

2018-02-07 谷宇飞 音乐文献编译组


SFist Interviews Pianist Extraordinaire Yuja Wang


推荐阅读:1、外国油腻大叔们眼里的王羽佳;2、王羽佳丨 不光是音乐界,我觉得未来50年,什么领域都会是中国人的天下!3、王羽佳访谈丨恩师凌远给我打下全面音乐基础丨“她会给我启发和支持。她给我一点拨,我就明白了,给她弹琴不光是学东西,还会很开心”;4、野蜂飞舞的王羽佳丨格拉夫曼的中国弟子演奏视频丨演奏家的好坏,无关乎裙子长短丨格拉夫曼不在具体音上细扣,而是给王羽佳风格上的指导;5、王羽佳老师凌远丨“孩子是学音乐的,不是学手型的!” 6、每晚古典音乐访谈丨王羽佳讲述跟阿巴多的合作经历;7、每晚古典音乐访谈丨王羽佳:“唱片曲目自己做主”。编者按:本周六(2月10日)王羽佳的生日,我们会继续推送她的相关文章。🎂

Yuja Wang became an overnight sensation when piano legend Martha Argerich cancelled a performance with the Boston symphony and Yuja stepped in and was so electrifying she brilliantly saved the evening. The next step on the road to stardom is of course to be in the position to cancel, rather than waiting in the wings. Congratulations to Yuja then, who had to withdraw from her April SF Performances recital for physical reasons.




Luckily for us, it was only a short delay, and she's coming back in full force, for the re-scheduled recital this Sunday at Herbst theater, and for a series with the San Francisco symphony, under MTT, starting tomorrow. She'll be celebrating in her recital Schumann's birthday and her love of Prokofiev, and playing a program with the symphony that includes Ravel's Concerto for the left hand, Stravinksy's Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra and a sonata for piano four hands from Francis Poulenc, with MTT himself providing the second pair of hands.



Yuja is all of twenty three and it's always a pleasure to chat with her: she's spontaneous, straightforward in her answers, cheerful and refreshingly unjaded, with only the lightest whiff of an accent to betray her Chinese origin.


You were supposed to play your recital in April, what happened with the cancellation?

Yuja: I was just constantly playing concerts, and I had some physical injury, so I asked to reschedule it. I actually canceled the whole tour that week.

I don't want to push it, it's a long career I'm going to do with my hands so I just rescheduled it for [this] week.



Q:Did you require special physical treatment?

Yuja: Hopefully, it's just because I played so much, and I have small hands. So constant stretching and forcing it, it's not too good. The important thing was to have time to relax and not do anything for the muscles to go back. And there's like acupuncture as well, that I tried and some massaging.



Would you change what you play, play less virtuosic pieces, to preserve your hands?

Yuja: Once it goes back, it should be ok. Because before that, I had a crazy schedule, I was playing a Bartok concerto and the two Rachmaninoff concertos, and then two different recital programs in like a week. It was just a little hard on the hands.

How many dates a year do you perform?

Yuja: More than a hundred.





How long can you stop playing without losing muscle stamina?

Yuja: Well I don't really practice that much anyway. And of course next week, I'm playing Ravel left hand concerto, so my right hand is resting.



Q:What do you mean, you don't practice much?

Yuja: Of course, the more practice time the better, but I'm traveling so much, I'm just too busy.



Q:You'll be playing Ravel concerto for the left hand: what would happen if you played with two hands? You did not lose an arm in the war...

Yuja: Ravel was commissioned, he wrote his piece for his friend who was injured in WWI, a great pianist who lost his right hand [ed: Paul Wittgenstein], so he wrote this concerto for the left hand for him. And it's such a masterpiece, people would not play it with two hands.


Yuja:这首曲子的创作背景是,拉威尔受命为在一战中受伤的朋友作曲,他是个伟大的钢琴家,但却失去了他的右手保罗·维特根斯坦 所以他为保罗的左手谱了这首协奏曲。它本来就是为左手而谱写的杰作,人们不会用双手去演奏。

Part of classical music, as opposed to jazz or other music making, we are very loyal to the music and to the score. That's how the composer wrote it. And that's part of the challenge of this work. You have to make it sound like two hands. It's part of the challenge to make it sound that way. If you play with two hands,all the charm and difficulty and the history and the legend of this work is lost.


Q:The program notes mention music-hall tunes and quotes a biographer of Stravinsky who said: "from this point, Stravinsky could have become Poulenc." You play Poulenc on the program, do you see the connection?



Yuja: Yeah, I'm going to one hand and two hands and then four hands. I don't really know the Poulenc yet, we're going to rehearse next week when I get in San Francisco, so I can't comment on the comparison.


