
Is Indian Food All About Curry? / 你还在觉得印度菜都是咖喱吗?正解印度菜!

2018-02-10 Indians-In-China IICofficial

What are the first things that come to your mind when you think of Indian food? Hot, spicy, oily, rich, fatty, bad for you, difficult and time-consuming to cook, curry powder or may be indian prathas and indian flying bread (fei bing)......Indian food, though hugely popular, is highly misunderstood.

当你想到印度的食物时,首先想到的是什么? 辛辣,油腻,浓郁,肥腻,不健康,很难以驾驭,咖喱粉,或可能是印度抛饼和印度飞饼....等印度食品,虽然非常受欢迎,是高度误解。

Let's start this article by first talking about Indian Flying Bread (印度飞饼),Actually before coming to china, i didn't even knew that Yindu Feibing is a thing and Most Indians find it very hard to relate it with Indian Cuisine. It is just a Naan Bread to us.

我们先来谈谈印度飞饼,首先谈到印度飞饼,其实在来中国之前我根本不知道印度飞饼这一回事,大多数印度人很难把印度飞饼和印度风味联系在一起。 对印度人来说那只是一个面包。

Curry does not always mean food which has gravy and sauce in it. If you want, you can prepare it dry. Curry is basically a powder formed by mixing different spices. Not all our food has curry or curry powder in them for god’s sake. We have a variety of food. Literally, so many that even I haven’t tried all of it yet (I intend to, don’t worry).

咖喱并不只是指有肉汁和酱汁的食物。 如果你想,你可以把它做成干的。 咖喱基本上是由混合不同的香料形成的粉末。 不是所有的食物都含有咖喱或咖喱粉的。 我们有各种各样的食物。 事实上,还有很多甚至我这个印度人都还没有尝过的

Indian restaurants just may be the cuisine's worst enemy because of the often incorrect portrayal of Indian food. The majority of restaurants serve the same menu of curries with a side of chappatis/rotis.

由于印度食物往往得不到正确的了解,印度餐馆可能是美食的最误区。 大部分的餐厅都提供同样的咖喱菜单,有几个chappatis / rotis(印度的面包)

In fact, there's no "true" Indian food because India's cuisine is as diverse as its population. With roughly 30-40 different regional cuisines, there are very few people who are able to say they have had all different types of Indian food. Exciting cuisines from places like East India and South India do exist but don't get their share of the appreciation since most of the foods in restaurants are North Indian.

事实上,印度没有“真正的”食物,因为印度的美食和人口一样多样化。 有大约30-40种不同的地方美食,很少有人能够说自己吃过所以印度的美食。 来自东印度和南印度等地的刺激性美食确实存在,但是由于餐馆的大部分食物都是北印度,所以没有得到他们的赞赏。

East Indian cuisine is heavily influenced by Chinese and Mongolian cuisines because of its location, allowing for meals to include rice as a staple, instead of the classic roti/chappati seen in North India. Additionally, it is more meat-friendly than other regional cuisines in India, with a prevalence of fish in coastal regions and pork when further inland.

东印度料理受到中国和蒙古菜的影响很大,因为它的位置,让饭菜包括米饭作为主食,而不是在印度北部看到的经典roti / chappati(面包)。 此外,它比印度的其他地方菜更加肉类友好,沿海地区的鱼类和内陆地区的猪肉都流行。

Likewise, South Indian cuisine differs greatly from North Indian mainly due to the vast geographic differences. Pepper, tamarind, and coconuts are prevailing favorites in South India simply because they grow more there and the cuisine itself is based around rice, lentils, and stews. This differs greatly from North India's preference of chili, mango powder, and chappatis/rotis.

同样,南印度的菜肴与北印度有很大的不同,主要是由于地理上的巨大差异。 辣椒,罗望子和椰子是印度南部地区最受欢迎的食物,只 30 49115 30 14943 0 0 3516 0 0:00:13 0:00:04 0:00:09 3516是因为它们在那里种植的多,美食本身是以米,扁豆和炖菜为基础的。 这与北印度喜欢的辣椒,芒果粉和chappatis / rotis(面包)有很大不同。

And hey, if you get the chance, pass up the usual North Indian chai for once and try kappi, a classic South Indian-style filter coffee. You just may switch up your Starbucks order after.

