

高行云 社会学理论大缸 2022-06-17


1. Why History Matters? 

第1周 为什么历史如此重要?

Elias, Norbert. 1984. What Is Sociology? Columbia University Press: introduction and ch.1.

中译本:爱里亚斯2008,《什么是社会学》,台北: 群学出版:导论、第1章(《社会学:孔德所设定的问题》)。

Polanyi, Karl. 1957. The Great Transformation. Boston: Beacon Press: ch.7, 9,10.



2. Why Historical Sociology Matters?

第2周 为什么历史社会学如何重要?

Abbott, Andrew. 1988. “Transcending General Linear Reality.” Sociological Theory 169–186.



Sewell, William H. Jr. 2005. “Theory, History, and Social Science.” Pp. 1–22 in Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.




3. What is Historical Sociology?

第3周 什么是历史社会学?


Skocpol, Theda. 1984. “Sociology’s Historical Imagination.” in Vision and Method in Historical Sociology, edited by T. Skocpol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

中译本:西达·斯考切波主编,2008,《历史社会学的视野与方法》,上海:上海人民出版社:第1章(“社会学的历史想象力 ”)。


Skocpol, Theda. 1984. “Emerging Agendas and Recurrent Strategies in Historical Sociology.” in Vision and Method in Historical Sociology, edited by T. Skocpol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

中译本:西达·斯考切波主编,2008,《历史社会学的视野与方法》,上海:上海人民出版社:第11章(“历史社会学的新兴议题与研究策略 ”)。


Adams, Julia, Elisabeth S. Clemens, and Ann Shola Orloff. 2005. “Introduction: Social Theory, Modernity, and the Three Waves of Historical Sociology.” Pp. 1–72 in Remaking Modernity: Politics, History, and Sociology, edited by J. Adams, E. S. Clemens, and A. S. Orloff. Durham and London: Duke University Press.



Clemens, Elisabeth S. 2005. “Afterword: Logics of History? Agency, Multiplicity, and Incoherence in the Explanation of Change.” Pp. 493–516 in Remaking Modernity: Politics, History, and Sociology, edited by J. Adams, E. S. Clemens, and A. S. Orloff. Durham and London: Duke University Press.



4. Macro-analysis I: Revolution

第4周 宏观分析I:革命


Skocpol, Theda. 1979. States and Social Revolutions. Cambridge University Press: introduction and part 1.




Lachmann, Richard. 2013. What Is Historical Sociology. Cambridge, MA: Polity:ch.3.




5. Macro-analysis II: Capitalism

第5周 宏观分析II:资本主义

Marx, Karl. 1992. Capital: A Critique of Political Economy Vol. 1. London ; New York, N.Y: Penguin Books in association with New Left Review: ch.26-32.




Lachmann, Richard. 2013. What Is Historical Sociology. Cambridge, MA: Polity:ch.2.




6. Macro-analysis: State

第6周 宏观分析III:国家

Tilly, Charles. 2014[1985]. “War Making and State Making as Organized Crime.” in Collective Violence, Contentious Politics, and Social Change: a Charles Tilly Reader, edited by E. Castañeda and C. L. Schneider. New York London: Routledge.

中译本:查尔斯˙蒂利,2009,《发动战争与缔造国家类似于有组织的犯罪》,载彼得˙埃文斯, 迪特里希˙鲁施迈耶、西达˙斯考克波编,《找回国家》,上海:三联书店:第5章。


云宪杂谈:Tilly 1985 | War Making and State Making as Organized Crime

李钧鹏. 2014. “蒂利的历史社会科学——从结构还原论到关系实在论.” 社会学研究 (5):191–216.


7. Meso-analysis I: Revolution

第7周 中观分析I:革命

Gould, Roger V. 1991. “Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871.” American Sociological Review 56(6):716–29.


Erikson, Emily and Nicholas Occhiuto. 2017. ‘Social Networks and Macrosocial Change’. Annual Review of Sociology 43(1):229–48.


