
[m]【学3个词 379-381】379 longshot 380 popularity 381 pro bono

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05


379 longshot

今天我们要学的词是longshot。  Longshot, 是指冷门的、获胜机会不大的。美国MSNBC有线电视台本周举办了民主党参选人的辩论会。"Dennis Kucinich, widely considered a longshot candidate, was excluded from the debate," 外界普遍认为不太可能获得提名的丹尼斯.库西尼奇没有被邀请参加。

与此同时,共和党的冷门参选人罗恩.保尔在筹集竞选经费上却是高手。"Longshot Republican candidate Ron Paul raised 20 million dollars in the final three months of 2007," 冷门共和党参选人罗恩.保尔2007年最后三个月筹集了两千万美元的竞选经费。好的,今天我们学习的词是longshot...

380 popularity

今天我们要学的词是popularity。Popularity, 是有声望,得人心的意思。法国选民对萨尔科奇总统感到不满。"His popularity has fallen sharply for a second successive month," 他的民众支持率连续第二月大幅度下降。

研究人员发现,青春期女孩子在学校里受欢迎的程度跟她们体重增加的多少有关。"Girls who rate themselves low in popularity are more likely to gain excess weight," 觉得自己不受欢迎的女孩子更容易变胖。"The popularity of organic foods has been on the rise," 喜欢有机食物的人越来越多。好的,今天我们学习的词是popularity...

381 pro bono

今天我们要学的词是pro bono。Pro bono, 是无偿服务的意思。美国移民律师协会宣布,将为面临移民困境的军队家属免费提供法律服务, "The American Immigration Lawyers Association will provide pro bono legal assistance to U.S. military personnel’s family members."

美国次级房贷危机让很多人面临房屋被银行没收的风险。"The Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice called on lawyers in the state to provide pro bono assistance to people facing foreclosures." 俄亥俄州最高法院首席大法官呼吁该州律师无偿为这些人提供帮助。好的,今天我们学习的词是pro bono...

【学3个词 208-210】208 leak 209: anniversary 210 memorial

[sa]【学3个词 205-207】205: spike 206 odds 207: controversy

[f]【学3个词 202-204】202 strained  203: spirited 204 inherit

[th]【学3个词 199-201】199: turn the corner

[w]【学3个词 196-198】196 shatter 197: priority 198 buffer

[tu]【学3个词 193-195】193: junk 194 cheat 195: loophole

[m]【学3个词 190-192】190 gap 191: in a row 192 call for

[su]【学3个词 187-189】187: take steps 188 embrace 189: budge

[sa]【学3个词 184-186】184 vigil 185: backlash 186 face

【学3个词 181-183】181: stall 182 pound

[th]【学3个词 178-180】178 wrap up 179: dismiss 180 timetable

[w]【学3个词 175-177】175: credibility 176 subject 177: second hand

[tu]【学3个词 172-174】172 reject 173: cripple 174 shun

[m]【学3个词 169-171】169: trigger 170 take part in 171: key

[su]【学3个词 166-168】166 appeal 167: on time

[sa]【学3个词 163-165】163: on hold 164 on record 165: out of reach

【学3个词 160-162】160 subpoena 161: chide

【学3个词 157-159】157: run its course 158 do time 159: pardon

【学3个词 154-156】154 felony 155: fret 156 take seriously

【学3个词 151-153】151: stave off 152 backup 153: against the grain

[m]【学3个词 148-150】148 lose one's temper 149: sell off  150 shift

[su]【学3个词 145-147】145: overturn 146 field 147: talk up

[sa]【学3个词 142-144】142:one on one  143: in tatters 144 moonlight

【学3个词 139-141】139:Blunt 140:take over

【学3个词 136-138】136:ring 137:halt 138:keep one's nose clean

【学3个词 133-135】133:scramble 134:step down 135:front man

【学3个词 130-132】130:highlight 131:outstrip 132:underdog

【学3个词 127-129】127:nose dive 128:stand by

【学3个词 124-126】124:Rally  125:clog 126:ramp up

【学3个词 121-123】121:shut down

【学3个词 118-120】118:option 119:hot seat  120:stick it out

【学3个词 115-117】115:flex one's muscles 116:deploy


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