
IAAC 7 | 了解一下这届评委的TASTE?

民生美术馆 上海民生现代美术馆




Richard Dyer

国际学术期刊 《Third Text》主编

Editor-in-Chief of Third Text 

点评文章:《Aftermath: Lessons in Futurity from Lawrence Abu Hamdan》

作者:Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung  一等奖获得者

所评展览:Lawrence Abu Hamdan on YouTube

本届评委、国际学术期刊 《Third Text》主编理查德·戴尔(Richard Dyer)对一等奖的文章点评: 

“Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung 的文章对劳伦斯·阿布·哈姆丹近期发布于 YouTube 的影像项目 "后果: 劳伦斯·阿布·哈姆丹的未来之课 "做了评论,他将哈姆丹的艺术实践置于新冠阴云之下,文章在政治和社会议题上的强烈参与性和批判性引人深省。这也是艺术批评的应有之义:将艺术作品置于现实世界之中,阐明其因何而与生活实践产生关联,并探究作品是如何有力地揭露不公正、剥削或权力的倾斜,且将其平易地传达与读者。尤为称道的是,Eugene 避开了过度的斟酌和术语的堆砌,以优雅的散文形式完成了这一切。”

Richard Dyer, the Editor-in-Chief of Third Text commented about the overall prize-winner’s contribution: "Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung’s review Aftermath: Lessons in Futurity from Lawrence Abu Hamdan was politically and socially engaged, critically astute, and poignantly contextualised Hamdan’s practice within the dark framework of the Covid pandemic. It did exactly what good art criticism should do: elucidate why a work of art is relevant to the rest of life, locate it within the world, and make it comprehensible to the reader by revealing how a successful work functions as a powerful exposé of injustice, exploitation or imbalances of power, and he does all this with elegant and spare prose, unburdened by over-writing or jargon."  


Ding Ning


Professor of Art History and Theory at the School of Arts, Peking University.

点评文章:《The Rock》

作者:Peter S Brock   二等奖获得者

所评展览:The Rock

本届评委、北京大学艺术学院美术学系教授丁宁对二等奖获奖文章《The Rock》点评:



Perhaps because the author is an artist himself, he is particularly able to empathize with the simplicity, humility, and sadness of this extraordinary temporary work, "The Rock," while at the same time sincerely appreciating the glimmer of humanity and hope that emanates from time to time as a result of its collective intervention. Such a reading is moving and thought-provoking.


Pauline J. Yao


Lead Curator, Visual Art, at M+


作者:王凯梅  二等奖获得者


本届评委、香港M+视觉文化博物馆视觉艺术主策展人姚嘉善( Pauline J. Yao)对二等奖获奖文章《连空气都是甜的》点评:


With its clear structure, demonstrated knowledge of the field, and cogent prose, Even the Air Smells Sweet, a review of the contemporary art exhibition “Forget the Horizon” at K11 Shanghai, was a standout submission. It offered an unusual entry point through the sense of smell and fragrance—a clever way of situating the reader within the venue while also allowing for broader connections to be made to the context in which the exhibition took place, namely amidst a world pandemic. Adept at moving between detailed explanation of the individual artists and artworks and the surrounding context, the text presented a smart and fresh reflection on global culture, the commercialization of art, and human desire.

莉斯贝思· 雷波洛·贡萨尔维斯

Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves


International President of the AICA, Paris


作者:张浩  二等奖获得者


本届评委、现任巴黎国际艺术评论家协会主席、巴西圣保罗大学教授莉斯贝思· 雷波洛·贡萨尔维斯对二等奖获奖文章《居间者的迫近》点评:


The exhibition, “Gerhard Richter: Painting After All”, at the Met Breuer was the subject of a sensitive piece of critical writing by the author. In his text, the author interweaves an account of the artist’s sixty years’ trajectory with critical reflections on individual works along the way. In the process of exploring the relationship between photography and painting, which provides the focus of the exhibition, he also provides the reader with a personal account of his aesthetic responses.


IAAC 7 获奖者介绍

Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung  一等奖获得者

获奖文章:Aftermath: Lessons in Futurity from Lawrence Abu Hamdan

所评展览:Lawrence Abu Hamdan on YouTube

艺术评论家、作家,获悉尼大学艺术史、性别研究与法律学位。其作品发表于《Art+Australia》、《Griffith Review》、《The Saturday Paper》、《4A Papers》、《Running Dog》和《PW-MagAZINE》等学术期刊,并于近期完成了在悉尼4A亚洲当代艺术中心和柏林KuLe艺术中心的驻留项目。Eugene是2020年伦敦大学伯克贝克分校Sarah Keenan博士举办的 "土地登记的关键视角 "研讨会的受邀学者。Eugene获得澳大利亚艺术委员会在2021-2022年期间的资助,创建了网络浏览器扩展和出版平台DECOLONIAL HACKER,致力于推动机构批判的创新和公众参与。目前是柏林Julia Stoschek收藏馆的策展助理与上海-柏林艺术和文化杂志《CODE》的执行编辑。


Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung is a writer based in Berlin, and founding editor of institutional critique platform Decolonial Hacker. He studied art history, gender studies and law at the University of Sydney, and is currently the curatorial assistant at the Julia Stoschek Collection.

