
外研版九上英语Module 9 Great inventions 教案(教学设计)

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10





Module 1 Wonders of the world 教案
Module 2 Public holidays 教案
Module 3 Heroes 教案(教学设计)
Module 4 Home alone 教案设计
Module 5 Museums 教案设计
Module 6 Problems 教案设计

Module 7 Great books 教案设计

Module 8 Sports life 教案设计


Module 9 Great inventions 知识精讲

Module 9 Great inventions


Module 9的主要内容为运用一般将来时的被动语态来描述伟大的发明,包括造纸和印刷术的发明,电脑的出现和网络的广泛使用。从全书来看,本模块承接上一模块对被动语态的学习和运用,着重一般将来时被动语态的使用,让同学们通过课堂活动来掌握其用法。

Unit 1 Will computers beused more than books in the future?


l       Knowledgeobjective

1. Words: borrow,website,mail,textbook,mainly,page,electronic,powerful,memory,full,fix,

instructions, lend, properly

2. Expressions: putup, thousands of

l       Abilityobjective

1.      To listen and readthe materials about computer.

2.     To make a dialogue about the wide use of the computer.

l       Moralobjective

1. To arose Ss’ interest in great inventions.

2. To make Ss be proud of our great inventions inour country.

3. To make Ss love our country and study hard.


PWP method, task-based method and interactiveapproach


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Leading-in   

Ss look the pictures and answer thequestions.

Step 2 Presentation

Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let thestudents to say as soon as possible.

Step 3 Look and say

 Look at the pictures and answer the questionsin pairs.

1.How have these inventions changed people’s lives?

2. Which onedo you think is the most important?

3. What otherimportant inventions can you think of?

Step 4 Listening

  1. Listen and complete the sentences.

1       Lingingloves her mobile phone because she can ______________.

2       Allof Daming’s friends’ numbers are _______ in his phone.

3       Today’scameras are better than old cameras because they do not ________ and the photoscan ______________.

4       Linglingthinks everything ___________ by computer to some degree, so the computer is__________________ invention.

  2. Listen to Part 3 and answer the followingquestions.

    1.What will Tony do on the school visit to the museum?

2. Where didwe get mainly information in the past?

Step 5 Reading

1.      Findout the sentences which belong to the passive voice in the dialogue.

1.They’ll be put up on the schoolwebsite.

2. And they can be seen on the Internet by otherclasses.

3. Will computers be used more than books in thefuture?

2.     Now read the summary of theconversation. Underline the wrong information and correct it.

       Tonywants to borrow his father’s camera and take some photos of the school danceand the basketball match. The photos will be shown in the school magazine.Tony’s dad lends the camera. He promises Tony to look after it.

3.     Find the sentences in theconversation which mean:

   1Changing the subject, can I get the camera?

2. It is not a problem. Iwill use another memory card.

   3I will do what you tell me to do.

4.     Answer the questions.

   electronic   fix  instruction   invention   lend  mail   page   website 

1 How do you fix a camera if the memoryis full?

2 When do you need to read the instructions?

3 How often do you send messages by mail?

4 How many pages does this book have?

5 Which website do you often go to whenyou get online?

6 What is an example of electronictechnology?

7 When you lend something to someone,what do they have to do later?

8 What do you think is the most important inventionin human history?

Step 6Everyday English

    Let Ss say the everyday English thatthey have learnt in the passage.

•        I wonder …

•        Perhaps.

•        Here it is.

•        Promise!

Step 7 Language points

1. Can I borrow your camera?



    borrow sth. from sb. 表示向某人借某物。例如:

    I borrowed a book from the libraryyesterday.


2. They’ll be putup on the school website.

    put up表示张贴,公布。例如:

    You can put up the notice onthe noticeboard.


3. In the past, wemainly got information from paper books.

    in the past表示在过去


    We mainly get food from theland and sea.


4. Some were hugeones with thousands of pages.

   thousands of 表示成千上万的


    Thousands of birds fly back tothe north in spring.


5. And the memorycard may be full.

    memory 表示内存,存储器

    full adj. 满的;充满的  


    My suitcase was full of books.


