
主旨发言预告(八)|| Rodolphe Gasché: Doubly Parricidal...

秘书处 文学伦理学批评研究 2022-04-24















预告 || 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会 分论坛与召集人



Rodolphe Gasché is SUNY Distinguished Professor & Eugenio Donato Professor of Comparative Literature at the State University of New York at Buffalo. His interests concern the history of aesthetics, German Idealism and Romanticism, phenomenological and post-phenomenological thought, hermeneutics, and critical theory. His most recent books include Europe, or The Infinite Task. A Study of a Philosophical Concept (Stanford, 2009); Un Arte Muy Fragile. Sobre la Retorica de Aristoteles, trans. Rogenio Gonzalez, Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Metales Pesados, 2010; The Stelliferous Fold. Toward a Virtual Law of Literature's Self-Formation (Fordham, 2011); Georges Bataille: Phenomenology and Phantasmatology (Stanford, 2012); Geophilosophy: On Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's What is Philosophy? (Northwestern University Press, 2014); Deconstruction, Its Force its Violence (SUNY Press, 2016); Persuasion, Reflection, Judgment. Ancillae Vitae  (Indiana University Press 2017). Storytelling: The Destruction of the Inalienable in the Age of the Holocaust (SUNY Press in 2018); De L'Eclat du Monde. La "valeur" chez Marx et Nancy(Editions Hermann, 2019).


Doubly Parricidal: On the Endgame in Plato's Late Dialogues

  My paper is an inquiry into what it is in the Theaetetus that makes the introduction of a stranger to take the place of Socrates in both the Sophist and the Statesman inevitable and necessary. As is well known, the Stranger's task in the Sophist consists in the parricidal killing of father Parmenides whose doctrine of Being inhibits any critical determination of the figure of the sophist. In the preceding dialogue – the Theaetetus – Socrates proceeds to a radical dismantling of the other foundational Greek thinker, Protagoras, whose homo mensura doctrine makes it impossible to establish the nature of knowledge. Although this devastating critique is not referred to explicitly as a parricide, it has parricidal features in that it is a critique of another major authority in Greek thought that reaches back to Homer, and the tragedians. Furthermore, the fact that Socrates refrains in this dialogue from also taking on the authority of Parmenides, as in fact he had promised, suggests that the Theaetetus creates the space for welcoming a stranger to do what a Greek cannot possibly do: put into question the whole of Greek philosophy as shaped by two tendencies represented by two native father figures, and to make room for philosophical thought in a new sense. 

责任编辑 | 汤轶丽、任洁

审校 | 杨革新

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预告 || 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会 分论坛与召集人
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