
口译 | 特蕾莎·梅首相与李克强总理在北京记者会上的讲话

CGTN 北极光翻译 2023-11-03




演讲 |  英国首相梅姨发表最新脱欧演讲 (附视频 + 音频 + 英文稿)


Prime Minister Theresa May’s Speech in China

31 January 2018

Well, thank you very much, Premier Li.

And I’m pleased to be here in Beijing today on my first official Prime Ministerial visit to…to China.

And although I may be visiting in winter, I’ve had the warmest of welcomes, for which I am very grateful. And I welcome the opportunity we’ve had today to discuss a wide range of topics in an open way, important issues and…which face us both, and I look forward to continuing that discussion over dinner tonight and with President Xi tomorrow.

I am pleased that we’ve agreed to intensify the “Golden Era” of UK-China relations.

The UK and China are both global powers with a global outlook. And you made reference, Premier Li, to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union as we do so and become ever-more outward-looking. And as China continues to reform and open up, we are committed to deepening our strong and vital partnership and that relationship.

Our relationship is indeed broad and deep, and it delivers real benefits to both countries. We are working together to tackle global and regional security challenges such as North Korea, modern slavery, threats to aviation security; to build sustainable economies of the future and enhance our bilateral trade and investment relationships; and to develop our strong education, societal links.

And I’d just like to say a few more words of detail on each of these.

We did, indeed. Yes.

As…as fellow permanent members of the UN Security Council and the G20, we are committed to jointly addressing global challenges, indeed, steel is one of those challenges that the G20 has discussed. We’re also committed to protecting and promoting the rules-based international system.

We said we’ve discussed North Korea, we’ve agreed that its pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile programmes is illegal, reckless, and poses an unacceptable threat to international peace and security.

And we’ve agreed the full and effective implementation of UN Security Council sanctions is vital to persuade the North Korean regime to change course and abandon its illegal activity.

We have agreed today new measures on aviation security designed to improve aviation security standards in both the UK and China by sharing more information and undertaking visits to share best practice and observe standards of implementation.

And we will also do more together to tackle the scourge of modern slavery; to disrupt and prosecute the organised crime groups responsible and to protect victims. And we will begin new joint work to tackle other forms of serious organised crime, including the illegal supply of synthetic drugs.

And we’ve discussed on how our economies have complementary strengths. Trade between our two countries is already at record levels, worth over £59 billion, UK exports to China have grown by over 60% since 2010. And the UK is already one of the largest European recipients of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment. We are… The UK is the world’s largest exporter of financial services and UK firms are leaders in China’s market.

And we are determined to deepen our trading relationship even further, and we are ambitious for what our future trade relationship will be.

So we will work together to explore all options to deliver a high level of ambition for that future trading relationship and we have today launched a joint trade and investment review to identify priorities for promoting growth in goods, services and investment. And as Premier Li has referred to, later today, we…there will be the inaugural meeting of the new UK-China CEO Council, which will bring together business leaders and Ministers to strengthen trade and economic cooperation.

And to pave the way for this ambitious future trading relationship, we’ve agreed new measures to improve market access in China and remove barriers to trade, and this includes an agreement make progress on lifting the BSE ban on British beef exports within the next 6 months and an agreement to allow exports of a broader range of dairy products from UK to China.

We’ve also agreed to open up the Chinese market to enable our great UK financial services expertise to reach more Chinese consumers.

And we’ll be pleased to welcome a significant number of major new commercial deals due to be agreed during this visit expected to total over £9 billion pounds, creating and securing jobs and prosperity both here and in the UK.

We welcome the opportunities provided by the Belt and Road Initiative to further prosperity and sustainable development across Asia and the wider world. And as with the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, the UK is a natural partner for the Belt and Road Initiative with our unrivalled expertise. And as I’ve discussed with Premier Li, we’ve discussed how the UK and China will continue to work together to identify how best we can cooperate on the Belt and Road Initiative across the region and ensure it meets international standards.

We will work together to encourage free and fair trade, ensure a transparent, rules-based multilateral trading system, and build an open global economy that works for all. And as partners committed to global free trade, we can work to ensure that as our companies innovate and develop new products, they are confident that their intellectual property and rights will be fully protected, including against cyber threats.

And as Premier Li mentioned and reminded us we’ve also discussed overcapacity in global market in sectors such as steel and the need to see CG20 principles adhered to and further action taken to ensure unfair trading practices are tackled.

But our societies share broad and deep cultural ties as well. And there are already strong links between the people of the UK and China, not just between our governments.

Chinese students already constitute the largest single source of overseas students in the UK, with the UK welcoming 155,000 students from China, who make a valuable contribution to our society, as well as adding an estimated £5 billion annually to our economy. There are also now some 9,000 young British people studying and interning in China, with numbers up by 60% since 2013.

Today, we have agreed to go even further on our education partnership, including by extending the pioneering Shanghai Maths Teacher Exchange primary school programme for a further two years to 2020, and expanding the programme to secondary schools.

We have also agreed to launch a new “Global Partners 2020” programme, to build better direct links and networks between our future leaders across government, business and academia.

So the UK and China are global partners for the long-term.

We are committed to building on our deep and mature ties to promote global peace and prosperity in the 21st century.

And I look forward, Premier Li, to continuing those discussions. 

Thank you. 










