
全球机器翻译市场观察|金融机器翻译公司Lingua Custodia

Slator 机器翻译观察 2022-04-24
Financial machine translation company Lingua Custodia has received funding totalling EUR 1.15m (USD 1.28m), which it will use to open its first branch outside France. Slator contacted Olivier Debeugny, CEO of Lingua Custodia, to find out more about the funding round and how the company intends to deploy the funds.

金融机器翻译公司 Lingua Custodia 获得总计115万欧元(合128万美元)的资金,将在法国以外开设第一家分支机构。Slator联系了 Lingua Custodia 首席执行官奥利维尔•德博格尼(Olivier Debeugny) ,以了解更多有关这轮融资的信息,以及公司打算如何使用这些资金。

Debeugny told Slator EUR 300,000 came from Investessor, a French angel investor network, with the rest being contributed by individuals connected with the financial industry. New investors provided some EUR 0.5m, while existing shareholders contributed a further EUR 300,000.

德博格尼透露,30万欧元来自法国天使投资者网络 Investessor,其余部分由与金融业有关的个人捐助。新投资者提供了大约50万欧元,而现有股东又提供了30万欧元。

This latest funding round brings total funds raised to EUR 2.4m (USD 2.67m). Lingua Custodia did not disclose its valuation.

最新一轮融资总额达到240万欧元(合267万美元)。Lingua Custodia 没有透露自己的估值。

Lingua Custodia was founded by former asset management professionals in 2011, and the company’s first engine was released almost five years ago in 2014. The company was launched with the aim of streamlining the translation process for finance professionals and now offers engines in nine languages, with Chinese and Japanese having recently been added.

Lingua Custodia 于2011年由前资产管理专业人士创立,该公司的第一台引擎发布于大约5年前的2014年。该公司成立的目的是简化金融专业人士的翻译流程,现在提供9种语言的翻译引擎,最近增加了中文和日文引擎。

Debeugny explained that their machine translation engines have been developed specifically for “investment finance and corporate finance.” The company’s clients are “predominantly financial institutions on the buy-side or on the sell-side — therefore, asset managers but also brokers, custodians, private banks…,” Debeugny said. Lingua Custodia is now branching out into the insurance sector “in partnership with insurance groups,” he added.

德博格尼解释说,他们的机器翻译引擎是专门为“投资融资和公司融资”开发的。德博格尼表示,该公司的客户“主要是买方或卖方的金融机构,因此,不仅有资产管理公司,还有经纪商、托管人、私人银行...... ”。他补充说,Lingua Custodia 目前正与“保险集团”合作,将业务扩展到保险领域。

Asked what framework Lingua Custodia uses, Debeugny said they are “experimenting and monitoring various frameworks and are currently focusing on Sokeye,” Amazon’s open-source, sequence-to-sequence toolkit for NMT. “We are also dedicating a large part of our resources to our specialized data collection, classification, and cleaning processes,” he said.

当被问及 Lingua Custodia 使用什么框架时,德博格尼表示,他们正在“试验和监控各种框架,目前正专注于 Sokeye,一个亚马逊为 NMT 开发的开源、序列到序列工具包。他说: “我们还将很大一部分资源用于专门的数据收集、分类和清洗过程。”

Since Lingua Custodia’s inception, “machine translation has become mainstream and there is a strong interest for domain-specialized machine translation services,” according to Debeugny. Demand is widespread, with Lingua Custodia observing “traction in all geographies and from clients of all sizes,” he said.

据德博格尼说,自从 Lingua Custodia 成立以来,“机器翻译已经成为主流,人们对专业领域的机器翻译服务有着浓厚的兴趣。”他表示,需求非常广泛,Lingua Custodia 观察到“所有地区和所有规模的客户都有需求”。

One factor driving demand for machine translation in the financial services space is the MIFID II directive, which was introduced in early 2018, Debeugny said: “The increasing cost of regulation for financial institutions is indeed a driver to reduce structural costs and this includes translation. This factor is definitely fuelling our growth.”

推动金融服务领域机器翻译需求的一个因素是2018年初出台的《金融工具市场指令》(MIFID II) ,德博格尼说: “金融机构监管成本的不断增加确实是降低结构成本的一个动力,其中包括翻译成本。这一因素无疑正在推动我们的增长。”

MIFID II obliges fund managers to split out research costs from commission costs, which has prompted them to look for ways to reduce spend on research (including translation of research) since they now have to be able to justify the cost to the investor.

Mifid II 要求基金经理将研究成本与佣金成本分开,这促使他们寻找减少研究支出(包括研究翻译)的方法,因为他们现在必须能证明投资者成本是合理的。

Lingua Custodia plans to use the funds raised to open up a branch in the European investment fund hub of Luxembourg, Debeugny told Slator. The office opening, scheduled for September 2019, will see Lingua Custodia launch its first location outside France. The company also plans to expand beyond Europe’s borders and into Asia in the next two years.

德博格尼透露,Lingua Custodia 计划利用筹集到的资金在欧洲投资基金中心卢森堡开设一家分支机构。该办事处定于2019年9月开业,将是Lingua Custodia 首次在法国境外开设的办事处。该公司还计划在未来两年内将业务扩展到欧洲以外的亚洲地区。


















