
视频 | “铁娘子外交官”傅莹再次“爆表”第54届慕尼黑安全会议

Fu Ying
Chairwoman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National People's Congress, Parliament of the People's Republic of China; Member of the Advisory Council, Munich Security Conference, Beijing


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China hopes that peace talks can be reopened to solve the most urgent Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, a senior Chinese diplomat said at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) on Saturday.


"There should be negotiated settlements to address the security concerns of all parties," Fu Ying, chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, China's legislature, said during a panel on nuclear security.


"We believe there should be no nuclear weapons. We hope to see a peaceful Korean Peninsula… Sanctions are necessary, but they alone will not get the job done. There has to be peace talks!" she said.





A serious lack of trust between the United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) made it impossible for any bilateral or multilateral agreement to be implemented and dragged the peninsula into a vicious circle of escalating tensions, Fu said.

Both the DPRK and the US need to get onboard if this is to happen, according to Fu. "I think there is a hope attalks. I hope the US will make up its mind... Both sides need to make an effort. One-sided effort will not be enough. Both sides need to trust eachother," she said.

Her comments echoed a strategy paper she wrote for US think tank the Brookings Institution in May 2017. In "The Korean nuclear issue: Past, present, and future – A Chineseperspective," she suggested that serious negotiations "may ease or even resolve" the issue.



Answering a question on the roles of China and the US on the Korean Peninsula tension, Fu said China and the US agree on many aspects. 


China supports the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and agrees that sanctions are necessary, she said, adding that China has fully complied with the UN Security Council resolutions concerning sanctions on the DPRK.

"But in the mean time, China also hopes that peace talks can be initiated, can be reopened," Fu said. Sanctions only work when the door tonegotiation is open, she stressed.


Interviewed by China Central Television (CCTV) during the MSC, Fu said the PyeongChang Winter Olympics had provided agreat opportunity to resolve the Korean Peninsula nuclear crisis.

The Games have seen a significant inter-Korean detente after the DPRK sent 22 athletes to compete in a unified squad with the Republic of Korea (ROK) as well as an art troupe, cheerleaders,and a delegation of top officials. Kim Yo Jong, younger sister of DPRK leader Kim Jong Un, became the first member of the ruling family to visit the ROK in more than 70 years and delivered an invitation from her brother for ROK President Moon Jae-in to visit the DPRK for talks.

"The Republic of Korea is not the principal part of the Korean Peninsula nuclear tension," Fu told CCTV. "Solving the problem requires both the DPRK and the US to have peace talks."

Fu also met with Choo Mi-ae, chief of the ROK's ruling Democratic Party, on the sidelines of the MSC, according to Yonhap News. Choo has called for China to play a more significant role in resolving the DPRK nuclear tension.

"China has played the role of mediation for a long time and as such, we expect China to exert great power of persuasion," Choo said during the meeting.










And previously in a signed article to thespecial edition of German Times for the MSC, Fu also wrote about China in globalization.

China's success serves as one of the alternative options to those proposed by the West," yet China is not interested in the so-called 'competition of systems'," writes Fu.

But as China becomes stronger, questionsand worries outside of China emerged.


What does it mean when China vows to "move closer to center stage"? Does it mean China is prepared to replace the United States and playing a "leading role"? When China offers "Chinese wisdom and a Chinese approach," is that tantamount to China exporting its development model?


Fu answered to these worries by saying, "We wish to play a role in world affairs and make an even greater contribution to mankind. But it must be done within our means and in a manner consistent with our values."


She emphasized that China has only offered a new option to countries that seek rapid development while retaining their independence, "but this does not mean that China's model and ideology are to be exported."


Regarding the security interests of countries, there are differences between the United States plus its alliance and the countries not belonging to any alliance, she said, adding, "It is therefore important that all countries work together to set out some basic common principles."


Fu said, what China is advocating is in response to "the call of the times."


















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