6. That can befixed.


    fix v. 修补,挽救


    The broken window need to befixed. 这个破窗户需要修补。

7. If you have tolend it to anyone, tell them to use it properly.

    lend v. (把某物)借出,借给(某人)

    lend sth. to sb. 表示把某物借给某人


    Tom lent his book to me lastmonth.


properly adv.合适地,正确地


How much money dowe need to do the job properly?


Step 8 Listening

1.      Listenand mark the pauses.

1. They’ll be put up on the school website. And theycan be seen on the Internet by other classes, even people living in othercountries.

2. You must promise thatyou’ll take good care of it.

2.      Nowlisten again and repeat.

Step 9 Acting

1.     Workin pairs. Talk about the advantages of these inventions.

   email     mobile phone     TV  washing machine 

— We can use email to send messages.

— Yes, we can use email to send messages 

    quickly and cheaply.

2.     Nowdescribe how these inventions have changed your life.

Step 10 Exercises

  Let students do more exercises to master thelanguage points.

  1. Iwant to ____ your bike to go to the museum.

A. keep       B. lend      C. borrow

2. The poster will ______on the wall in our classroom tomorrow.

A. be put up   B. put up   C. to be put up

3. Pandas _____ live onbamboo in Sichuan Province.

A. main      B. mainly    C.properly

4. There are ________people waiting in line.

A. thousand of             B. thousands of

C. thousand               D. two thousands

Step 11 Homework


Unit 2 Will books bereplaced by the Internet?


l       Knowledgeobjective

Key vocabulary—printing, development, trade, result, spread, introduction,amount, store,

               varied, form, connection,single, direction, replace,

Key structures—look through, at a time, by hang, in a way, compare … to…, wait and see

l       Abilityobjective

To get information from the passage about the great inventions.

To master the passive voice of the simple future tense.

l       Moralobjective

1. To arose Ss’ interest in learning about thegreat inventions.

2. To encourage Ss to be proud of our greatcountry.

3. To develop the ability to cooperate with others.


T o learn about some expressions in thepassage.


1. To get information from the article.

2. The use of the phrases.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

What did people use to remember something longlong ago?

Where did people start to write on about 2,000years ago?

What was invented inChinaduring the Sui and TangDynasties?

What was introduced toChinain thetwentieth century?

Have you read books on the Internet?

Step 2 Consolidatenew words

Look and say. The teachers shows thepictures of new words and let the students to say as soon as possible.

Step 3 Consolidate new expressions

Look at the pictures and say the expressions as soon as possible.

Step 4 Pre-reading

Work in pairs. Read the title of the passagein Activity 2.Discuss and make a list of the advantages of books and theInternet.

Step 5 Listening

Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions.

1.     What does his mother do athome every evening?

     Shelooks through magazines.

2.     When was paper first created?

  About 2,000 years ago.

Step 6 Learningto learn

  To learn about how to find informationquickly.

Step 7Reading

1. Readthe passage and match ideas with the paragraphs.

a) The world before printed books

b) The world after the invention of printing.

c) Life with paper and printing

d) Technology and books

e) The future of books

a-2, b-3, c-1, d-4, e-5

2. Readthe passage and answer the questions.

1 What may become more powerful than printing?

  The Internet.

2 When was printing invented inChina?

  During the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

3 When was the Internet introduced toChina?

   In the twentieth century.

Step 8 Completethe passage with the words in the box

1.     Read the passage carefully.

2.     Choose the right words tofill in the blanks.

Step 9 Language points

1.Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home.

    look through表示快速阅读,浏览

e.g.I haven’t looked through the books yet.我还没浏览这本书。

2.As a result, there were not many book.

    as a result表示结果

e.g.As a result, they got the cheapest TV set yesterday.


3.Books were only produced one at a time by hand.

    at a time表示每次,一次

e.g.Please come in one at a time, not all together.


    by hand表示用手(做)

e.g.All these toys are made by hand.所有这些玩具都是手工的。

4.Later, developments in printing made it possible to produce books more quicklyand


    development n. 表示发展,进步

    develop v. 发展,进步

e.g.With the development of our country, our life will become better and better.


