
证入无我的利益(1)| 雷迪西亚多

雷迪西亚多 欢喜觉悟 2019-05-04


<译者按>雷迪大师(Ledi Sayadaw 1846-1923),是缅甸当代僧人中,德行、学养兼具的修行人,他的著作等身,多达七十六册,其中十六册是用巴利文撰写,其余为缅甸文。他也是二十世纪初期,获得国际佛教团体肯定的南传僧人,英国巴利圣典协会(PTS)出版他的作品《哲学关系》,法国巴黎佛教团体也派人专访,足见他修行魅力之所在。一九一一年,印度政府更特赠Aggamaha-pandita(首席大智者)的头衔,声誉益隆。雷迪大师力主推动四念处直观法门,尤其是以"受念处"为入手,他并自巴利三藏中铺陈了完整的体系,对缅甸佛教的影响,可说是既深且远。本文系译自《佛教手册》附录之二,为Anatta Dipani(无我手册)的浓缩英译本。

I shall show here the advantages arising from the realization of the characteristic of not-self (anattaa).


If one can clearly perceive the characteristic of anattaa, one achieves the knowledge pertaining to the path of stream-entry (sotaapatti-magga-.taa.na), wherein ego-delusion (atta-di.t.thi) and personality belief (sakkaaya-di.t.thi) are totally eradicated.


Anattaa Realization and Past Kamma 证入"无我"与过去的业

All beings who drift and circle in the long and beginningless round of rebirths called samsaara rarely encounter the teachings of a Buddha. They may not encounter them for the time of even a hundred thousand world-cycles. They may not get the opportunity of hearing of a Buddha’s teachings even once while an infinite number of world-cycles elapse. The number of existences and world-cycles in which beings have been afflicted by evil and error predominate. Hence, in the mental make-up of a being, there is always an infinite number of unwholesome actions (akusala-kamma) that can result in its falling into a world of utmost torment (aviici-niraya), or in being reborn in other worlds of woe.


Ego-delusion is the foremost of the unwholesome kamma of old and accompanies beings incessantly. As long as personality-belief exists, these old unwholesome actions are fiery and full of strength. Though beings may be enjoying happiness and splendour as deities, as divine rulers (Sakka) or in the fine-material or immaterial Brahma worlds, yet they necessarily exist, as it were, with their heads forever turned towards the four worlds of woe (apaaya).


Palm fruits in a palm grove have an ever-existing tendency to fall to the ground, even though they may be attached to the very top of a palm tree. So long as the stalks are firm the fruits will remain on the tree; but as soon as the stalks weaken they will inevitably fall to the ground. In the same way, deities and Brahma gods afflicted with ego-delusion will be able to exist in their respective worlds only as long as the "stalks" of vital life force as deities and Brahmas remain intact. But when these "stalks" of vital life force are severed, they inevitably fall into worlds below, just like the palm fruits. This happens because personality-belief, which is ever present in the mental make-up of a being, is a great burden (heavier than even the Mount Meru) in as much as personality-belief gathers in its fold an infinite number of unwholesome kamma accumulated in the past.


Thus beings who harbour within themselves this personality-belief are continually under pressure to gradually descend or directly to fall towards the worlds of woe although they may be living in the highest of the Brahma worlds. The cases of beings living in the lower Brahma worlds, or in the celestial or human world, are much worse and need no further comment. Although such beings may exist as the rulers of Brahma worlds or of celestial worlds, yet their mental makeup contains (ready-made) the eight great hells, the lesser hells, the worlds of ghosts and demons, and the animal realm. It is because these beings do not know that the tendency towards those misery-filled lower realms is always present in their mental make-up that the Brahma kings and divine kings can afford to derive pleasure and enjoyment from their form of existence.


But all the old unwholesome actions that have accompanied beings throughout the long and beginningless round of rebirths will be extinguished completely when their head and chief, personality-belief (sakkaaya-di.t.thi), has been made to disappear entirely.


Apart from that old unwholesome kamma that had accompanied beings since time immemorial, even in the case of the numerous unwholesome actions committed in the present existence (such as killing or stealing), their (rebirth-producing) tendencies entirely disappear as soon as their head and chief, the personality-belief, becomes completely extinguished. For such beings there may remain occasion to fear affliction by vermin, but there no longer remains any occasion for them to fear the resultants of the infinite number of past unwholesome actions.


Beings whose mental make-up is entirely freed from personality-belief have, as it were, their heads turned towards the higher planes of the celestial and Brahma worlds even though they may be living in the human world. And if living in the lower celestial and Brahma realms, their heads are always turned towards the higher planes of those worlds. They resemble the vapours that invariably rise upwards from forests and mountains during the latter part of the rainy season.


This shows the greatness of the advantages arising from the extinction of personality-belief as far as relating to past kamma.



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