嘿,如果有机会的话,可以把北印度一般的柴烘干一下,然后尝试一种经典的南印度式咖啡过滤器kappi。 你可能会在喝完印度北方的咖啡后不再觉得星巴克的咖啡有多特别。

Let's Debunk Top Misconceptions About Indian Food


All Indian Food Contains Curry Powder


‘Curry’ is synonymous with Indian food and ‘curry powder’ is thought of as the key ingredient in every dish. This couldn't be further from the truth!

“咖喱”是印度食品的代名词,“咖喱粉”被认为是每道菜的关键成分。 这就是真相了!

Sorry to break it to you folks, but curry is not a staple in the Indian diet. Instead, it was a concept created by British colonialists when they mistook a dish with gravy called "curry" to be the name of any dish with gravy. And that curry powder? It doesn't even really exist in Indian household; it's just a blend of commonly used spices like turmeric, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, and chili peppers.

对不起,打破了你所知道的真相了,到底咖喱是不是在印度的饮食主食。 相反,这是英国殖民主义者误以“咖喱”肉汁为菜的名字而产生的概念。 那咖喱粉? 印度甚至不存在; 它只是一种常用的香料,如姜黄,香菜,小茴香,葫芦巴和辣椒的混合物。

All Indian Food Is Hot and Spicy


This is not true! While spices are used in Indian cooking, they are not what makes food spicy. As for chilies (which add the heat to a dish), they are a matter of preference and can be easily omitted when cooking most foods.

这不是真的! 虽然香料用于印度烹饪,但它们不是什么让食物辛辣。 至于辣椒(将热量添加到盘子中),它们是优先选择的,并且在烹饪大多数食物时可以容易地省略。

Secondly, not all Indian foods contain 10 (or even 3, 4 or 5) different spices! Years of culinary evolution has created dishes where the main ingredient is beautifully enhanced by just one key spice!

其次,并不是所有的印度食品都含有10种(甚至3,4或5种)不同的香料! 多年烹饪进化创造了主要成分由一个关键香料美妙地增强的盘子!

Not All Indian Desserts Are Equal


Even many of the desserts served in Indian restaurants are incredibly North-leaning, such as the kheer, kulfi, and gulab jamun that are often displayed on menus. All of these are delicious but once again, not representative of all that India has to offer. Bengali desserts like malai sandwich and chum chum originated in the region while it was still a part of India and are incredibly popular.

即使在印度餐馆供应的许多甜点都是非常偏向北方的,如经常在菜单上显示的kheer,kulfi和gulab jamun。 所有这些都是美味的,但再一次,并不代表印度所提供的一切。 孟加拉式的甜点,如马来三明治和密友起源于该地区,而它仍然是印度的一部分,在印度令人难以置信的流行。

All Indian Food Is Fatty and Unhealthy


This too is wrong and is like saying that all Italian food contains pasta, or all Chinese food has soy sauce in it.


Indian food is what you choose to make of it in the fat department. You can cook a dish with 6 tablespoons of oil or make do with 2 if that's what you like. There is a host of dishes that don't need any oil at all! These are prepared by roasting, steaming, grilling, boiling...the ingredients. That said, like any other cuisine, Indian food also has its decadent and "sinful" dishes.

印度食品是关键看你怎么选择。 如果你喜欢,你可以用6汤匙油做菜,或者用2汤勺。 有一大堆菜根本不需要油! 这些是通过烤,蒸,烤,煮...的成分。 也就是说,就像其他美食一样,印度菜也有其腐朽和“罪恶”的菜肴。

All Indian Food Is Rich and Diet-busting


This depends entirely on choices you make. Just as nobody can force you to eat more chocolate than you want, so should you not feel forced to eat a second helping of delicious Gaajar Ka Halwa, Malpua or Jalebi! Given how tempting they are though, this may be easier said than done!

这完全取决于你所做的选择。 就像没有人会强迫你吃你不想吃的巧克力,所以你不应该再被迫吃一口美味的Gaajar Ka Halwa,Malpua或者Jalebi。 至于他们有多诱惑,说起来容易做起来难!

