Cereb Cortex︱刘涛团队揭示高龄老人白质结构加速退化模式
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老化对人类大脑结构与认知功能有显著负面效应。近年来,全生命周期研究已发现白质结构在老年阶段经历一段复杂退变过程:成年中期保持相对稳定并随后加速下降[1]。然而,以往研究大多聚焦在80岁以下年轻老年群体的灰质结构与功能退变模式,而少部分关注高龄老人成功老化的研究提出高龄老人成功认知老化的关键在于皮层结构与功能的缓慢退化[2-4]。然而,高龄老年人的白质结构的“成功老化”(successful aging)的模式目前尚不明确,这对理解如何成功老化以及探索与衰老相关的脑疾病,具有重要的参考价值。
近日,北京航空航天大学生物与医学工程学院、北京生物医学工程高精尖创新中心刘涛教授团队在Cerebral Cortex上发表了题为“An accelerated degeneration of white matter microstructure and networks in the nondemented old–old”的研究论文。研究者基于悉尼记忆与老化纵向研究数据集(Sydney Memory and Ageing Study)的419例老年的弥散磁共振影像数据,利用创新数据框架的方向场分析[5-7]量化了白质纤维方向形态以及结构网络拓扑属性,验证了高龄老人具有不同于年轻老人的白质结构加速老化模式,揭示了白质结构加速退变是其认知下降的主要因素之一,对促进理解高龄认知老化的潜在神经机制具有重要意义。
图1 高龄老人白质微观结构完整性与方向形态的加速退化
(图源:Zhao H, et al., Cereb Cortex, 2022)
图2 高龄老年组在结构网络拓扑属性方面的退化。
(图源:Zhao H, et al., Cereb Cortex, 2022)
图3 高龄老年组在模块连通性方面的加速退化
(图源:Zhao H, et al., Cereb Cortex, 2022)
图4 总体认知水平、白质结构连通性与年龄的中介模型
(图源:Zhao H, et al., Cereb Cortex, 2022)
【2】J Neuroinflammation 综述︱倪文飞/周凯亮团队聚焦STING通路在CNS损伤后神经炎症及细胞死亡中的重要作用
【3】Sci Adv︱盛能印/毛炳宇/丁玉强团队合作发现AMPA受体泛素化在兴奋性突触功能调控中的新机制
【5】FASEB J︱刘阳团队发现在实验动物上抗精神病药物导致造血器官的血管异常
【7】NPJ Parkinsons Dis︱汪锡金团队发现高PSQI是帕金森病发生异动症的独立危险因素
【8】Ann Neurol︱陈万金/樊东升课题组揭示SerRS基因杂合突变导致腓骨肌萎缩症
【9】Sci Adv︱星形胶质细胞亚群可塑性调节海洛因复吸,为药物成瘾复发治疗提供依据
【10】J Neurosci︱胡波课题组揭示背侧海马小清蛋白阳性中间神经元在联合型运动学习中的作用及其网络活动机制
优质科研培训课程推荐【1】单细胞测序与空间转录组学数据分析研讨会(10月29-30日 腾讯在线会议)【2】膜片钳与光遗传及钙成像技术研讨会(2022年10月15-16日 腾讯会议)会议/论坛预告&回顾【1】预告 | 神经调节与脑机接口会议(北京时间10月13-14日(U.S. Pacific Time:10月12-13日)
参考文献(上下滑动阅读) [1] Fjell AM, Grydeland H,Wang Y, Amlien IK, Bartres-Faz D, Brandmaier AM, Düzel S, Elman J, Franz CE, Håberg AK, et al. The genetic organization of longitudinal subcortical volumetric change is stable throughout the lifespan. elife. 2021:10:e66466.
[2] Yang Z, Wen W, Jiang J, Crawford JD, Reppermund S, Levitan C, Slavin MJ, Kochan NA, Richmond RL, Brodaty H, et al. Ageassociated differences on structural brain MRI in nondemented individuals from 71 to 103 years. Neurobiol Aging. 2016:40: 86–97.
[3] Tang H, Liu T, Liu H, Jiang J, Cheng J, Niu H, Li S, Brodaty H, Sachdev P, Wen W. A slower rate of sulcal widening in the brains of the nondemented oldest old. NeuroImage. 2021:229:117740.
[4] Bennett IJ, Greenia DE, Maillard P, Sajjadi SA, DeCarli C, Corrada MM, Kawas CH. Age-related white matter integrity differences in oldest-old without dementia. Neurobiol Aging. 2017:56:108–114.
[5] Cheng J, Basser PJ. Director field analysis (DFA): exploring local white matter geometric structure in diffusion MRI. Med Image Anal. 2018:43:112–128.
[6] Zhao H, Cheng J, Jiang J, Zuo L, Zhu W, Wen W, Sachdev P, Wang Y, Liu T, Li Z. Geometric microstructural damage of white matter with functional compensation in post-stroke. Neuropsychologia. 2021:160:107980.
[7] Zhao H, Cheng J, Liu T, Jiang J, Koch F, Sachdev PS, Basser PJ, Wen W, for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging I. Orientational changes of white matter fibers in Alzheimer’s disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021:42(16):5397–5408.
[1] Fjell AM, Grydeland H,Wang Y, Amlien IK, Bartres-Faz D, Brandmaier AM, Düzel S, Elman J, Franz CE, Håberg AK, et al. The genetic organization of longitudinal subcortical volumetric change is stable throughout the lifespan. elife. 2021:10:e66466.
[2] Yang Z, Wen W, Jiang J, Crawford JD, Reppermund S, Levitan C, Slavin MJ, Kochan NA, Richmond RL, Brodaty H, et al. Ageassociated differences on structural brain MRI in nondemented individuals from 71 to 103 years. Neurobiol Aging. 2016:40: 86–97.
[3] Tang H, Liu T, Liu H, Jiang J, Cheng J, Niu H, Li S, Brodaty H, Sachdev P, Wen W. A slower rate of sulcal widening in the brains of the nondemented oldest old. NeuroImage. 2021:229:117740.
[4] Bennett IJ, Greenia DE, Maillard P, Sajjadi SA, DeCarli C, Corrada MM, Kawas CH. Age-related white matter integrity differences in oldest-old without dementia. Neurobiol Aging. 2017:56:108–114.
[5] Cheng J, Basser PJ. Director field analysis (DFA): exploring local white matter geometric structure in diffusion MRI. Med Image Anal. 2018:43:112–128.
[6] Zhao H, Cheng J, Jiang J, Zuo L, Zhu W, Wen W, Sachdev P, Wang Y, Liu T, Li Z. Geometric microstructural damage of white matter with functional compensation in post-stroke. Neuropsychologia. 2021:160:107980.
[7] Zhao H, Cheng J, Liu T, Jiang J, Koch F, Sachdev PS, Basser PJ, Wen W, for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging I. Orientational changes of white matter fibers in Alzheimer’s disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021:42(16):5397–5408.