




1、【MkSc 1】医院广告对病人需求和健康结果的影响

The Impact of Hospital Advertising on Patient Demand and Health Outcomes

作者:Tongil “TI” Kim, Diwas KC

Marketing Science, 2019, Articles in Advance. DOI: 10.1287/mksc.2019.1153


Does hospital advertising influence patient choice and health outcomes? We examine more than 220,000 individual patient-level visits over 24 months in Massachusetts to answer this question. We find that patients are positively influenced by hospital advertising; seeing a television advertisement for a given hospital makes a patient more likely to select that hospital. We also observe significant heterogeneity in patient response depending on insurance status, medical conditions, and demographic factors, like age, gender, and race. For example, patients with more restrictive forms of insurance are less sensitive to advertisements. Our demand model allows us to study the impact of a ban on hospital advertising, which has been recently considered by policy makers. We find that banning hospital advertising can hurt patient health outcomes through increased hospital readmissions. This is because hospital advertisements drive patients to higher-quality hospitals, which tend to advertise more and have lower readmission rates. However, we do not find a significant change in the overall mortality rate.




医疗(health care),广告(advertising),实证产业组织方法(empirical IO methods),内生性(endogeneity),公共政策(public policy),结构模型(structural models)

2、【MkSc 2】医疗行业的质量信息披露和患者再分配:来自心脏手术报告卡的证据

Quality Information Disclosure and Patient Reallocation in the Healthcare Industry: Evidence from Cardiac Surgery Report Cards

作者:Tae Jung Yoon

Marketing Science, 2019, Articles in Advance. DOI: 10.1287/mksc.2018.1146


In a healthcare industry with capacity constraints, the best healthcare providers are often congested after quality information disclosure. This congestion can lead to the reallocation of urgent patients to low-quality healthcare providers. The reallocation can have a detrimental impact on the overall patient survival rate if sicker patients benefit more from the best providers. This paper provides the first empirical evidence regarding this problem in the context of the publication of cardiac surgery report cards. I find that these report cards can have a negative impact on positive assortative matching between patients and surgeons because of a reallocation of high-risk patients to low-quality surgeons. Despite the quality improvement in response to these report cards, such patient reallocation can still be a problem, conditional on the improved quality, and, thus, should not be ignored.




质量信息披露(quality information disclosure),选型匹配(assortative matching),病患再分配(patient reallocation),容量限制(capacity constraint),质量改进(quality improvement),心脏手术报告卡(hospital and surgeon report cards)

3、【MkSc 3】医疗保险市场中的广告

Advertising in Health Insurance Markets

作者:Bradley T. Shapiro

Marketing Science, 2019, Articles in Advance. DOI: 10.1287/mksc.2018.1086


The effects of television advertising in the market for health insurance are of distinct interest to both firms and regulators. Regulators are concerned about firms potentially using ads to “cream skim,” or attract an advantageous risk pool, as well as the potential for firms to use misinformation to take advantage of the elderly. Firms are interested in using advertising to acquire potentially highly profitable seniors. Meanwhile, health insurance is a useful setting to study the mechanisms through which advertising could work. Using the discontinuity in advertising exposure created by the borders of television markets, this study estimates the effects of advertising on consumer choice in health insurance. Television advertising has a small effect on brand enrollments, making advertising a relatively expensive means of acquiring customers. Heterogeneous effects point to advertising being more effective in less healthy counties, which runs opposite to the concern of cream skimming. Leveraging the unilateral cessation of advertising by United-Healthcare, evidence is provided that the small advertising effect is not explained by a prisoner’s dilemma equilibrium. An analysis of longer-run effects of advertising shows that advertising effects are short lived, further decreasing the potential of advertising to create long-run value to the firm.





