当地时间3月3日,美国新任能源部长珍妮弗·格兰霍姆(Jennifer Granholm)在剑桥能源周(IHS CERAWeek)上宣布,准备启动过去四年特朗普政府未动用过的400亿美元能源贷款,以推动清洁能源技术的发展,加快低碳经济转型。珍妮弗·格兰霍姆(Jennifer Granholm)“过去四年,贷款项目一直没有被使用。但我准备转动这些引擎,以刺激下一代的创新和部署。”但她没有提供有关如何使用这些贷款的详细信息。她说,过去,这个办公室支持的项目创造了成千上万的工作,而且贷款已经赚回了约5亿美元。格兰霍姆说,绿色金融专家吉加尔·沙阿(Jigar Shah)将领导能源部贷款计划办公室。沙阿是Generate Capital的联合创始人兼总裁,他曾帮助企业加快脱碳进程,还投资了一家太阳能融资公司SunEdison。“他将帮助我们为美国纳税人提供牢固的投资组合,这将有助于我们应对气候变化并创造就业机会。”格兰霍姆说,“我们已经准备投资先进的车辆、碳捕集器、先进的反应堆等等。”美国能源部的贷款办公室是在2009年奥巴马政府执政期间通过激励资金成立的。它已经向很多成功的企业提供并收回贷款,比如特斯拉,但一些共和党人抨击该办公室曾支持了失败的太阳能公司Solyndra。在CERAWeek上,格兰霍姆发表了自上周宣誓就职以来的首次公开演讲。她在讲话中重申了拜登政府提出的雄心勃勃的气候目标——2035年实现无碳发电、2050年实现净零经济,并强调这是一个巨大的经济机会。“有研究表明,减排将在未来几十年中创造一个23万亿美元的全球市场。”在美国看来,绿色产业不仅是巨大的市场,也将是大国角力的新战场。“摆在我们所有人面前的问题是,这些投资将流向何方?会出现在其他经济竞争者手上吗?你最好相信我说的,其他国家正在争夺这些经济产业。”格兰霍姆说。在这场经济转型的战役中,她说,美国能源部已经“准备好了充足的弹药”,将是“政府战斗力最强的部门之一”。首先是美国17个国家实验室的基础科学突破,这使得脱碳努力成为可能。比如,橡树岭国家实验室最近设计出一个可以更加有效进行碳捕获的设备,并且可以进行3D打印生产;阿贡国家实验室正在研究的下一代电池,其能量密度将是现在的两倍。其次是美国有能力将研究成果转化为技术应用。她说,这些技术涵盖了从可再生能源、能效、碳捕获、氢气、电网技术到存储等广泛的领域,将在人们生活和工作的各个方面提供清洁能源解决方案。据她介绍,上周,能源部地热办公室就投入了4600万美元,以支持向美国家庭提供地热供暖的项目。另外,美国能源部还在大力征集全新的开箱即用技术,并准备提供雄厚的资金支持,如制造生物燃料所需的海藻养殖技术、更高效的太阳能板排列方式等。为了发展清洁能源,美国还将在关键原材料上进行重新布局。她说,无论是用于存储太阳能和风能的电池,还是公用设施公司持有的大型电池,都需要用到锂和钴。为了应对美国国内供应不足的问题,位于艾奥瓦州的埃姆斯实验室(Ames Laboratory)正在对关键矿产进行研究,“以减少对稀土矿物质和其他可能受到供应链破坏的材料的依赖”。她指出,实际上,美国有两种选择:一是开发替代材料,在美国国内进行开采。二是推出更多锂离子电池回收中心,通过消除采矿和加工步骤,最大限度地减少能源消耗和浪费。对于担心生计问题的化石燃料工人,格兰霍姆承诺:没有人会被抛下。“这是我们改善能源经济的机会,可以振兴那些不被看见、不被关注和落后已久的社区。”她的表态突显了拜登政府面临的主要挑战:如何让美国一方面摆脱对化石燃料的依赖,另一方面防止以煤炭、油气产业为主的地区发生大规模失业。格兰霍姆说,能源部专门成立了一个就业办公室,将与该机构的化石燃料官员“密切配合”,以确保“我们不落下任何工人”。“这并非易事,但这是一场值得发动的战斗,我将率先前往报到。”她再三强调,能源转型将创造无数的新工作,并承诺帮助化石燃料工人为这些新职位做好技能准备。“这将会有数百万个工作,高薪且福利好的工作。”她说,从生产零排放公交车、升级电网到制造碳捕集管道,再到升级现有管道以最大程度减排,各个领域都将出现招聘热潮。但并非所有人都相信,美国新政府的气候政策不会给经济和就业造成冲击。对于拜登决定撤销有争议的Keystone XL管道许可的决定,美国石油行业和共和党人已经很快做出了强烈反应。该项目背后的加拿大公司TC Energy称,此举是拜登最初的行政行动之一,导致裁员了“数千名工会工人”。曾在奥巴马政府担任能源部长的欧内斯特·莫尼兹(Ernest Moniz)也参加了今年的CERAWeek。他在会上说,美国的油气部门在向清洁能源经济转型方面似乎有些落后。但他认为,该行业可以在工作中利用其技能,为深度脱碳提供务实的解决方案。莫尼兹说,在新冠大流行刚开始的时候,他曾担忧气候问题将被抛在一边。但实际上,与以往相比,越来越多的国家和公司正在谈论净零目标,并将资本配置进行调整。莫尼兹指出,新冠疫情使全世界公众“认识到难以想象的事情是可以发生的”。他说,关于气候的概念“被非常、非常奇怪的天气放大了,这确实引起了公众的注意”。他所指的是上个月令得克萨斯州数百万人断电的寒潮,以及去年夏天令加利福尼亚州连续停电的热浪。人们对气候危机的担忧正在不断上升。莫尼兹指出,自签署《巴黎协定》五年以来,科学界已经从相信“到本世纪中叶减少80%的排放量将使我们免于遭受最恶劣的气候影响”转变为认识到“必须实现净零排放目标、甚至是最终达到净负排放”。OGCI气候投资首席执行官普拉蒂玛·兰加拉让(Pramatia Rangarajan)在与莫尼兹对话时指出,虽然新冠疫情一度使得美国经济陷入停滞,但该国2020年的碳排放量仅比前一年下降了9%。这说明,要实现《巴黎协定》目标,减排压力是巨大的。联合国和全球碳项目组织的数据显示,全球碳污染在2020年下降7%,这是历史上最大的单年降幅。不过,随着世界范围内的逐渐复工,后续的碳排放量会呈现快速上升趋势。而根据联合国的评估报告,为了将全球变暖控制1.5摄氏度以下,全球排放量在到2030年的10年期间内需要每年下降7.6%左右。“这确实使我们看到不能再做会增加排放的事情了。”她说,“我们必须系统性地改变我们在这个世界的运作方式,在消耗和排放两方面同时做出改变。”来源:21世纪经济报道 作者:郑青亭 编辑:陈庆梅https://m.sohu.com/a/454116928_120877465参考:珍妮弗·格兰霍姆(Jennifer Granholm)在剑桥能源周(IHS CERAWeek)上的演讲原文:
Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Secretary of Energy Jennifer GranholmHello CERA Week! I’m so excited to join you all as the new U.S. Secretary of Energy.I’m humbled to be sharing the virtual stage with so many old friends and new colleagues this week, and others I can’t wait to get to know.I’m an impatient person, so let me get to the meat.President Biden has laid out ambitious climate goals—a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, and a net-zero economy by 2050.It’s a heckuva economic opportunity.Because reports estimate that the products that reduce carbon emissions will create a $23 trillion dollar global market over the next decade.Where are those investments going to be? In China? In our other economic competitors?You better