5. A much largeramount of information can be stored in more varied forms on the Internet thanin books.

amountn. 表示量,数量

alarge amount of表示大量的

variedadj. 表示各种各样的,等于all kinds


e.g.There are a large amount of varied dresses and I don’t know what to buy.


6.So what direction will traditional printing take in the future?

    direction n. 表示方向

e.g.Tom went off in the direction of home.汤姆朝家的方向去了。

7.Will books be replaced by the Internet?

     be replaced by表示代替

e.g.The old textbook was replaced by the new one.


Step10 Writing

1.Read the sentences and notice how we give reasons and results.

as a result

as a result是一个固定短语,意为因此,结果,表示后面句子与前面句子所表达的内容构成因果关系,前面是因后面是果。它与so可以进行转换。如:

Tony got up late that morning. As a result, hedidn’t catch the first bus.

= Tony got up late that morning, so he

    didn’tcatch the first bus.


because是连词,引导原因状语从句。because +句子可以直接回答以why开头的特殊疑问句。

e.g. I like playing basketball because it’s fun.

    —Why isLily crying?

    —Becauseshe can’t find her cat.

2.Now work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Write full sentences with as aresult, because or so.


2 Few books were produced and, as a result, fewpeople could read.

 3Afterprinting technology developed, books were cheaper, so more people learnt how to


4 Books might not be needed in the future becausethe Internet is growing quickly.

3. Write full sentences with the notes in Activity 3.


About 2,000 years ago, paperwas first created.

Printing was invented duringthe Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Today, the Internet is growingvery fast. Computers and the Internet are used in classroom now, and newspapersand magazines are read online.

4. Write a passage about traditional printing and its future.Use the sentences you have written in Activity 5 and 6 to help you.

Possible answer:

Possible answer

It’s hard to imagine a worldwithout printing because we have so many printed things now, for example,menus, comics and schoolbooks. Paper was first created about 2,000 year ago,but books weren’t printed at that time. They were written by hand, so few bookswere produced, and as a result, few people could read.

Printing was invented duringthe Sui and Tang Dynasties. After printing developed, books became cheaper, somore people learnt how to read. Today, the Internet is growing

very fast. A much largeramount of information can be stored in more varied

forms on the Internet than inbook. As a result, in the future, the Internet will probably be more importantthan printing.

Step 11 Summary

Let Ss talk about what they have learnt in class.


look through              at a time

by hand                      in a way

compare … to …      wait and see

Step 12Exercises

Let the students practice the main points in Unit2.

1. Let’s look ______ thetext and then answer the questions.

  A. at       B. through    C. for        D. after

2. The children aremaking kites ____ hand.

  A. by       B. for           C. with

3. With the _____ of ourschool we’ll have a better environment for studying.

 A. develop   B. developed  C. development

4. -How many music arethere in the world?

  -There are ______ forms of music now.

 A. vary   B. varied    C. much     D. little

Answers: BACB

Step 13 Homework


Unit 3 Language in use


l       Knowledgeobjective

Get the students to be able to use the newwords and expressions they learnt in this module.

l       Abilityobjective

To summarize and consolidate the passive voiceof the simple future tense.

l       Moralobjective

To be proud of our great nation and to beproud as a Chinese person.


To be able to use the passive voice of thesimple future tense.


Through listening, speaking and writing, let studentspractise the passive voice of the simple future tense.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warmingup

 Look at the pictures and answerthe questions.

Step 2 Language practice

Complete the following sentences.

1. They ____________ on the school website.

2. _____ computers _______ more than books in the future?

3. _____ books __________ by the Internet?

Keys: will be put up,   Will, beused,   Will, be replaced

Step 3 Grammar

The structure of the passive voice.






主语+am/is/are +done

主语+ was/were +done

主语+will/ be (am/is/are) going to +be +done



主语+am/is/are + not+done

主语+was/were +not+done

主语+will/ be (am/is/are) not+going to+be+done









done/  Be (am/is/are)

+主语+going to +be+done











特殊疑问词be(am/is/are)+主语+going to+be+done

Step 4 Complete thesentences and conversations with the correct form of the words and expressionsin brackets

1. ____ books ________ (replace) by computers in the future?

2. My bike is broken. It _________ (fix) tomorrow.

3. —Dad, can I use the Internet this evening?

