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Call for  Papers


Title:Psycho-emotional Factors and Language Teachers’ Creativity, Identity, and Professional Development

今天推出SSCI二区(JIF:1.6)及A&HCI双检索期刊International Journal of Applied Linguistics  专题征稿,欢迎大家积极投稿。

Guest Editors

/ Ali Derakhshan /

Golestan University

Ali Derakhshan is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at the English Language and Literature Department, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran. He gained his MA in TEFL from University of Tehran and his PhD in Applied Linguistics from Allameh Tabataba’i University. He has been an EFL teacher and teacher educator for nearly two decades. During this period, he was a recipient of National Exemplary Teaching Award in 2004/2005. He was ranked top 1 in 2017/2018, 2019/2020, and 2021 in students’ course evaluation in teaching in the Department. He has been a member of the Iranian Elites Foundation since 2015. He has also been selected as a distinguished researcher by the Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran in 2021. He has also won different research grants. He has published in both accredited international journals (Computers and Education, Language Teaching Research, System, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, Journal of Multilingual Multicultural Development, ELT Journal, Current Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology, etc.) and various local journals. He has been the editor of Language Related Research and Associate editor of Frontiers in Psychology. His research interests are positive psychology, teacher education, learner individual differences, and cross-cultural interpersonal factors in educational psychology, interlanguage pragmatics, and intercultural communication.

/ Lawrence Jun Zhang /

The University of Auckland

张军(Lawrence Jun Zhang)现任新西兰奥克兰大学教育学部副部长、应用语言学正教授、博士生导师、中国英语写作教学与研究专业委员会副会长,中国学术英语教学研究会常务理事,美国应用语言学学会会员,TESOL协会会员,新西兰应用语言学学会会员、常务理事、秘书长,以及欧洲学术写作教学研究会会员。研究兴趣包括英语二语读写发展、学术英语写作等。他于2012-2019年间任SSCI国际期刊TESOL Quarterly的常任栏目主编,现任Elsevier出版社SSCI一区国际期刊System的联合主编;发表论文、书评、章节近200篇,其中在SSCI期刊120余篇;是美国TESOL国际学会2011年度“最佳科研论文奖”唯一得主,美国应用语言学学会“优秀论文奖评选委员会”副主任,TESOL国际学会理事会常任理事。

Special issue information:

Due to the invaluable role of psycho-emotional factors in instructional environments, myriads of studies have looked into the impact of these factors on a variety of teachers’ professional traits and practices, including creativity, professional identity, and professional development. Nonetheless, a quick glance at the pertinent literature reveals that the majority of previous inquiries have been conducted in mainstream education environments. Thus, whether psycho-emotional factors can predict the creativity, professional identity, and professional development of language teachers is still an open question. Furthermore, most previous studies have solely examined which positive or negative emotions can predict teachers’ creativity, identity, and development in professional environments. Additionally, almost all previous investigations have employed conventional, retrospective approaches to study the interrelationship between psycho-emotional factors and teacher professional traits and practices.Against this backdrop, this research topic intends to bring together innovative, high-quality studies examining the dynamicity of psycho-emotional factors and their complex relationships with language teachers’ creativity, professional identity, and professional development. The current research topic particularly welcomes original research, intervention-based studies, critical reports, synthetic reviews, and meta-analyses. To examine language teachers’ psycho-emotional factors and their rapidly changing effects on their professional traits and practices, researchers should take advantage of innovative research methods such as time-series analysis, nested ecosystem model, ecological momentary assessment, and latent profile analysis.Topics that will be of interest to the special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:
  1. Developing and enhancing language teachers’ professional creativity through the integration of positive emotions;

  2. Embarking on innovative approaches to delve into the complexities of emotions and professional creativity in language education;

  3. Assessing the role of positive and negative emotions in language teachers’ sustainable professional development;

  4. Evaluating the impacts of favorable and unfavorable emotions on language teachers’ desire to attend professional development programs;

  5. Exploring the role of positive and negative feelings in strengthening teacher professional identities.

Proposed Timeline

Proposed abstract submission: December 15th, 2023

Decision on acceptance of abstracts: January 5th, 2024

Opening of submission portal for full manuscripts: January 10th, 2024

Closure of portal for new submission: June 30th, 2024 Tentative date for publication: November 2024

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Proposed abstracts should be submitted to the special issue guest editors for initial consideration. Please send a 500-word (maximum) abstract that describes previously unpublished empirical (not conceptual) work to special issue guest editors Associate Professor Dr. Ali Derakhshan and Prof. Lawrence Jun Zhang. The document should also include each author's name, email address, affiliation, and a 50-word biographical statement. If abstracts are accepted, authors will be invited to submit full-length articles for double-blind peer review. It is important to note that abstracts should be based on projects for which data collection has already been completed to ensure the timely delivery of the special issue.

期刊动态|SSCI期刊TESOL Quarterly专题征稿通知
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期刊动态| 国际期刊《应用语言学研究方法》专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊 Frontiers in Psychology专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊 Language and Education专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊 《专业翻译杂志》专题征稿
期刊动态|SSCI期刊Current Issues in Language Planning专题征稿通知
国际期刊LTRQ纪念Lantolf学术贡献专题征稿通知期刊动态| ESCI期刊The Language Learning Journal 专题征稿
期刊动态| SSCI期刊Frontiers in Psychology 专题征稿



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