believe other countries are vying for this economic sector.So are we going to get in the battle, or are we going to bring a knife to a gun fight?Joe Biden is demanding that we get in the battle, on behalf of our people.For too many years, we have watched as others created economic opportunity for their citizens, while we stood on the sidelines.The Department of Energy is one of our government’s most fighting forces as we pursue the goal of a carbon-pollution free country.We have to add hundreds of gigawatts to the grid over the next four years. It’s a huge amount. And there’s so little time.We all need to roll up our sleeves—all of us working together to combat this climate crisis, and to add millions of good-paying jobs.We have so many powerful tools in our arsenal to achieve these goals.Tool number one: the basic science breakthroughs at our 17 National Labs.These institutions are run by some of the world’s most brilliant scientists, who are expanding their R&D in the discoveries that will make our decarbonized future possible.Like researchers at the Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee, who recently designed a new device to make carbon capture more efficient using aluminum, then found a way to manufacture it using 3-D printers.Or at Argonne National Lab outside of Chicago, where they’re working on next-generation batteries that are twice as energy-dense as today’s. And so on.Tool number two: the resources to turn that science into deployable technologies.These tools are used in our applied energy programs, which run the gamut from renewables to efficiency, carbon capture to hydrogen, and grid technology to storage.They’re going to make it their mission to bring your clean energy solutions to life.Like our Geothermal Technologies Office did just last week, with $46 million for cutting-edge projects that have the potential to power millions of American homes.And of course, a mighty tool is our highly successful ARPA-E program, which seeds brand-new, out-of-the-box technologies—like seaweed-farming drones to make biofuels, and more efficient solar arrays that use compressed air.They just put out a 100 million dollar call for transformative clean energy projects.These are just the first of billions of dollars in investment that DOE will offer up this year.Finally, and very importantly, is our ability to fund the deployment of clean energy technologies.Probably the best known in this space is the once-mighty Loan Programs Office that, as of today, is back open for business.Our loan authority has helped some of America’s bravest entrepreneurs get their best ideas off the ground, and flourish into what they are today.When photovoltaic solar developers wanted to meet the growing demand for renewable energy, we stepped in to help them build the first five utility-scale facilities in the nation, kickstarting the fastest-growing sector of the solar industry.Or when a little company called Tesla wanted to manufacture the first zero-emission, zero-gas, full-size electric vehicles, we helped them grow their first factory to production scale—and now, they’re the world’s leading electric car company.These projects have supported more than 10,000 jobs, and taxpayers have made that money back and then some.Much of this authority went unused over the last four years. But I’m ready to rev those engines back up, so we can spur the next generation of innovation and deployment.In this battle, you have to have great leaders.And I’m so excited to announce