

Things in the basin- Wang Yang solo exhibition

Producer: Wang Haiying
Curator:  Li Yujun、Sheng Wanwan
Exhibition Director: Zhang Changshou
Exhibition Executives:Zhu Wenping、Wang Xuejiao

Opening: Nov.20th, 4 p.m. 2021
Duration: Nov.17th - Nov. 30, 2021

Organizer: Zero Space
Support: Copyright Chain National Operation Center

地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路798艺术区红石广场B01 第零空间
Venue: Zero Space, No.B01, Hongshi Square, 798 Art District, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Curator chattering

—— 策展人 李裕君

「盆中之物」直径80CM 2021

According to Erwin Panofsky's theory of iconography, when exploring the meaning of a work, we should first capture the recognizable symbols on the work, and then pursue the hidden meaning behind the symbols. That is, usually first of all, it only focuses on the surface image, only the formal analysis, and discusses the vision of the image to be studied according to the work itself. Secondly, it will judge the image as a known story or role, and enter the story role for analysis and interpretation. Finally, when analyzing works of art, we will explain the hidden meaning inside the image more deeply. For example, many images do not directly express the information hidden in them, but rely on some images to reflect the refracted information.

Wang Yang's paintings use a certain representative and profound image language, take a more concrete and realistic artistic technique as the form of expression, coupled with specific "symbolic" elements, express some unique feelings of himself, and integrate into a memorable era. "Things in the basin" is not only Wang Yang's feeling of things themselves, but also his daily life. It is also a reflection of the realistic consumerism in the fragmented era, but also a reflection of history and the remembrance and admiration of the past years. Each picture is composed in the shape of a round basin, which not only contains the doll image of children, but also some interesting items in daily life. It pursues a kind of independence from the world, an innocent state of mind and a tough character.

Wang Yang envies the innocence of such children and the simple happiness they can get, and constantly revisits the memories of childhood in his heart. The doll itself is a special toy for children to comfort and play. The image language of doll is used to express the understanding and perception of socialist feelings. The audience may also see the logo with mosaic and QR code from time to time, which has to arouse the viewer's further thinking and search. Despite the visual impact, Wang Yang's repeated emphasis brings the audience one question after another. We are also impressed by the artist's ability to materialize his mind when dealing with images and reality, as well as his ability to communicate deeply with the audience.

In general, Wang Yang used words as a medium to establish a psychological communication bridge with the audience, expressing a unique feeling of "unspeakable". Witnessing the noise of the secular world, he calmly stayed away and pursued the childlike simplicity and loveliness, rebirth and hope behind the doll.

Curator  Li Yujun

「盆中之物」布面油画 直径 80cm 2020



如何做个有趣的人?如何能像孩童般可爱与单纯?放慢脚步,去看一看他笔下的“世界”。或许,你也能和我一样,找到他“盆中之物”的“慢著火,少著水,火候足时他自美” 的快乐人间烟火。      

—— 策展人  盛婉婉

「盆中之物」直径80CM 2019

Rather than building a concrete visual effect for us, Wang Yang invented a (or once) long cherished dream of ideal life for himself. Life itself may be a fable, real and absurd, beautiful and cruel. Wang Yang's paintings, using realistic expression techniques and cartoon images, are different from the "reality" of traditional painting in expressing real objects. Through the transformation of language, they naturally become a metaphor with multiple references. The "doll" in the painting is no longer a doll, "cartoon" is no longer a cartoon, and the "thing in the basin" is no longer the thing itself... The dolls in the original sense have no era and no identity. They are given a certain role, which seems to be involved in the "independence from the world" and the innocent mentality.

How to be an interesting person? How can you be as lovely and simple as a child? Slow down and take a look at his "world". Maybe, like me, you can find the "slow fire, little water, when the fire is full, he will be beautiful"   Happy fireworks in the world.
Sheng Wanwan

About Artist

王  洋



About Curators







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出品人 / 王海英学术支持 / 李裕君、张长收图文编辑 / 朱文苹
统筹 / 王雪娇、陈雅琪




——— 朱青生


开放时间 Opening Hours:10:00-18:00

(周一公休 Closed on Monday)

电话 Tel: 010-59789121

E-mail: diling_798@163.com