  —Yes, but the computer is not on yet. Theelectricity ___________ (not connect) until nine o’clock.

4. _____ the problem _____________ (talk about) at the meeting tomorrow?

5. Who ____________ (invite) to give a report about great inventions nextFriday?

6. —When _____ the work __________ (finish)?

  —In two days.

Keys: 1. Will, bereplaced 2. will be fixed 3. won’t beconnected 4. will be talked about

     5. will be invited 6. will, befinished

Step 5 Look and say

Look at the pictures and describe the newclassroom that will be built. Use the words in the box to help you.

build,       buy,       change

A new classroomwill be built.

Keys: A new floor will be built.

New furniture(desk/ chairs) will be bought.

A new blackboardwill be bought.

A new interactivewhiteboard will be bought.

The windows andthe door will be changed.

The teacher’s deskwill be painted.

The lights will bechanged.

The color of thewalls will be changed.

The walls will befixed.

Step 6 Talking

     Workin pairs. Talk about these great inventions.



Alexander Graham Bell                  

A: When was the telephone invented?

B: It was invented in 1875.

A: What kind of telephone do you think will bemade in the future?

B: …



Wright Brothers



John Logie Baird

Step 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box

direction,        introduction,        spread,           trade

1       Beforethe ___________ of printing, few people could read.

2       Therewere more books to sell, so the _____ in books grew.

3       Becausemore people could read, ideas ______ quickly.

4       What________ will printing take in the future?

   Keys: introduction, trade, spread, direction

Step 8 Listening

1. Listen and find out where the speaker is.

a). In a school library.

b). In the British Library.

c). In the British Museum.

   Keys: b

2 .Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Whywere so few books produced in ancient times?

2. Why were many old books copied onto acomputer?

3. How has the computer helped people read oldbooks in the British Library?

Keys: 1. Because they were written by hand.

2. They are toovaluable to be picked up and held in the hand.

3. Old books were copied onto a computer a fewyears ago for people to be able to read them without touching them.

Step 9 Reading

1.     Read the passage and choosethe best title.

   a) The history of the Internet

b) The World Wide Web

c) The Internet and the Web

d) The future of the Internet

  Keys: c

2.     Read the passage and answerthe questions.

   1. When was the Internet invented by theUSgovernment?

2. What could people only send at first?

3. Who invented the World Wide Web in 1991?

4. Can people use e-commerce and onlineshopping to buy and sell things?

   Keys:1. In the 1960s.

        2. They could only send very simple texts.

3. A British scientist named Tim Berners-Lee.

4. Yes, they can.

3.     Now complete the time table.

In the 1960s: The Internet wasinvented for the army to use.

In the 1970s: Scientists andbusinesspeople wanted to use the Internet to send and receive messages.

In 1991: The World Wide Web wasinvented.

In the 1990s: More and morepeople started to use the Internet to send various types of files.

Today: The Web has hundreds ofmillions of users. It has changed the way people live, work and play.

Step 10 Around the world

     To learn about e-books.

Step 11 Discussion

1.      Workin groups. Prepare for your discussion.

•        Think of aninvention that has changed your life.

•        Make notesabout the invention:

   1 What isit?

   2 Why is ituseful?

•        Research howthe invention has been developed and make notes about what you find out.

2.      Discusswith your group.

Tell your group about theinvention. Ask them for their ideas.

Make notes about your discussions.

3.      Presentyour findings to the class.

Step 12中考链接

  1. The     sports meeting _____ next month.

      A. will hold

      B.is going to hold

      C.will be held

   2. From May 6, pedestrians (行人)_____ 10 yuan if they run red lights, according to Beijing traffic authorities.

      A.will fine            B. were fined       

      C. are fine             D. will be fined

   3. Anew park _____ in our hometown next year.

     Really?Our hometown must be more beautiful.

       A.will build         

       B. will be built         

       C.is built

   4. It is said that an AsianCulture Village______ inside the AYG, Village in Nanjingin the coming Asian Youth Games period.

     A. builds                B. is building        

     C. will be built           D. was built

5. —How many people will_____ to your

       birthday party? 



B. be invited         

       C.be inviting

       Keys: C, D, B, C, B

Step 13 Homework