All Indian Food Is Difficult to Cook


Not true again. Look at recipes for foods like Tandoori Chicken, Mutter Paneer, Bhindi Ki Subji...they are hugely popular but ever so easy to prepare. This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as delicious-yet-quick-and-easy-to-cook Indian food is concerned!

不是真的。 看看Tandoori Chicken,Mutter Paneer,Bhindi Ki Subji等食物的食谱...他们非常受欢迎,而且很容易可以搞定。 这只是美味而又快捷的印度食品的冰山一角!

Did You Know That...


Indian food has evolved over thousands of years and is the ultimate symbol of how Indian culture can absorb other influences yet hold its own?


Indian cooking has taken the delicate and the sometimes intricate art of blending spices and honed it to perfection?


Indian food includes perhaps the most dazzling array of fresh vegetables and fruit cooked in a multitude of ways that help retain their freshness and nutrients?


Traditional Indian cooking almost always uses fresh ingredients and involves making dishes from scratch? This means fewer preservatives and healthier food.

传统的印度烹饪几乎是只使用新鲜的食材, 这意味着更少的防腐剂和更健康的食物。

Indian cooking uses spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, green chilies...all of which have medicinal and healing properties?


A traditional Indian meal includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber...all the elements you need to make a balanced meal?


Let's have a look at some of the Indian dishes that i recommend..


Luchi-Alur Dom

Luchi alur dom is the preferred Bengali combination for a lazy Sunday brunch. The dish has Luchi that is similar to puris and is eaten with alur dum or aloo dom, that is a spicier and more tangy version of the dum aloo.

Luchi alur dom是慵懒星期天早午餐的首选孟加拉组合。 这道菜有类似puris的Luchi,与alur dum或aloo dom一起吃,这是dum aloo的一个更辣,更强烈的版本。

Milk Sweets, Rasgullas, Chamcham, Sondesh

Bengali sweets need no introduction. They can make the most ‘not-a-sweet-person’ also drool and want to take just a bite of the rich sweets.

孟加拉甜食不需要介绍。 他们可以使最“不喜欢甜食的人”也流口水,并想要吃一口丰盛的糖果。

Appam 阿帕姆

Appam, which has an anglicized name Hopper, is delicious flat lacy pancake prepared from fermented batter of coconut milk and rice. 


Malabar Fish Curry 马拉巴鱼咖喱

Fish is the staple food of the people of Kerala due to its vast shoreline. The Malabar fish curry, which has its roots in China, is appetizing gravy which goes down well with rice, tapioca or bread. 

由于其广阔的海岸线,鱼类是喀拉拉邦人民的主食。 在中国扎根的马拉巴鱼咖喱是一种令人垂涎的肉汁,可以和米饭,木薯或面包一起食用。

Khar (Assam) 哈尔(阿萨姆邦)

Any Assamese meal is incomplete without delicious Khar. This unique dish is prepared with raw papaya, pulses and a main ingredient. All these ingredients are then filtered in water through dried banana ashes for a flavour that is most unusual and refreshing. It is a rich dish generally consumed with lunch.

任何阿萨姆餐都不完美,没有美味的哈尔。 这个独特的菜是用生木瓜,豆类和主要成分准备。 所有这些成分,然后在水中通过干香蕉灰过滤,是最不寻常和清爽的味道。 这是一个通常与午餐一起吃的丰盛的菜。

Sanpiau (Mizoram)

This is a very popular Mizo snack sold in the streets, and served at home. Prepared with rice porridge, it is served with fresh coriander paste, spring onions, crushed black pepper, zesty fish sauce and finely powdered rice.

这是一种非常受欢迎的Mizo小吃,在街上卖,并在家中餐桌都很常见。 用糯米粥配上新鲜的香菜酱,葱,黑胡椒碎,味道鲜美的鱼酱和米粉。

Chungdi Malai

Chungdi Malai tarkari is a lip smacking non vegetarian dish from Odisha. It is basically a creamy prawn curry that gets its rich goodness with coconut milk that gives it a distinct flavour.

Chungdi Malai tarkari是来自Odisha的非素食菜肴。 它基本上是一种奶油大虾咖喱,用椰奶来丰富它的美味,赋予它独特的风味。


Made up of rice flour the and pulses- Black lentil and gram pulses, the dish has a special flavor due to the presence of a certain quantity of spices. the oil generally used to cook is mustard oil.