广告(advertising),保险(insurance),健康(health),联邦医疗保险优惠(Medicare Advantage),逆向选择(adverse selection)

4、【MkSc 4】哪种健康饮食的助推最有效?实地实验的元分析

Which Healthy Eating Nudges Work Best? A Meta-Analysis of Field Experiments

作者:Romain Cadario, Pierre Chandon

Marketing Science, 2019, Articles in Advance. DOI: 10.1287/mksc.2018.1128


We examine the effectiveness in field settings of seven healthy eating nudges, classified according to whether they are (1) cognitively oriented, such as “descriptive nutritional labeling,” “evaluative nutritional labeling,” or “visibility enhancements”; (2) affectively oriented, such as “hedonic enhancements or “healthy eating calls”; or (3) behaviorally oriented, such as “convenience enhancements” or “size enhancements.” Our multivariate, three-level meta-analysis of 299 effect sizes, controlling for eating behavior, population, and study characteristics, yields a standardized mean difference (Cohen’s d) of 0.23 (equivalent to −124 kcal/day). Effect sizes increase as the focus of the nudges shifts from cognition (d = 0.12, −64 kcal) to affect (d = 0.24, −129 kcal) to behavior (d = 0.39, −209 kcal). Interventions are more effective at reducing unhealthy eating than increasing healthy eating or reducing total eating. Effect sizes are larger in the United States than in other countries, in restaurants or cafeterias than in grocery stores, and in studies including a control group. Effect sizes are similar for food selection versus consumption and for children versus adults and are independent of study duration. Compared with the typical nudge study (d = 0.12), one implementing the best nudge scenario can expect a sixfold increase in effectiveness (to d = 0.74) with half the result of switching from cognitively oriented to behaviorally oriented nudges.


我们检验了7种健康饮食助推在实地情境中的有效性,根据它们是否(1)以认知为导向,如“描述性营养标签”、“评估性营养标签”或“增强可见性”;(2)情感导向,如“享乐强化”或“健康饮食召唤”;或者(3)以行为为导向,如“便利增强”或“效果增强”。我们对299种效应大小进行了多元、三水平的元分析,控制了饮食行为、人口和研究特征,得出的标准化平均差异(Cohen’s d)为0.23(相当于- 124千卡/天)。当助推的焦点从认知(d = 0.12, - 64千卡)转移到影响(d = 0.24, - 129千卡)到行为(d = 0.39, - 209千卡)时,效应大小增加。干预措施在减少不健康饮食方面,比增加健康饮食或减少总饮食更有效。效应值在美国比其他国家更大,在餐馆或自助餐厅比在杂货店更大,在包括对照组比不包括对照组的研究中更大。食物选择和消费的效果大小是相似的,儿童和成人的效果大小也是相似的,并且是独立于研究时长的。与典型的助推研究(d = 0.12)相比,实施最佳助推方案的有效性可提高6倍(至d = 0.74),而从认知导向转向行为导向的效果仅为一半。


元分析(meta-analysis),健康(health),食物(food),实地试验(field experiment),助推(nudge),选择构架(choice architecture)




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执委会邮箱 cmau-ec@cmau.org.cn


中国高等院校市场学研究会(Chinese Marketing Association of Universities,英文缩写CMAU)成立于1984年元月,是经中华人民共和国民政部批准,由全国各高等院校从事市场营销学教学、研究的专家、学者及企事业单位自愿组成的非营利性学术团体。学会的主管单位是中华人民共和国教育部,现任会长是北京大学光华管理学院符国群教授。




  • 通过定期(如年会)或不定期(如不同专题的研讨会)的形式,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员提供交流的机会;

  • 通过出版物,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员和社会各界的有关人士提供发表研究成果的园地;

  • 组建全国性的市场营销教学、研究案例库、资料库,建立全国性的市场营销研究信息网络;

  • 通过各种方式为社会各界培训市场营销教学、市场营销管理实践人才;

  • 以各种方式为企业界及其他部门提供市场营销相关的专业援助,如咨询等;

  • 收集国内外的市场营销理论的研究动态,与国外有关市场营销研究的机构、团体建立不同形式的合作、交流关系。






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