
2022年1-2期最高院公报案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

Mani 北大法律信息网 2023-03-22





Wang Qinjie v. Shanghai Licheng Investment Management Co., Ltd., Guo Ruixing, et al. (case regarding dispute over private lending)


Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., et al v. Conversant Wireless Licensing S. à.r. l. (case regarding dispute over the confirmation of non-infringement of patent rights and licensing of standard-essential patents)


Yuyao Yongxing Gas Filter Plant v. Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Yuyao City (case regarding dispute over gas business licensing)


Wang Qinjie v. Shanghai Licheng Investment Management Co., Ltd., Guo Ruixing, et al. (case regarding dispute over private lending)



[Judgment Abstract]

Where, under the registered capital subscription system, a company extends the term of capital contribution of shareholders by adopting resolutions of the general meeting of the shareholders or by other means after a debt arises, if the creditor pleads to the court that the shareholders whose altered time limit for capital contribution does not expire should bear supplementary compensation liability for the debt beyond the company's capability to pay off within the scope of their non-paid contribution, the people's court should uphold such a claim.


Source Note:SPC Gazette, Issue 1, 2022 (Total No. 305) Page 44-48


[CLI Code] CLI.C.410379348 (EN)


Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., et al v. Conversant Wireless Licensing S. àr. l. (case regarding dispute over the confirmation of non-infringement of patent rights and licensing of standard-essential patents)




[Judgment Abstract]

First, in case of any application for act preservation of the nature of an “anti-suit injunction,” a people's court should conduct examination in accordance with Article 100 of the Civil Procedure Law and Article 7 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in Cases Involving the Review of Act Preservation in Intellectual Property Disputes, and take into account factors such as whether the respondent's initiation of an action in an extraterritorial court or its application for enforcement of the extraterritorial court judgment will have a substantial impact on the trial and enforcement of the lawsuit in China, and whether the adoption of the act preservation measures conforms to the principles of international comity. To determine the possibility of these two factors, the people's court should consider whether the parties to the lawsuits in China and overseas are basically the same, whether there is any overlap between the subject matters of trial, and whether the respondent's act of filing the extraterritorial lawsuit interferes with the lawsuit in China, among others. Regarding the principle of international comity, factors to be considered include the time sequence of case acceptance, the appropriateness of case jurisdiction, and the appropriateness of the impact on the trial and judgment of the extraterritorial court, among others.

Second, the act preservation measure that prohibits the respondent from certain acts is of particularity. Where the respondent refuses to comply with its obligation to refrain from certain acts as determined by the act preservation ruling and illegally performs an act of changing the original status, then such an intentional illegal act constitutes a continuous violation of the act preservation ruling and a continuous change to the original status. Therefore, the respondent should be deemed as committing the illegal act each day, in which case the people's court may impose a per diem fine as it sees appropriate and such fine should be accumulated on a daily basis.


Source Note:SPC Gazette, Issue 1, 2022 (Total No. 305) Page 29-36


[CLI Code] CLI.C.410379340(EN)


Yuyao Yongxing Gas Filter Plant v. Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Yuyao City (case regarding dispute over gas business licensing)



[Judgment Abstract]

Where an administrative organ with the power of administrative license decides to disapprove the administrative license based on untenable reasons, and such decision has been revoked by the people's court and ordered to be remade, it should be deemed that the administrative organ abuses its power if it still decides to disapprove the license for the same reasons.


Source Note:SPC Gazette, Issue 2, 2022 (Total No. 306) Page 34-43


[CLI Code] CLI.C.410379346(EN)















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧稿件来源 | 北大法宝英文编辑组(Mani)审核人员 | 伍小凤 张文硕往期精彩回顾商标争议行政纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例
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