
高翻说Vol.9 | 豆瓣9.3开门红!致命女人第二季回归!

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02



今天我们要讨论的是来自Yahoo的一篇文章《Everything you need to know about Why Women Kill season 2


新一季《致命女人》在流媒体平台Paramount+上线了。内容是关于一个想加入豪华私人俱乐部的老土女杀手。这一季《致命女人》(Why Women Kill),是来自《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)的编剧——马克·切利(Marc Cherry)。

Ten more episodes of Why Women Kill are coming from Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry, who assembled a new group of women that may or may not be on the brink of death for being so perfect.

  • episode

在电视/电影节目中,episode表示“一集,一节,片断”(one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio),也可以指“事件;(相关的)一连串事件;一段经历”,英文解释为“a single event or group of related events”


This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.



第几集用的是Episode,第几季则为Season. 你下载美剧时可能就会看到S01E02,就是指的第1季第2集。最后一集finale:the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲;(事件等的)结尾。

还有,看剧时新一集开头通常会有的一个说法:previously on ...,...的前情提要,前情回顾。

  • brink

表示“(新的、危险的,或令人兴奋的处境的)边缘,初始状态”,英文解释为“if you are on the brink of sth, you are almost in a very new, dangerous or exciting situation”,如:on the brink of collapse/war/death/disaster 濒于崩溃/战争/死亡/灾难。

《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述外国企业在印度投资的文章中提到:In an epic tale of value-destruction, the company now teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, weighing on Vodafone Group, its British corporate parent. 经历了如此漫长而悲壮的价值毁灭故事,该公司现在濒临破产边缘,也拖累了英国母公司沃达丰集团(Vodafone Group)。

Cherry has been sitting on a season 2 idea since pitching the first one, which starred Ginnifer Goodwin and Lucy Liu.


  • sit on

sit on在这里并不是字面理解的的"坐在...上"的意思,而是拖延、积压、搁置(to have received a letter, report, etc. from sb and then not replied or taken any action concerning it),那么拖延症除了用procrastinate也可以换用这个表达。They have been sitting on my application for a month now. 他们压着我的申请不办有一个月了。

  • star


The studio wants tostar her in a sequel to last  year's hit. 制片厂为去年一部大获成功的影片筹拍续集,想聘她担任主角。


The film features Cary Grant as a professor.  这部电影由卡里 · 格兰特饰演一位教授。


"I had two different ideas when I first pitched the show," Cherry says. "I had season 2 in my back pocket. I was watching a movie, which I thought was really good, about a serial killer, but the third act wasn't. They introduced a character ever so briefly of this serial killer's wife. I thought, I want to see a story line from her point of view. I started coming up with this idea of a woman who feels powerless and unseen in the world and very much wants to sit at the cool kids' table. As luck would have it, she finds out that for all her feeling powerless in the world, she has a very powerful tool at her disposal."

  • back pocket

back pocket备用对策

It will always be good for my son to have Chinese in his back pocket.


  • third act

third act 在电影电视行业表示第三幕,




  • at one's dispoal

at one's dispoal 任某人处置

Like what happened in the first season, Cherry turned season 2 into a period piece. The action takes place in '40s suburbia and revolves around Alma (Tolman), a zaftig "frump" who sets her sights on joining an exclusive garden club for well-heeled ladies.

  • period piece

period piece指古装戏剧或电影,具有某个时代特征的装饰品或家具等。

The play, which once seem so modern,have become a period piece.



  • set one's sight on

set one's sight on 把眼光放到...上,即关注...,设定目标于某事

He set his sights on becoming a doctor. 他立志要成为一名医生。

  • well-heeled

well-heeled 表示"有钱的,富有的",写作和翻译时可以用来替换"rich",类似的还有"well-off",小康社会就可用"well-off society"表示。

"The whole series starts with a woman whose biggest dream is to be a part of an exclusive garden club filled with all these beautiful stylish women in her community," he says. "I thought that dream would seem real and important for a certain kind of woman. I chose postwar America because of where women were at that time. Women, the Rosie the Riveters, had retreated to their homes while their husbands resumed their lives. And also, I love the clothes of the period. The themes of my characters have to do with beauty and how they feel about themselves. If you think you have beauty, how do you behave?"

  • Rosie the Riveters

Rosie the Riveter was an allegorical cultural icon of World War II, representing the women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II, many of whom produced munitions and war supplies. These women sometimes took entirely new jobs replacing the male workers who joined the military. Rosie the Riveter is used as a symbol of American feminism and women's economic advantage.

铆钉女工(Rosie the Riveter)是二次大战的文化符号之一,其形象是战时六百万进入制造业工厂工作的女性的代表(这些工作传统上是由男性作的),后来更成为女性主义以及女性经济力量的象征。美国社会对女性著裤装的广泛接受也归功于铆钉女工。(维基百科)

"I wrote the part for my good friend Eva Longoria, but by the time we were doing it she was going to start directing a movie," he says. "It was Eva who said, 'Marc, do you know the work of my friend of Lana Parrilla?' Eva hooked us up."

  • hook sb. up

hook是钩子(名词)、钩住,挂住(动词)的意思,hook sb. up表字面意思就是把某人勾起来,指在熟人中间穿针引线,可以用来为别人介绍发展机会和商业机会,也可以指给人介绍对象,英文解释为“to arrange for someone to meet or work with another person or organization”

She tried repeatedly to hook my brother up with one of my girl friends and never succeeded.


Season 2 of Why Women Kill will premiere with two episodes Thursday, June 3, on Paramount+. The 10-episode arc will stream weekly on subsequent Thursdays.







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