

Stowell等 园林杂志


Connecting Horticultural Therapy to the Community Through Universities and University Botanic Gardens

著:(美)Derrick R. Stowell*

(美)P J Snodgrass  

译:李同予    郭思远

Derrick R. Stowell


P.J. Snodgrass







全文引文格式:Derrick R.Stowell,P J Snodgrass,李同予,郭思远.从大学到社区:美国田纳西大学花园园艺疗法项目实践[J].园林,2023,40(04):41-50.




Horticultural therapy is gaining acceptance worldwide as an effective treatment to help improve health and well-being. Therefore, universities provide an ideal backdrop for developing and implementing horticultural therapy programming. As a member of the Land Grant Universities, the University of Tennessee has a good foundation for horticultural therapy. Taking the University of Tennessee Gardens (UTG) horticultural therapy program as an example, we elaborated on the development and specific aspects of the UTG horticultural therapy program from three parts: education and training, scientific research, and technology promotion, as well as the importance of horticultural therapy in collaboration with university campuses and community parks. In addition, plans for the UTG horticultural therapy program were discussed to provide a model for other university campuses and community parks to develop horticultural therapy businesses and thereby promote the health and well-being of people.


horticultural therapy; university campus; program practice; health and well-being; University of Tennessee

The use of horticulture as a therapeutic tool has been seen throughout history. Observations about the positive benefits of being in nature, around plants, cultivating plants, and growing gardens helped to advance the study and practice of horticulture as therapy. The formal organization of the profession of horticultural therapy began in the United States in 1973 with the establishment of a professional association that is now called the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA).  The AHTA’s mission is to “promote and advance the profession of horticultural therapy as a therapeutic intervention and rehabilitative modality”. The use of horticulture as therapy is also accepted throughout the world. This paper introduces the horticultural therapy project of University of Tennessee Gardens (UTG) in detail, aiming to emphasize the advantages and importance of introducing horticultural therapy into university campus, and provide reference for other university campuses and community parks to carry out horticultural therapy projects.

   1 Horticultural Therapy Defined   

Horticultural therapy has been defined by numerous practitioners in the United States and throughout the world over the years. The AHTA currently defines horticultural therapy as “the participation in horticultural activities facilitated by a registered horticultural therapist to achieve specific goals within an established treatment, rehabilitation, or vocational plan.” Although there are several definitions of horticultural therapy throughout the world, the similarities are that it must include a trained therapist, plant interactions, and an individual with an identified health or wellness goal/need.

   2 University of Tennessee Gardens   

The University of Tennessee was founded in 1794 as a land-grant university in the United States. The UTG were established by the Department of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design (OHLD) in 1983, at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Agricultural Experiment Station. The UTG are the only horticultural/botanical facility of its kind in the East Tennessee region. With 

more than 2 300 different types of plants, the UTG are a valuable resource for the region’s home gardeners, commercial growers, and landscapers. Rich plant resources and diverse educational practices enable UTG users to establish a close and friendly relationship with nature. With appropriate financial support, UTG horticultural therapy program has a good foundation for development.

   3 UTG Horticultural Therapy Program   

3.1 Project Overview

Healing Program at UTG began in 2009. UTG received funding to support the creation of a garden educator position and the current education program has been directed by Dr. Stowell since 2012. To date, the program has expanded to include 9-10 weeks of summer camp, symposia, year-round garden workshops, children's healing program and horticultural therapy programming. The focus of the horticultural therapy program was to connect the UTG with underserved populations in the community to assist with improving overall health and wellbeing. The horticultural therapy programming meets the land grant mission of education, research and outreach.

3.2 UTG Horticultural therapy and educational training

The education component of the horticultural therapy program focusses on professional education. This type of education takes place in college level classes, professional internships, and through presentations at professional conferences. Each element of this component helps to increase knowledge of the profession and practice of horticultural therapy, share research and program experience, and train college students to become horticultural therapy practitioners.

