
翻译院校篇 | 纽卡斯尔大学学生为纽卡斯尔城堡提供语音导览翻译服务

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Newcastle University Students Translate Audio Guides for Newcastle Castle

(图片来源:https://www.ncl.ac.uk/press/articles/archive/2019/06/newcastlecastletranslation/ )

 Is it a château, castillo or a schloss?

 Château(法)/ Castillo(西)/                        

              Schloss(德)/ 城堡(中)?

Overseas visitors


Modern language students have been putting their skills to use in the real world by helping Newcastle Castle improve information for overseas visitors. A group of 28 students have recorded new audio guides in French, German, Portuguese and Chinese (Mandarin) for the historic city landmark. David Silk, Learning Officer, got in touch with the School of Modern Languages. “We’d done some research and found that 50% of our visitors were from outside the UK, so we wanted to improve what we had on offer for them,” he explained.

纽卡斯尔大学现代语言专业的学生学以致用,通过翻译技能帮助纽卡斯尔城堡改善针对海外游客的语音导览信息服务。28名学生为这座历史名城地标录制了新的法语、德语、葡萄牙语和中文(普通话)语音导览。首席学习官David Silk与现代语言学院取得了联系。他说:“我们做了一些调查,发现50%的游客来自英国以外的国家,我们希望不断完善我们的服务。”

Translation skills


Languages lecturer Angela Uribe de Kellett said: “I was thrilled to hear Newcastle Castle were looking to have their audio-guide translated. “We are always on the lookout for possible opportunities for our students to try out their translation skills and to link them up with local organisations. But to do it for such an emblematic building of Newcastle was just fantastic.” Matthew Cummins is in the final year of studying French and German. He translated sections of the audio guides describing the Castle’s King’s Chamber and different artefacts. “It was great to be able to take the skills I’ve learned in my course and to use them in a real way,” he says. “I’m from Gateshead and being able to use my language skills to help do something positive for a local landmark made it an even better experience.”

现代语言学院讲师Angela Uribe de Kellett说:“听到纽卡斯尔城堡翻译成各种语言的语音导览供游客欣赏,我真的很高兴。”“我们一直在寻找机会,让学生有机会运用他们的翻译技能,并与当地组织取得联系。能为纽卡斯尔的这座标志性建筑做翻译,机会实在难得。”今年是Matthew Cummins学习法语和德语的最后一年。他翻译了语音导览中介绍城堡中King's Chamber及文物的相关内容。他说:“能够将课上所学的技能用于实际工作,真是太棒了。”“我来自盖茨黑德市,能运用我的语言技能为纽卡斯尔的地标贡献绵薄之力,这对我来说是一次很棒的经历。”

Tenth anniversary


It was part of the Real Translation Project, a programme run by a group of language teachers and student volunteers from the University, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. Working together, they help charitable and community organisations translate documents into various languages taught at the University. Over the past decade around 500 undergraduates have worked with organisationssuch as National Trust properties Cragside and Wallington, translated documents for local primary schools and provided translation and interpreting support for human rights lawyers.




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指导老师:龙昱琼  谭敏


项目统筹:李梦轶  王雨晴

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