk. “I’m hungry.”
“I’ll find a village and beg for some food for you,” said the monkey.
“You don’t need to do that,” said the monk. “There’s rice in the bag. You can cook that.”
The monk got down from the horse. Wukong opened the bag. When he looked inside, his eyes opened wide. He pulled out the headband.
“This headband is marvelous!” said Wukong.
“Oh,” said the monk, watching the monkey closely. “Do you like it?”
“Yes!” said Wukong.
“Try it on,” said the monk.
“Really?” asked Wukong.
The monk nodded. Wukong put the headband on. He looked at his reflection in the stream.
“I look handsome!” said Wukong.
“Thanks for—ahh!”
The monkey grabbed the sides of his head and fell over. His eyes bulged. “My head’s going to explode!” he cried.
 He saw the Tang Monk talking quietly. “Wh . . . What are you saying?” cried Wukong.
The Tang Monk stopped talking, and the pain stopped.
“The bodhisattva Guanyin taught me a spell,” said the monk. “She gave me the headband to force you to be good.”
Wukong pulled at the headband. But it wouldn’t come off.
“It’s stuck!” cried the monkey. He stamped his foot. “You tricked me!”
“It’s for your own good,” said the monk. “You must stop being violent.”
Wukong pulled out his iron bar and lunged at the Tang Monk.
The monk recited the Tight Headband spell again.
Wukong fell to the ground and rolled around in pain. “It hurts! It hurts!” he cried. “Please stop! I won’t try to hurt you again!”
The Tang Monk stopped, and the monkey stood up.
“Now will you cook some rice?” asked the monk.
“I’ll get a fire started,” said Wukong.
The monkey waited until the Tang Monk had turned his back. Again he raised the iron bar.
But the Tang Monk saw Wukong’s shadow.
“Ahh!” cried Wukong, once again falling to the ground. The Tang Monk looked furious as he recited the spell. Wukong’s head pounded.
“Please stop!” cried the monkey. The Tang Monk stopped reciting the spell.
“Don’t try to hit me again,” said the monk. “If you do, I’ll recite the spell until your head really does explode.”
*  *  *
“I’m sorry, Master,” said Wukong. “I’ll be good!
The two traveled for a few more weeks. They arrived at a wide river.
“How will we cross this river?” asked the monk.
“It’s too bad you’re not a spirit,” said Wukong. “I can leap over this river. But I can’t take you with me.”
“Why not?” asked the Tang Monk.
“You’re a human,” said the monkey. “So you must make the journey all by yourself. I can only protect you. I can’t carry you.”
“What will we do then?” asked the monk.
Before Wukong could answer, the water swelled and a dragon leaped from it.
“Look out!” cried the monkey. He yanked the Tang Monk off the horse as the dragon struck.
 With one bite, the dragon swallowed the horse and then slipped back underwater.


1. marvelous [ˈmɑrvələs]  adj.了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的

marvel + ous 形容词后缀
She cited an instance where their training had been a marvelous help in dealing with problems.
marvel [ˈmɑːrvl]  n.令人惊异的人(或事);奇迹;不平凡的成果;成就 v.感到惊奇;大为赞叹
mar 惊奇 + v + el → 惊奇
The doctors have done marvels for her.
词根mar = mir, 表惊奇,看
同源词:admirable,admire,miracle, mirror, marvel,admiration, marvelous
2. reflection[rɪˈflekʃn]  n.映像;映照出的影像;(声、光、热等的)反射;反映;显示;表达
reflect [rɪˈflekt]  v.反映;映出(影像);反射(声、光、热等);显示,表明,表达(事物的自然属性或人们的态度、情感等)
re 回;向后 + flect 弯曲 →〔光线〕向回弯曲 → 反射
flection [ˈflekʃn]  n.弯曲,屈曲,弯曲的部分
flect 弯曲;词根;彎曲
He admired his reflection in the mirror.
3. lunge [lʌndʒ]  v.猛冲;猛扑  n.猛冲;猛扑;弓箭步刺;戳
He lunged at me, grabbing me violently...
4. pound [paʊnd]  n.英镑(英国货币单位,等于100便士);镑(英国以外某些国家的货币单位);英镑与外币的比值  v.反复击打;连续砰砰地猛击;咚咚地走;(心脏)狂跳,怦怦地跳
Someone was pounding at the door.
5. leap over[liːp ˈoʊvər] 飞跃;跳过;跳过去
I do not have to leap over hurdles to be happy and content.
6. swell [swel]  v.膨胀;肿胀;(使)凸出,鼓出;(使)增加,增大,扩大  n.海浪的涌动;涌浪;(尤指身体部位)凸起的形状,鼓出处,隆起处;增加;增大;扩大;增强  adj.很愉快的;极有趣的
Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.
7. yank[jæŋk]  v.猛拉;猛拽  n.突然的猛拉;急抽
She yanked the child back into the house







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