Table 1 American Horticultural Therapist Registered internship program and work procedures

3.3 UTG Horticultural Therapy and scientific research

Horticultural therapy requires evidence-based studies to help document the effectiveness of interventions. The academic connection with the University of Tennessee is a valuable asset and strength of UTG's horticultural therapy program. The university platform provides UTG with the opportunity to collaborate with front-line researchers, as well as attract many undergraduate and graduate students, which greatly contributes to the advancement of academic research in this field.


3.4 UTG Horticultural therapy and outreach

Outreach provides many opportunities for UTG's horticultural therapy project researchers to translate their findings into practice and serve the community, which is a link between university resources and the community. UTG's three major outreach efforts in recent years include the "Mobile Garden" program, vocational training, and community based rehabilitation.

   4 Results and Discussion   

Since its creation in 2012, the horticultural therapy program has served 8,495 participants, 2,508 healthcare professionals, 17 recreational therapy interns, and five horticultural therapy interns. Through evidence-based research with university platforms, the UTG Horticultural Therapy project explores the health intervention value of horticultural therapy, which will help popularize horticultural therapy to better serve the public.


[1] American Horticultural Therapy Association. About AHTA[EB/OL]. [2022-12-03]. https://ahta.memberclicks.net/about

[2] American Horticultural Therapy Association. Definitions and Positions [EB/OL]. [2022-12-03]. https://www.ahta.org/ahta-definitions-and-positions.

[3] United States National Archives. Morrill Act (1862)[EB/OL]. [2022-12-03] https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/morrill-act

[4] HALLER R L, KENNEDY K L, CAPRA C L. The Profession and Practice of Horticultural Therapy[M]. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2019: 1-50

园艺作为一种促进身心健康的疗愈活动,在人类发展进程中一直存在。美国园艺疗法事业在1973年拥有了正式的专业协会——美国园艺疗法协会(American Horticultural Therapy Association,AHTA),协会的使命是“促进和推广园艺疗法作为一种治疗干预和恢复健康的方法”[1]。园艺疗法也逐渐被全世界所接受。文章详细介绍了美国田纳西大学花园(University of Tennessee Gardens,UTG)园艺疗法项目,旨在强调园艺疗法引入大学校园的优势与重要性,并为其他大学校园、社区公园开展园艺疗法项目提供借鉴。

   1 园艺疗法的概念内涵   

多年来,美国和世界各地的该领域从业者对园艺疗法(horticultural therapy)进行了定义。AHTA目前将园艺疗法定义为“参加由注册园艺治疗师(Horticultural Therapist Registered,HTR)协助的园艺活动,以实现既定的治疗、康复或职业计划目标”[2]。尽管世界各地对园艺疗法有多种定义,但相似之处在于,其必须包括训练有素的园艺治疗师、人与植物的互动,具有明确的以恢复健康或以保健为目的的治疗目标,这些是园艺疗法的重要组成要素。

   2 田纳西大学花园简介   


   3 UTG园艺疗法项目   

3.1 项目概述


3.2 UTG园艺疗法与教育培训


表1 美国注册园艺治疗师实习计划与工作环节

3.3 UTG园艺疗法与科学研究


3.4 UTG园艺疗法与技术推广


(1)“移动花园”计划(Mobile Garden Program)覆盖整个田纳西东部地区的多个养老机构。参与移动花园计划的老年人,在社会互动与人际交往能力、维持或改善肌肉功能、手的灵活稳定等精细运动技能都有明显提升,同时也掌握了更多的园艺知识和技巧。(2)针对特殊人群的职业培训一直是园艺疗法领域关注的重点[4]。UTG与田纳西州聋哑学校合作,为在校高中生开设成人综合课程;UTG还与“田纳西大学FUTURE”项目合作,致力于安排在校生获得实习和就业的机会、提升工作技能。(3)在社区居民康复服务方面,UTG与加勒比社区康复服务网络(CCBRN)开展合作,该项目是美国国际开发署(USAID)和美洲农民互助计划(AFFP)之间的一个合作项目,先后制定并实施了多个园艺治疗项目,同时也积极开展园艺疗法项目的职业培训。

   4 结论与讨论   



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