Stravinsky of course is the greatest 20th century composer. I admire him greatly because of the variety of his music and his styles. This one for me, is really American, very jazzy, lots of syncopation, lots of show tunes, there's a cabaret feeling. The 2nd movement is very neo-classical. It's not the most virtuosic or audience pleaser concerto at all, but it's a fun piece and it's not played very often.

And to pair it with the pretty grim Ravel left hand concerto, it's a pretty good pairing, and it's all MTT's idea.



Q:Playing 4 hands with MTT, is it how you share music usually?

Yuja: We always play like that for fun at home, he's quite a good pianist as well. It's the first time we'll play four hands in concert. I don't know the piece yet, I can't talk about it. For chamber music, lots of time, we don't learn the music until the last week. We're going to play with score, and we read pretty fast. So it's not unusual at all.



Q:Your recital program puts the emphasis on virtuosity, doesn't it?

Yuja: It is. I start with Liszt's transcriptions of Schubert Lieder. I love Schubert's Lieder, and these three are the highlights out a few hundreds of them. The way Liszt elaborated is quite masterful, with lots of color, almost like a variation of the same stanza. The 2nd piece is Schumann's symphonic etudes, which is in the form of variations. The first half is more How a romantic composer used the form of variation to have inspiration. This year, it's Schumann year [ed: his 200th birth anniversary was last week], so I chose to play that piece. I never play Schumann in public.

The second half is two Russian composers: Scriabin and Prokofiev. Prokofiev hated Scriabin, and I chose some nice earlier works of Scriabin, which sound very much like Chopin. It's quite beautiful, and then I go to the heavy work of Prokofiev's 5th sonata. I love playing Prokofiev, I play his concertos a lot [ed: like last May here in SF]. I can see all elements of Prokofiev in this sonata. It has a Very machine-like drive. The 2nd and 3rd movements are like his ballet music, it's like Romeo and Juliette or Cinderella, and the outer movements are very wild with lots of sarcastic comments. It's a very hard work to make it work in concert, but it's such a great piece. After thirty five minutes, you can see how the motives work, the way he works with the motives reminds me of Beethoven, except for the fact that it's so long.





Q:Congratulations on your Avery Fisher grant!

Yuja: It's like a competition like you won but you did not even compete, I don't know how that works but it's great. I wish everything worked out that way. It is recognition, and it's an honor to have that grant. It's not a huge change, I still have to keep playing and grow. But it helps a little along the way.





SFist Interviews Pianist Extraordinaire Yuja Wang

Yuja Wang became an overnight sensation when piano legend Martha Argerich cancelled a performance with the Boston symphony and Yuja stepped in and was so electrifying she brilliantly saved the evening. The next step on the road to stardom is of course to be in the position to cancel, rather than waiting in the wings. Congratulations to Yuja then, who had to withdraw from her April SF Performances recital for physical reasons.

Luckily for us, it was only a short delay, and she's coming back in full force, for the re-scheduled recital this Sunday at Herbst theater, and for a series with the San Francisco symphony, under MTT, starting tomorrow. She'll be celebrating in her recital Schumann's birthday and her love of Prokofiev, and playing a program with the symphony that includes Ravel's Concerto for the left hand, Stravinksy's Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra and a sonata for piano four hands from Francis Poulenc, with MTT himself providing the second pair of hands.

Yuja is all of twenty three and it's always a pleasure to chat with her: she's spontaneous, straightforward in her answers, cheerful and refreshingly unjaded, with only the lightest whiff of an accent to betray her Chinese origin.

You were supposed to play your recital in April, what happened with the cancellation?

Yuja: I was just constantly playing concerts, and I had some physical injury, so I asked to reschedule it. I actually canceled the whole tour that week.

I don't want to push it, it's a long career I'm going to do with my hands so I just rescheduled it for [this] week.

Did you require special physical treatment?

Yuja: Hopefully, it's just because I played so much, and I have small hands. So constant stretching and forcing it, it's not too good. The important thing was to have time to relax and not do anything for the muscles to go back. And there's like acupuncture as well, that I tried and some massaging.

Would you change what you play, play less virtuosic pieces, to preserve your hands?

Yuja: Once it goes back, it should be ok. Because before that, I had a crazy schedule, I was playing a Bartok concerto and the two Rachmaninoff concertos, and then two different recital programs in like a week. It was just a little hard on the hands.

How many dates a year do you perform?

Yuja: More than a hundred.

How long can you stop playing without losing muscle stamina?

Yuja: Well I don't really practice that much anyway. And of course next week, I'm playing Ravel left hand concerto, so my right hand is resting.

What do you mean, you don't practice much?

Yuja: Of course, the more practice time the better, but I'm traveling so much, I'm just too busy.

You'll be playing Ravel concerto for the left hand: what would happen if you played with two hands? You did not lose an arm in the war...