由米粉和豆类组成,黑扁豆和克豆,由于存在一定量的香料,所以该菜具有特殊的风味。 一般用来做饭的油是芥末油。

Biryani 布瑞雅尼

An aromatic rice dish cooked with several spices, notably saffron, and a protein (typically chicken or mutton) that's been marinated.



A variation on the traditional dimsum, native to the North Eastern states that border Nepal (where the dish originated), eaten with a fiery red chutney.



A heavy South Indian breakfast food. A fermented batter of ground rice and lentils, steamed in little circular molds.

一份沉重的南印度早餐。 米饭和小扁豆的发酵面糊,蒸成小圆形模具。

Gulab jamun 玫瑰浆果

Small balls of dried milk, slow cooked and boiled in a sugar syrup.


Chole bhature

A spiced, curried chickpea dish served with a fried flour bread.


Nethili varuval

Anchovies dipped in a paste of turmeric and red chilies and fried, native to the South Indian region Chettinad.


Kati roll 卡蒂卷

A traditional street food popular across India (and abroad). A wrap of kebabs, eggs, vegetables, and spices rolled into paratha (a type of flat bread).

在印度(和国外)流行的传统街头食品。 烤羊肉串,鸡蛋,蔬菜和香料卷成paratha(一种扁平面包)。

Rajma 豆类

Kidney beans in a thick gravy popular across North India.


Pani puri 

A small crisp hollow round bread filled with spiced water, tamarind paste, potato, onion, and chickpeas.


Jalebi 甜圈

A wheat flour batter deep fried in coil-shapes and soaked in sugar syrup, served hot.


Tandoori chicken 唐杜里鸡

Chicken marinated for hours in a paste of yogurt and spices, and then roasted (traditionally) in a clay oven called a tandoor.


Banana chips 香蕉片

Thin slices of banana deep fried in savory spices.


Baingan bharta

Roasted eggplant mashed together with a variety of other vegetables and spices, served with flatbread.



A crispy, flat bread (similar to a crepe or pancake) made of rice batter, served with a lentil sauce (sambar) and a variety of chutneys.



Puffed rice fried with vegetables, in a spicy and tangy tamarind sauce.


Vada 瓦达

A South Indian snack staple made of a lentil or flour batter fried into a doughnut shape.


Bhindi masala

Okra stuffed with spices, fried.


Rogan josh 罗根乔希

A lamb curry of Persian origin, now popular in the Kashmir area. In India, rogan josh is often made using goat meat instead of lamb.

波斯出产的羊肉咖喱,现在在克什米尔地区流行。 在印度,罗根乔希通常用羊肉而不是羊肉制成。


A snack/breakfast food from the state of Gujurat, made of fermented rice and chickpea batter.


Gajar halwa 胡萝卜halwa

An extremely popular dessert, made by cooking grated carrot with milk, sugar, and dried fruits.



A fritter native to the Indian state Uttar Pradesh – one or more basic ingredients (onion, eggplant, potato, cauliflower, and chili peppers are all options) are dipped in gram flour and deep fried.

原产于印度北方邦的油条 - 一种或多种基本成分(洋葱,茄子,土豆,花椰菜和辣椒都可以选择)浸在克面粉中,然后油炸。

Rumali roti

The word "rumal" is Hindi for handkerchief, and this bread resembles one; it is large, as thin as cloth, and served folded like a napkin.

在印地文的手帕“rumal”这个词,这个面包就像一个; 它很大,像布一样薄,像餐巾纸一样折叠起来。

Papri chaat

Crispy, fried dough wafers served with boiled potatoes, boiled chick peas, chilis, yogurt, tamarind chutney, and several spices.



An iced preparation made from thickened milk, almonds and pistachios.


Recheado masala fish / Recheado马沙拉鱼

A spicy paste made of chilies, tamarind, and garlic (amongst other spices) is rubbed onto whole fish which are then fried.


And, finally, samosas / 最后,萨摩萨

A fried or baked triangular snackfood made of a potato stuffing, usually also containing onions and peas, served with a mint chutney.


Ok, I am Hungry Now !

好的,我饿了 !

Source: spoonuniversity.com, thespruce.com, buzzfeed.com

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