Interpretation by the Supreme People's Court of Several Issues Concerning the Application of Book One General Provisions of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
一、一般规定 | I. General rules第一条 民法典第二编至第七编对民事关系有规定的,人民法院直接适用该规定;民法典第二编至第七编没有规定的,适用民法典第一编的规定,但是根据其性质不能适用的除外。 Article 1 The people's courts shall directly apply the provisions on civil relations of Books Two through Seven of the Civil Code, if any, or in the absence of such provisions of Books Two through Seven of the Civil Code, apply the provisions of Book One of the Civil Code, unless they are inapplicable based on their nature.就同一民事关系,其他民事法律的规定属于对民法典相应规定的细化的,应当适用该民事法律的规定。民法典规定适用其他法律的,适用该法律的规定。 For the same civil relation, if the provisions of another civil law are a refinement of the corresponding provisions of the Civil Code, that other civil law shall apply. If the Civil Code provides for the application of another law, that other law shall apply.民法典及其他法律对民事关系没有具体规定的,可以遵循民法典关于基本原则的规定。 If the Civil Code and other laws are silent on civil relations, the basic principles established by the Civil Code may be followed.第二条 在一定地域、行业范围内长期为一般人从事民事活动时普遍遵守的民间习俗、惯常做法等,可以认定为民法典第十条规定的习惯。 Article 2 Folk usage and practice, among others, which ordinary persons generally observe as a tradition in a certain region or industry when engaging in civil activities may be determined as custom under Article 10 of the Civil Code.当事人主张适用习惯的,应当就习惯及其具体内容提供相应证据;必要时,人民法院可以依职权查明。 If a party contends that custom is applicable, the party shall provide evidence of the custom and its specific content; when necessary, the people's court may conduct an investigation on its own motion.适用习惯,不得违背社会主义核心价值观,不得违背公序良俗。 The application of custom shall not be contrary to the core socialist values or public order and good morals.…………九、附则 | IX. Supplementary provisions第三十九条 本解释自2022年3月1日起施行。Article 39 This Interpretation shall come into force on March 1, 2022.民法典施行后的法律事实引起的民事案件,本解释施行后尚未终审的,适用本解释;本解释施行前已经终审,当事人申请再审或者按照审判监督程序决定再审的,不适用本解释。 For a civil case arising from juridical facts after the Civil Code comes into force, this Interpretation shall apply, if a trial upon appeal has not been conducted since this Interpretation comes into force; or this Interpretation shall not apply, if a trial upon appeal has been conducted before this Interpretation comes into force, and a party applies for a retrial, or a decision is made to conduct a retrial in accordance with the trial supervision procedure.