Yuja: Ravel was commissioned, he wrote his piece for his friend who was injured in WWI, a great pianist who lost his right hand [ed: Paul Wittgenstein], so he wrote this concerto for the left hand for him. And it's such a masterpiece, people would not play it with two hands.

Part of classical music, as opposed to jazz or other music making, we are very loyal to the music and to the score. That's how the composer wrote it. And that's part of the challenge of this work. You have to make it sound like two hands. It's part of the challenge to make it sound that way. If you play with two hands,all the charm and difficulty and the history and the legend of this work is lost.

The program notes mention music-hall tunes and quotes a biographer of Stravinsky who said: "from this point, Stravinsky could have become Poulenc." You play Poulenc on the program, do you see the connection?

Yuja: Yeah, I'm going to one hand and two hands and then four hands. I don't really know the Poulenc yet, we're going to rehearse next week when I get in San Francisco, so I can't comment on the comparison.

Stravinsky of course is the greatest 20th century composer. I admire him greatly because of the variety of his music and his styles. This one for me, is really American, very jazzy, lots of syncopation, lots of show tunes, there's a cabaret feeling. The 2nd movement is very neo-classical. It's not the most virtuosic or audience pleaser concerto at all, but it's a fun piece and it's not played very often.

And to pair it with the pretty grim Ravel left hand concerto, it's a pretty good pairing, and it's all MTT's idea.

Playing 4 hands with MTT, is it how you share music usually?

Yuja: We always play like that for fun at home, he's quite a good pianist as well. It's the first time we'll play four hands in concert. I don't know the piece yet, I can't talk about it. For chamber music, lots of time, we don't learn the music until the last week. We're going to play with score, and we read pretty fast. So it's not unusual at all.

Your recital program puts the emphasis on virtuosity, doesn't it?

Yuja: It is. I start with Liszt's transcriptions of Schubert Lieder. I love Schubert's Lieder, and these three are the highlights out a few hundreds of them. The way Liszt elaborated is quite masterful, with lots of color, almost like a variation of the same stanza. The 2nd piece is Schumann's symphonic etudes, which is in the form of variations. The first half is more How a romantic composer used the form of variation to have inspiration. This year, it's Schumann year [ed: his 200th birth anniversary was last week], so I chose to play that piece. I never play Schumann in public.

The second half is two Russian composers: Scriabin and Prokofiev. Prokofiev hated Scriabin, and I chose some nice earlier works of Scriabin, which sound very much like Chopin. It's quite beautiful, and then I go to the heavy work of Prokofiev's 5th sonata. I love playing Prokofiev, I play his concertos a lot [ed: like last May here in SF]. I can see all elements of Prokofiev in this sonata. It has a Very machine-like drive. The 2nd and 3rd movements are like his ballet music, it's like Romeo and Juliette or Cinderella, and the outer movements are very wild with lots of sarcastic comments. It's a very hard work to make it work in concert, but it's such a great piece. After thirty five minutes, you can see how the motives work, the way he works with the motives reminds me of Beethoven, except for the fact that it's so long.

Congratulations on your Avery Fischer grant!

Yuja: It's like a competition like you won but you did not even compete, I don't know how that works but it's great. I wish everything worked out that way. It is recognition, and it's an honor to have that grant. It's not a huge change, I still have to keep playing and grow. But it helps a little along the way.

往期阿劳:1、阿劳说:“我已把我每天练钢琴的时间减少到最多三小时,但我却花大量时间阅读乐谱”丨舒曼《a小调钢琴协奏曲》;2、阿劳说:“当我回首往事时,我认为我天生就是弹钢琴的”丨勃拉姆斯《f小调第三钢琴奏鸣曲》;3、阿劳 | 琴键上翻耕的艺术大师;4、阿劳说:“为了更好地理解音乐,艺术家必须拥抱和囊括整个字宙”丨贝多芬《第23“热情”钢琴奏鸣曲》;5、波利尼谈阿劳丨“阿劳是非常伟大的钢琴家,他那杰出的演奏我至今还清楚的记着。我是受到了强烈震动的。” 6、阿劳说:“当我回首往事时,我认为我天生就是弹钢琴的”丨勃拉姆斯《f小调第三钢琴奏鸣曲》;7、纪念阿劳丨钢琴家“首先应考虑作曲家意图和作品的深刻含义,而不是表演。”丨舒曼《C大调幻想曲》的肯普夫、阿劳、李赫特的演绎比较;8、阿劳1984年重返智利纪录片及“皇帝”协奏曲;9、智利钢琴家阿劳《李斯特:12首超技练习曲》;10、从阿劳的钢琴艺术中,我们能得到哪些启发?11、阿劳说:“我已把我每天练钢琴的时间减少到最多三小时,但我却花大量时间阅读乐谱”丨舒曼《a小调钢琴协奏曲》;12、阿劳的“肖邦圆舞曲气势宏大,夜曲几乎像叙事曲!”13


