机动车交通事故责任纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例
1.耿红傲诉王有松等机动车交通事故责任纠纷再审案 Geng Hongao v. Wang Yousong, et al. (retrial case regarding dispute over a motor vehicle traffic accident) 2.史文杰诉吴汉军等机动车交通事故责任纠纷案 Shi Wenjie v. Wu Hanjun, et al. (case regarding dispute over a motor vehicle traffic accident) 3.陈思雨与徐浩然等机动车交通事故责任纠纷上诉案 Chen Siyu v. Xu Haoran, et al. (appeal case regarding dispute over liability for a motor vehicle traffic accident)
[Judgment Abstract]
Where a traffic accident occurs and causes casualties of non-motor vehicles when an employed driver drives a motor vehicle that has been insured by the owner with compulsory traffic insurance and third-party commercial insurance, the human casualties and property losses incurred therefrom should be first compensated within the liability limit of compulsory traffic insurance, and the burden of covering the shortfall should be based on the fault ratio among parties involved in the accident. The owner of the motor vehicle should not assume the joint and several liability for the fault of other parties if he has paid compensation through the third-party commercial liability insurance within the ratio of the employed driver's fault.
Shi Wenjie v. Wu Hanjun, et al. (case regarding dispute over a motor vehicle traffic accident)
[Judgment Abstract]
A vehicle owner should, prior to lending his vehicle to another person, perform the duty of reasonable examination on the influential factors of safe driving, including the borrower's capacity for civil conduct, his capability of driving, and vehicle condition - whether it is in a good shape for driving. In the circumstances where a person with full capacity for civil conduct who possesses a driving license causes a damage to others as a result of making alterations to the use of the borrowed vehicle without the owner's permission, such acts fall outside the scope of the owner's duty of examination. Therefore, the vehicle owner assumes no liability, whereas the borrower should be liable for damages.
[CLI Code] CLI.C. 6428203 (EN)
Chen Siyu v. Xu Haoran, et al. (appeal case regarding dispute over liability for a motor vehicle traffic accident)
[Judgment Abstract]
In a dispute over liability for a motor vehicle traffic accident, the victim who neither has a source of fixed income nor can testify his/her total income for the latest three years, is entitled to an indemnity against the charge for his/her loss of working time in light of the average salary of an employee in the same or similar sector for the past one year. In practice, if the victim, as a housewife who neither has a stable job or income, nor can supply a proof of her income for her loss of working time, files a claim against the perpetrator for her loss of income due to the missed working time, the people's court should determine the amount of the victim's income loss by referring to the average salary of an employee in neighborhood services, maintenance services or other service sectors for the past one year.
[CLI Code] CLI.C. 95272527 (EN)
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