TOP5的JPE新任主编和编辑介绍, 提前了解其研究方法和擅长领域!
背景知识:1.这个外国人拿中国数据发了多篇AER, JPE, RES等五大顶刊!汗颜!2.JPE将从2020年变双月刊为月刊发行, 望中国学者周知,3.机制分析做到极致的JPE趣文, 身高与收入,4.JPE上19年以来10篇比较有意思且重要的文章!5.他们只有本硕学历, 却发过了AER, JPE, QJE, RES, ECM5大顶刊!6.机器学习方法出现在AER, JPE, QJE等顶刊上了!7.AER, JPE, QJE, RES期刊最新一期, 又见毛咕噜大神在讨论机器人与劳动市场!8.中国女学者与其日本同行在JPE上发文了!利用独特数据, 地理断点RDD和IV研究中国环境议题!9.JPE主编Uhlig消失了?一众大咖元老将其软jin了?10.AER, JPE和QJE最新一期, 2019年三位诺奖得主一人一篇, 还出现了史上最短标题之一!11.用中国截面数据和OLS在JPE发文, 这个外国教授凭啥这么牛!12.JPE上利用地理断点RDD和IV研究中国环境议题的do文件release!13.中国学者好! 我是MIT的Acemoglu教授, 我又在Top 5的JPE上发文了!14.五大刊AER, JPE, QJE, ECM和RES的最新文章, 及将来浏览中英文顶刊最新文章通道!15.感动! 范轶然的文章在TOP5的JPE上发表刊出了! 天妒英才! 16.凭借AER宏文一战成名, 放弃复旦辗转芝加哥和香港的宋铮在JPE上发文了!17.最新AER, QJE, JPE和RES最新文章出炉, 先睹为快!18.这种机制分析方法受到经济学认可, 曾出现在经济学TOP5期刊上!
近日,TOP5期刊Journal of Political Economy换主编和编辑了。之前的Harald Uhlig教授不在作为JPE的首席编辑,取而代之的是芝加哥大学经济系的Magne Mogstad教授。当然,JPE也对其他编辑人员进行了洗牌,例如前贝茨克拉克奖得主Melissa Dell教授成为了JPE编辑。
Lead Editor
Magne Mogstad, University of Chicago, United States
研究领域:Labor economics; public economics; analysis of social mobility and inequality.
Magne Mogstad是芝加哥大学加里贝克尔经济学教授。他的工作的动机是如何解决市场失灵和机会均等的广泛问题。为了实现这些目标,已经实施了无数的税收、教育补贴、社会保险政策。一个关键的挑战是提炼出每一项政策的独特影响,以便我们能够了解哪些政策真正起作用,哪些政策不起作用。这一挑战激发了Magne的工作,其目的是提供实证证据,使我们能够检验经济理论,并为政策制定者提供信息。
"Incarceration, Recidivism, and Employment." Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Loken and Magne Mogstad; Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 128(4), pp. 1269-324. "Local Governments, in-Kind Transfers, and Economic Inequality." Rolf Aaberge, Lasse Eika, Audun Langorgen and Magne Mogstad; Journal of Public Economics, 2019, 180. "Educational Assortative Mating and Household Income Inequality." Lasse Eika, Magne Mogstad and Basit Zafar; Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 127(6), pp. 2795-835. "Disability Benefits, Consumption Insurance, and Household Labor Supply." David Autor, Andreas Kostøl, Magne Mogstad and Bradley Setzler; American Economic Review, 2019, 109(7), pp. 2613-54. "Using Instrumental Variables for Inference About Policy Relevant Treatment Parameters." Magne Mogstad, Andres Santos and Alexander Torgovitsky; Econometrica, 2018, 86(5), pp. 1589-619. "Intergenerational Effects of Incarceration." Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Loken and Magne Mogstad; AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2018, 108, pp. 234-40. "Identification and Extrapolation of Causal Effects with Instrumental Variables." Magne Mogstad and Alexander Torgovitsky; Annual Review of Economics, 2018, 10(1), pp. 577-613. "Using Instrumental Variables for Inference About Policy Relevant Treatment Parameters." Magne Mogstad, Andres Santos and Alexander Torgovitsky; Econometrica, 2018, 86(5), pp. 1589-619. "The Human Capital Approach to Intergenerational Mobility." Magne Mogstad; Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 125(6), pp. 1862-68. "Life-Cycle Earnings, Education Premiums, and Internal Rates of Return." Manudeep Bhuller, Magne Mogstad and Kjell G. Salvanes; Journal of Labor Economics, 2017, 35(4), pp. 993-1030. "Beyond LATE with a Discrete Instrument." Christian N. Brinch, Magne Mogstad and Matthew Wiswall; Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 125(4), pp. 985-1039. "What Is the Case for Paid Maternity Leave?" Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Loken, Magne Mogstad and Kari Vea Salvanes; Review of Economics and Statistics, 2016, 98(4), pp. 655-70. "Testing the Quantity-Quality Model of Fertility: Estimation Using Unrestricted Family Size Models." Magne Mogstad and Matthew Wiswall; Quantitative Economics, 2016, 7(1), pp. 157-92. "Field of Study, Earnings, and Self-Selection." Lars J. Kirkeboen, Edwin Leuven and Magne Mogstad; Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016, 131(3), pp. 1057-111. "Father Presence and the Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment." Ariel Kalil, Magne Mogstad, Mari Rege and Mark E. Votruba; Journal of Human Resources, 2016, 51(4), pp. 869-99. "The Skill Complementarity of Broadband Internet." Anders Akerman, Ingvil Gaarder and Magne Mogstad; Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015, 130(4), pp. 1781-824. "Labor Income Dynamics and the Insurance from Taxes, Transfers, and the Family." Richard Blundell, Michael Graber and Magne Mogstad; Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 127, pp. 58-73. "Is Universal Child Care Leveling the Playing Field?" Tarjei Havnes and Magne Mogstad; Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 127, pp. 100-14. "Inequality in Current and Lifetime Income." Rolf Aaberge and Magne Mogstad; Social Choice and Welfare, 2015, 44(2), pp. 217-30. "Earnings, Disposable Income, and Consumption of Allowed and Rejected Disability Insurance Applicants." Andreas Ravndal Kostol and Magne Mogstad; American Economic Review, 2015, 105(5), pp. 137-41. "Family Welfare Cultures." Gordon B. Dahl, Andreas Ravndal Kostol and Magne Mogstad; Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2014, 129(4), pp. 1711-52. "Peer Effects in Program Participation." Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Loken and Magne Mogstad; American Economic Review, 2014, 104(7), pp. 2049-74. "How Financial Incentives Induce Disability Insurance Recipients to Return to Work." Andreas Ravndal Kostol and Magne Mogstad; American Economic Review, 2014, 104(2), pp. 624-55. "Broadband Internet: An Information Superhighway to Sex Crime?" Manudeep Bhuller, Tarjei Havnes, Edwin Leuven and Magne Mogstad; Review of Economic Studies, 2013, 80(4), pp. 1237-66.
Econometrics Circle
数据系列:空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 | 夜间灯光 | 官员方言 | 微观数据 | 内部数据
计量系列:匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 | 200篇合辑 | 因果识别 | 社会网络 | 空间DID
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