Peter S Brock  二等奖获得者

获奖文章:The Rock

所评展览:The Rock

生活和工作于纽约布鲁克林的视觉艺术家、作家,获巴德学院绘画硕士学位,并曾于德国法兰克福的Staedelschule做客座学员。其作品关注于构建我们表述自然的那些希望与欲望,包括绘画、雕塑、录像和装置。最近参与的展览包括Rerun, Root Canal, Amsterdam; The Quadrangular Sky, Fastnet, Brooklyn; The Dying Sun, Calle Cedro 327, Mexico City; More Science Less Fear, 83 Pitt Street, New York; 和Neueroffnung, Federico Vavassori, Milan。其艺术评论已发表于《Texte Zur Kunst》、《The Brooklyn Rail》及《Frieze》。


"Peter Brock is a visual artist and writer based in Brooklyn, NY. His work addresses the hopes and desires that structure our representations of nature. He works in painting, sculpture, video and installation. Recent exhibitions include Rerun, Root Canal, Amsterdam; The Quadrangular Sky, Fastnet, Brooklyn; The Dying Sun, Calle Cedro 327, Mexico City; More Science Less Fear, 83 Pitt Street, New York; and Neueroffnung, Federico Vavassori, Milan. His art criticism has been published in Texte Zur Kunst, The Brooklyn Rail and Frieze. Brock earned an MFA from Bard College in painting and was a guest student at the Staedelschule in Frankfurt, Germany.

王凯梅 二等奖获得者


所评展览:绝地通天(Forget The Horizon)



Kaimei Wang is an independent curator, art writer and translator  based in Shanghai. She graduated from Beijing Normal University, Stockholm University and holds a master degree on study of contemporary art at the Sotheby’s Institute of Art. She  writes frequently diverse art-related issues for various media both in China and overseas. She is the co-writer of a book on contemporary painter Ding Yi published by Lund Humphries in London on March, 2020. Her research of interest covers film, photography and painters in relation to art history . 

She has curated Swedish artists exhibition “The Weather War” in Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum; Chinese photographer Chen Man’s exhibition “Fearless&Fabulous”in Fotografiska Museum in Stockholm and Ingmar Bergman photography exhibition in Shanghai . Her translation work “Ingmar Bergman Essay Collection”from Swedish to Chinese will be published in 2021. 

张浩 二等奖获得者



(Gerhard Richter: Painting After All)


I graduated with B.S. in Biology from Peking University. In 2013, my track was changed and I started the successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study at the School of Humanities, Tongji University, and currently I am a doctoral candidate majoring in Philosophy of Art. My main interests contain philosophy of art, theories and practices of modern and contemporary art in Europe and the United States, as well as translation of relevant art texts. In 2015 and 2017, as a visiting student, I successively studied in the Department of English and American Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Graduate Institute of Art History at National Taiwan Normal University for a total of one year. From September 2017 to September 2019, I was selected into the joint training program of government-sponsored doctoral students and studied in the Department of Art and Visual History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. I like to be a “common viewer” and explore possible ways to keep returning to the art scene, and the work of art often provide more effective information than the words of its producer.


IAAC 7 中文入围名单




所评展览:非物质 / 再物质:计算机艺术简史



所评展览:乡村,即未来(Countryside, The Future)


入围文章:《山间的沼泽 ——从策兰与海德格尔的会面看<全白的等候-林寿宇>》







所评展览:紧急中的沉思(Meditations in an Emergency)



所评展览:乡村,即未来(Countryside, The Future)


入围文章: 《重思边界 ——评“水限_陆界:边境与游戏”Francis Alÿs个人展览》






IAAC 7 英文入围名单


Adeline Chia

入围文章:Forked Tongue

所评展览:Primeval Codes

Adrian Gouet Hiriart

入围文章:Oblivions are just things to overcome, after all

所评展览:Gran Sur: Contemporary Art from Chile in the Engel Collection

Ben Eastham

入围文章:The Seventh Continent

所评展览:16th Istanbul Biennial

James Tabbush

入围文章:We Want to Believe

所评展览:The Botanical Mind

Kamayani Sharma

入围文章:Blood and Paper: Zarina and the Currencies of Violence in India

所评展览:Zarina - A Life in Nine Lines

Patrick J. Reed

入围文章:Aw, Phooey! Il Ghirigoro at Pio Pico, Los Angeles

所评展览:Il Ghirigoro

Sophie Haigney

入围文章:This is not an apple,’ or is it? : On Trevor Paglen’s “From ‘Apple’ to Anomaly’"

所评展览:“From ‘Apple’ to Anomaly’"

Tallulah Griffith

入围文章:Breathing Life into: Plants, Archives, and People in Responsive Space

所评展览:Responsive Space

如需咨询请致电 +86-21-61052121




👉 展览免费开放

👉 夜间美术馆开放

展览期间,每周五、周六,上海民生现代美术馆(展览、文献中心、ARTsMALL、ARTsMALL Café)延长开放至20:00。

Reading Recommadation

① IAAC 7 
【IAAC7】获奖者揭晓,柏林青年写作者Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung 斩获大奖
艺无界,见未来 | 第七届国际艺术评论奖在线发布全球征稿
【IAAC 7】评委荐书 | 这些你都读过吗?
【IAAC 7 | 回顾】广美圆桌:走向多元的艺术批评 (上)
【IAAC 7 | 回顾】广美圆桌:走向多元的艺术批评 (下)

② MAA × IAAC 系列

🔗 MAA × IAAC 系列 | 王欢、董宇翔🔗 MAA × IAAC 系列 | 张涵露、刘加强🔗 MAA × IAAC 系列 | 蒲英玮

③ IAAC 6 获奖文章

🔗 First Prize - 噢,漂亮的东西
🔗 Second Prize - 召唤光州之魂——作为艺术场域的光州前军事医院
🔗 Second Prize - 帝国遗产——论《踱步:七十年的走过》与其缄默
🔗 Second Prize -库克船长的新衣

④ IAAC 6 颁奖典礼回顾
🔗 馆长致辞
🔗 投稿情况及获奖文章点评🔗 艺术批评教育的角色定位




