
征文启事 | 上海国际莎士比亚论坛(第三届) 暨中国外国文学学会莎士比亚分会年会










会务联系:shks100@126.com, 021-67792446





  • 莎士比亚作品中的跨文化现象(比如跨种族婚姻等)

  • 其他方式和性质的跨文化接触(比如涉及跨性别、跨阶层等)

  • 莎士比亚创作与其素材的跨文化互文关系

  • 莎士比亚与古典作家的跨文化接触

  • 莎士比亚对其他作家创作的跨时代跨文化影响

  • 莎士比亚与其他国家作家的比较研究(比如与汤显祖、塞万提斯)

  • 莎士比亚传播过程中的跨文化、跨时空、跨媒体重构

  • 影视莎士比亚与多元文化时代

  • 莎士比亚在世界各国的接受和传播问题

  • 莎士比亚翻译及跨文化文本的生成

  • 欧美跨文化剧场中的莎士比亚及其话短论长

  • 莎士比亚的话剧及戏曲改编

  • 跨文化莎士比亚与全球化、本土化问题

  • 流行文化与莎士比亚



Shanghai International Shakespeare Forum (3rd)

Theme: Shakespeare and Intercultural Engagement

Place: Shanghai

Time: October 22-24, 2021

Host: Shakespeare Institute at Donghua University in association with the Shakespeare Association of China

Contact: Conference Secretary by email: shks100@126.com (preferred) or by phone: 001-86-21-67792446


For information on past forums, see 



“Every engagement with a Shakespearean text is necessarily intercultural.” –Antony Tatlow

While participants are not restrained to this theme for presenting at the forum, they are encouraged to think what cues may be drawn from this turn of the century aphorism. Whether we deem Shakespeare’s early modern past as another culture or our present as yet an other culture of the future, we have witnessed, with or without Tatlow, distinct forms of interculturalism and various levels of interculturalness in the creation as well as performances and readings of the Bard’s texts. We may wonder how his text can be an intercultural artifact or what is intercultural Shakespeare, and in what ways an intercultural perspective enriches our understanding of such a text in the process of globalization around the turn of the millennium and perhaps, in its challenge or even subversion by unilateralism and the current pandemic of COVID-19. We might well consider, in addition, a sort of interculture as a state of Shakespearean existence or perhaps an arguable site of deviation from his “original” entity, in the history of his reception in specifically local as well as global context such as, in his home country and other English-speaking countries, and in any land where his text is “appropriated.” 

This forum thus takes interculture as a point of departure and invites papers to reflect on what intercultural Shakespeare means and what has happened to Shakespeare around the globe during the last two decades and beyond. Papers may explore various levels of intercultural engagement--as may be across language, ethnicity, gender, class, or age--in the production and dissemination of the Shakespearean text. Such categorization can even go further as qualifies the crossing of any observable “cultural” boundary, e.g., between textual and theatrical constructions or reconstructions, or between stage and movie or any other modern medium.

Please submit paper proposals or abstracts for consideration, along with brief academic bios, by September 1, 2021. Complete drafts are due a week before the conference or the latest as the organization committee permits. Finally, in a non-academic note, we hope such an intercultural theme about Shakespeare provides interested scholars some relief from the tension of the global fight against the virus.



  浙江大学外语学院中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心(Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,简称CMRS)于2016年12月30日在杭州成立。作为国内第一家中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心,CMRS的使命是整合研究力量,推进浙江大学的中世纪与文艺复兴研究,搭建中国大陆、海峡两岸和国际学术交流平台,服务中世纪与文艺复兴研究学术共同体。著名学者沈弘教授担任中心名誉主任。CMRS目前出版三套丛书:中世纪与文艺复兴译丛、《中世纪与文艺复兴研究》丛刊和文艺复兴论丛,均由中心主任郝田虎教授主编,浙江大学出版社出版。

新书快递 | 郝田虎:《弥尔顿在中国》
学术 | 荣格:《路西弗与普罗米修斯:弥尔顿的撒旦形象研究》序
新闻 | John Rumrich教授与沈弘教授学术对话顺利举行
新闻 | 王宁教授:全球化时代人文学科的作用与功能
新闻 | “莎士比亚、弥尔顿与欧洲文学传统国际云研讨会”成功召开
新闻 | 牛津大学教授、英国学术院院士Lorna Hutson讲座顺利举行
新闻 | 弥尔顿专家Stephen B. Dobranski教授与郝田虎教授学术对话顺利举行
人物 | 罗益民:历史的星空又添一星 ——我的授业恩师:北京大学胡家峦教授
新闻 | 耶鲁大学David Kastan教授与浙江大学郝田虎教授学术对话顺利举行
学术 | 郝岚:语文学的历史时刻 ——《欧洲文学与拉丁中世纪》的争议及价值
讲座概览 | 浙江大学中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心历次讲座回顾(下)
讲座概览 | 浙江大学中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心历次讲座回顾(上)
会议回顾 | 2019年“欧洲中世纪与早期现代文学研究国际研讨会”在浙江大学外语学院成功召开
会议回顾 | 2018年“中世纪与文艺复兴欧洲文学研究青年学者国际研讨会”在浙江大学外语学院成功召开
会议回顾 | 2017年“转折中的早期英国文学研究:青年学者论坛”在浙江大学外语学院成功召开
活动回顾 | 著名莎学家David Scott Kastan教授竺可桢杰出学者讲座暨首次访华圆满成功
活动回顾 | 浙江大学中世纪与文艺复兴研究中心正式成立