that we’ve brought on an amazing field general to lead the way—the new head of DOE’s Loan Programs Office, the one and only Jigar Shah.Jigar has written the playbook on how to drive the market towards clean energy solutions.He's going to help us put together an indomitable portfolio of investments for American taxpayers, that will help us tackle climate change and create jobs.We’re ready to invest in advanced vehicles, carbon capture, advanced reactors, and so much more.The possibilities are endless, and they can deliver the prosperity and promise the American people so deserve. Because what do you need to bring big investments to life?Millions of jobs—union jobs, with good pay and good benefits for all.By scaling up these emerging technologies, we’re going to put people in construction, skilled trades, and engineering to work building a new American energy economy, and help those in the coal, oil, and gas industries translate their skills to new clean energy jobs.DOE’s new Office of Energy Jobs is going to help us figure out how to create all kinds of jobs for all kinds of people, in all corners of the country—corners that have long felt unseen.Let me say a word about that.This is our opportunity to help Build the energy economy Back Better, in a way that lifts up communities left behind for far too long.Communities of color living with the toxic legacy of air pollution, that are still paying too much for their energy, and that are often the first and worst impacted by the climate emergency.The clean energy transformation can right these historic wrongs. It can right market wrongs for those who have been impacted by a global market that has decided it wants to move to cleaner solutions.It can give them a chance, and finally make these communities sustainable and safe for families.Guided by President Biden’s Justice40 initiative, I’m going to work with my new advisor for equity so that we can lead the way—by targeting disadvantaged communities for new clean energy investments, jobs, and businesses, doubling down on our commitments to racial justice, and developing policies that ensure the benefits of this emerging economy reach those on the frontlines of climate change.So this moment has opportunity written all over it.A moment in the grand arc of history, but it’s our moment.What are we here for, if not to give people opportunity and save the planet?Four years. Less than one thousand days.I hope you feel this sense of urgency as I do.You are enlisted in this fight. It won’t be easy. But it is a battle worth waging. And I, for one, am reporting for duty.在拜登提名的各政府成员中,美国能源部部长人选詹妮弗•格兰霍姆(Jennifer Granholm)值得能源行业从业者关注。她曾担任过两届密歇根州州长,她的专长在汽车领域,但拜登为何选她担任美国能源部长?
Who’s Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s pick for energy secretary?
格兰霍姆被拜登挑选的另一个原因,是其在绿色环保和新能源发展方面比发展汽车更在行。作为州长,她支持风能和太阳能税收抵免和激励措施,签署了要求密歇根州可再生能源占10%能源消耗的立法。另外,在满足拜登的另一个关键气候和能源目标——创造就业机会方面,她也很有经验:作为密歇根州州长,格兰霍姆是绿色新政的积极推动者,一直致力于增加清洁能源领域的就业,她还为流离失所的制造业工人制定了“不让工人掉队”的专门培训计划并大获成功。( “No Worker Left Behind” training program)。在2008经济危机发生期间,格兰霍姆纾困密西根州汽车工业的努力令人印象深刻,她在底特律引进LG化学公司,在那里的工厂生产通用汽车雪佛兰Volt电动汽车所用的电池。离开州长位置后,她更加致力于应对气候变化。当下,她与工会、汽车公司之间的联系仍然很密切。针对这一问题,拜登属下相继喊话:要与中国合作
汇总 | 拜登的气候政策及其对能源行业的影响
域外 | 詹妮弗•格兰霍姆是谁?拜登为何选她担任美国能源部长?
报告 | UNEP:要实现1.5摄氏度温控目标,全球每年必须削减6%化石燃料
图表 | 一张图看懂升温1.5℃和2℃的区别
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数据 | 全球应对气候变化也搞“KPI”?美国倒数第一!中国表现尚可
报告 | 第三季度美国风电装机创下新纪录
报告 | IRENA:可再生能源和气候承诺:《巴黎协定》签署五年数据(附下载)
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