
热词 | 《战狼2》火爆上映、军装照、共有产权住房、建军阅兵、漫游费取消 … 新闻热词荟

2017-08-05 蔡雷英语




Wolf Warriors II 

One of the most anticipated blockbusters, the special force-themed action thriller Wolf Warriors II hit big screen on July 28.


The new film follows Leng as he locates terrorists in Africa.


Wu Jing, the Chinese actor, plays Leng and also directs the film.


The cast comprises veteran actor Wu Gang, who’s known for the hit TV series In the Name of People, actor Zhang Han, and Hong Kong actress Celina Jade.


Los Angeles Times reported that “Wu Jing’s explosive military adventure ‘Wolf Warriors II’ will likely interest American audiences more for cultural reasons than as entertainment.”



  • special force  特种部队

  • hit screen  登上银幕

  • blockbuster  震撼大片,轰动畅销产品

  • comprises  组成,构成,包含,包括

  • veteran  n.老兵,退伍军人 adj.老兵的,经验丰富的

  • hit TV series  热播电视剧

  • revenue  收入,税收

  • mimic  模仿,模拟



pictures in PLA uniforms

The designers of a popular interactive program that lets netizens create pictures of themselves in People's Liberation Army (PLA) uniforms have shot down a rumor that the program is an internet fraud.


People’s Daily shared a popular interactive program that lets netizens create pictures of themselves in People’s Liberation Army uniforms through WeChat on Sunday to coincide with the parade marking the 90th anniversary of the PLA, which falls on Tuesday.


After scanning a QR code, users need only upload a headshot photo and select the period in which they want to “serve” before receiving a composite that appears to show them in uniform.


The activity quickly became a hit, with countless people sharing the self-portraits with friends on WeChat and other social media.


“I was a soldier when I was young, but I have few military uniform photos left, which is a pity,”an 82-year-old Beijinger told Beijing Morning Post.


He said his children made pictures of him in uniform by using the People’s Daily program. “I look so old in the new picture. But I am so happy that our country is growing stronger,”he said.


7月30日,建军90周年阅兵式(the parade marking the 90th anniversary of the PLA)举行当日,《人民日报》通过微信分享了其开发的这款程序。扫描二维码(scan a QR code)后,用户只需上传一张头像照片(upload a headshot photo),并选择想要"参军"的年代(select the period in which they want to "serve"),就能获得一张看起来像穿上了军装的合成照(receive a composite that appears to show them in a PLA uniform)。该活动很快就火了起来(quickly become a hit),许多人在微信和其它社交媒体上与朋友分享自己的军装照。

然而,就在朋友圈被军装照刷屏(explode with such photos)时,另一种声音出现了。有人说该程序是一个旨在盗取个人信息的网络诈骗(internet fraud)方式,其服务器(server)位于加拿大。《人民日报》8月1日发布辟谣信息,称该程序是由《人民日报》客户端设计并开发(design and develop)、腾讯天天P图提供图像处理支持(provide image processing support)的新媒体产品,用户使用不会造成任何隐私信息泄露。


  • 网络谣言 online rumor

  • 传谣 spread rumors

  • 谣言的源头 source of a rumor

  • 信息安全 information safety

  • 个人隐私 individual privacy

  • interactive  交互式的;相互作用的

  • netizen  网民

  • coincide with  符合,与...相一致

  • headshot   头部特写

  • composite  n.复合材料,合成物  adj. 复合的,合成的

  • self-portrait  自画像,自拍人像



home with joint property rights

More homes with joint property rights between the government and occupiers will come on the market in Beijing to bring down prices and meet the needs of local people without a home, the municipal government said Thursday.


北京市住房城乡建设委会同市发展改革委、市财政局、市规划国土委联合起草的《北京市共有产权住房管理暂行办法》提出,共有产权住房(home with joint property rights)由政府与购房人按份共有产权(be jointly owned by the government and their buyers in proportion),政府将其持有的部分产权的"使用权(the right of use)"让渡给首次购房人(first-time homebuyer),进一步防止投机炒作(fend off speculation),降低房屋出售价格,最大限度支持夹心层(sandwich class)首次购房需求。

《办法》指出:申购共有产权住房的人群及其家庭必须名下无房(have no homes under their names);单身人士(single people)必须年满30周岁;一个家庭只能申购一套共有产权住房;在某区生活和工作的家庭在申购位于本区的新房时较其他区的申购者享有优先权(have priority)。购买共有产权住房满5年后,购房人可按市场价格转让所购房屋产权份额(sell their shares of the home based on market price),但政府或政府指定的代理机构有回购的优先权(have a preemptive right to buy-back)。各区人民政府应根据共有产权住房需求等情况合理安排共有产权住房用地,其中,满足在本区工作的非北京市户籍家庭,即"新北京人(new Beijingers)"住房需求的房源应不少于30%。


  • 人口净流入 net population inflow

  • 调节供需 adjust supply and demand

  • 房地产市场泡沫 housing market bubble

  • 租赁市场 leasing market, rental market

  • 房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的 housing is for accommodation rather than speculation



Army Day parade

President Xi Jinping reviewed the armed forces on Sunday morning as part of the commemorations to mark the 90th founding anniversary of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), which falls on Aug. 1.


It is the first time for Xi to oversee such a large parade at a military base, and the first time for China to commemorate Army Day with a military parade since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.


On Sunday, cutting-edge weapons like J-20 stealth aircraft, 8X8 all-terrain vehicles, radar-and-communication jamming drones and solid-fuel intercontinental missiles were among about 600 pieces of military hardware on show.


More than 12,000 service personnel from the army, navy, air force, armed police as well as the newly formed rocket force and strategic support troops, took part in the parade at Zhurihe military training base.


“Here, the soldiers have the stares that kill,” said Wang Ruicheng, deputy head of the general office of the parade headquarters.


Commenting on China’s military development over the past decades, Belarussian Defense Minister Andrei Ravkov has recently said the PLA is today a well-equipped and modernized military force, making a huge contribution to maintaining regional and global security.



  • review (military) parade/troops/the armed forces  阅兵

  • commemoration  纪念,庆典,纪念仪式

  • the People's Liberation Army (PLA) 人民解放军

  • fall on  适逢,开始行动,袭击,忽然看出来

  • cutting-edge  先进的

  • stealth aircraft  隐身战斗机

  • all-terrain vehicles  全地形车

  • radar-and-communication jamming drones  雷达干扰无人机和通信干扰无人机

  • solid-fuel intercontinental missiles  固体燃料洲际弹道导弹

  • well-equipped  装备精良的



scrap domestic long-distance and roaming charges 

Premier Li Keqiang urged the country’s three major telecom service providers on Monday to implement faster internet connectivity and make it more affordable while improving services for small and medium-sized businesses to help boost industrial upgrading and nurture new economic drivers.


Li’s visit follows an announcement by the providers on Thursday that they will scrap domestic long-distance and roaming charges beginning Sept 1, a month ahead of the deadline announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. This was promised by the premier in his Government Work Report, delivered in March, and marks the end of over 20 years of roaming fees.



  • telecom  电信,电讯,远距通信

  • connectivity  连通性,结合性,接合性

  • affordable  负担得起的,买的起的

  • small and medium-sized businesses  中小企业

  • economic driver  经济驱动力

  • scrap  废弃;使解体;拆毁

  • roaming fees/charges  漫游费

  • Government Work Report  政府工作报告