关系/形式网络与历史社会学:革命与国家形成(Annu. Rev.2017)

8. Meso-analysis II: Capitalism

第8周 中观分析II:资本主义

Erikson, Emily and Mark Hamilton. 2018. “Companies and the Rise of Economic Thought: The Institutional Foundations of Early Economics in England, 1550–1720.” American Journal of Sociology 124(1):111–49.


 AJS新文| 为什么经济学诞生于英国17世纪?从特许公司的组织解释

Erikson, Emily. 2014. Between Monopoly and Free Trade: The English East India Company, 1600-1757. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press: ch.1.


9. Meso-analysis III: State

第9周 中观分析III:国家

Steinmetz, George. 2003. “‘The Devil’s Handwriting’: Precolonial Discourse, Ethnographic Acuity, and Cross-Identification in German Colonialism.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 45(1):41–95.

中译本:Steinmetz, George,2005,《魔鬼的笔迹:前殖民话语、人种/族类见解和跨文化认同在德国殖民过程中的作用》,《清华大学学报》(哲学社会科学版))第5、第6期。


Steinmetz, George. 1998. “Critical Realism and Historical Sociology: A Review Article.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 40(1):170–86.




10. Micro-analysis I: Revolution

第10周 微观分析I: 革命

Sewell, William H. Jr. 1996. “Historical Events as Transformations of Structures: Inventing Revolution at the Bastille.” Theory and Society 25(6):841–81.



Reed, Isaac Ariail. 2015. “What Is Interpretive Explanation in Sociohistorical Analysis?” Pp. 41–66 in Inheriting Gadamer: New Directions in Philosophical Hermeneutics, edited by G. Warnke. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


11. Micro-analysis II: Capitalism

第11周 微观分析II:资本主义

Elias Norbert (1991[2010]) Mozart: The Sociology of a Genius. In: Elias Norbert (2010) Mozart and Other Essays on Courtly Art. The Collected Works of Norbert Elias, Vol. 12, Dublin: University College Dublin Press:55-167.


Elias, Norbert. 1984. What Is Sociology? Columbia University Press: ch.4.

中译本:愛里亞斯2008,《什么是社会学》,台北: 群学出版:第4章(《人类社会的普遍特质》)



12. Micro-analysis III: State

第12周 微观分析III:国家

Ermakoff, Ivan. 2015. “The Structure of Contingency.” American Journal of Sociology 121(1):64–125.



Kiser, Edgar and Michael Hechter. 1991. “The Role of General Theory in Comparative-Historical Sociology.” American Journal of Sociology 1–30.



13. Historical Sociology of Historical Sociology


Steinmetz, George. 2017. “Field Theory and Interdisciplinarity: History and Sociology in Germany and France during the Twentieth Century.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 59(2):477–514.





孙宇凡 | 把历史学带进来:历史社会学的跨学科想象与策略


14. Historical Anthropology and Social History





15. Conclusion: Methodology I - Debates

第15周 方法论结论:争辩

Ermakoff, Ivan. 2019. Causality and History: Modes of Causal Investigation in Historical Social Sciences. Annual Review of Sociology 45(1):581–606.


 297期| 历史社会学的三条大路通因果(Ermakoff2019)



16. Conclusion: Methodology II - Fact

第16周 方法论结论II:事实

Beck, Colin J. 2018. “The Structure of Comparison in the Study of Revolution.” Sociological Theory 36(2):134–61.



Mayrl, Damon and Nicholas Wilson. forthcoming. “What Do Historical Sociologists Do All Day? Historical Method in Theory and Practice.”




17. Conclusion: Theory I - Temporality

第17周 理论结论I:时间性

Sewell, William H. Jr. 2005. “Three Temporalities: Toward an Eventful Sociology.” Pp. 81–123 in Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.





18. Conclusion: Theory II - Processually Social Ontology

第18周 理论结论II:过程的社会存在论

Abbott, Andrew. 2016. Processual Sociology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press: ch.1-2.



Sewell, William H. Jr. 2005. “Refiguring the ‘Social’ in Social Science: An Interpretivist Manifesto.” Pp. 318–72 in Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.







