
文献导读 | 快乐教育的挑战、选择和后果





Leisure education in schools: challenges, choices and consequences

Despite the growing advocacy forimplementing leisure education in schools, its application lags behind itsglobal expectations. Unlike the US trend of “back to basics” educationalphilosophy which prioritizes the learning of core subjects over leisure relatedsubjects, countries in Asia have been changing their curricula to nurture thewhole person development and thus paving the way for infusing leisure educationinto school systems. One example is Hong Kong which has undergone a majoreducation reform in the last two decades. Even though scholars have suggestednumerous channels and strategies for leisure education in schools, a lucidframework which takes into account the views of those for which leisureeducation in planned was not developed. This study is to explore the underlyingdimensions of leisure education as it is manifested by teachers’ and students’ views.A Seventeen-item questionnaire has been submitted to 105 teachers and 1187students from seven schools geographically distributed around Hong Kong.Responses were analyzed through Smallest Space Analysis (SSA). The SSAsolutions among both students and teachers have yield three-dimensionalsolution with coefficient of alienation .14. The solutions indicated a divisionto five dimensions: values and attitudes, self-development, motivation, endsand means and education among teachers and three combined dimensions amongstudents: motivation and ends and means, self-motivation and education whichincludes active engagement, and values and attitudes. The identified dimensionsresonate well with the suggested channels and strategies for leisure educationin schools which incorporate various offerings, freedom of choice, trial anderror and experiential learning. Whereas this similarity could facilitate theutilization of leisure education in schools, there is a need to consider thenature, strategy and context of such implementation. The paper addresses thesechallenges and draws implications for teacher training, parent education andcontinued advocacy for the right for leisure and its significance for wholeperson development.

介Brief Introduction

1. 闲暇教育为什么能在西方国家和香港地区如此盛行,它相较于国内的应试教育,西方以及中国香港地区的老师、家长和学生是如何看待它的?

2. 读者觉得内地的应试教育有时让老师、家长和学生显得过分紧绷,尤其对于身体各方面处于发育期的学生而言,不利于其全面发展。闲暇教育的一系列研究能否对国内的教育起到一定的补充作用?

3. 闲暇教育是学生对于兴趣爱好的重拾和延续,既然兴趣是最好的老师,那么闲暇教育对于学生的发展起到哪些作用?

4. 闲暇教育在西方国家和中国香港地区发展时遇到的挑战和困难,对内地的发展有何借鉴作用?

究问题 Research Questions

RQ1: why and how leisure education inschools.

RQ2: challenges and implications forteacher training, parent education and continued advocacy for the right forleisure and its significance for whole person development.

究方法 Research Methods 

1) A 17-item questionnaire with variousdefinitions of leisure education based on the literature review was distributedto 1,204 secondary school students and 105 teachers in seven schoolsgeographically distributed around Hong Kong.

2) SSA (small space analysis), amultidimensional scaling (MDS) approach is also used in this research.

后感 Comment 



3)闲暇教育 在学校开展的方式,比如多开展课外活动,鼓励学生参加,但是还需要做好家长的沟通工作。

 • ❤️END❤️ • 





