
奥斯卡 | 最佳男主角 | 2018第90届奥斯卡最佳男主角获奖感言





老戏骨加里·奥德曼(Gary Oldman)凭借饰演《至暗时刻》(The Darkest Hour)中的丘吉尔,斩获了奥斯卡最佳男主角。据说连丘吉尔档案馆的管理员都分不清真假,误将他的定妆照当成历史照片。




Well, my deepest thanks to the Academy and its members for this—ah, this glorious prize.

I owe this, and so much more, to so many. I have—I’ve lived in America for the longest time and I am deeply grateful to her for the loves, and the friendships I have made and the many—the many wonderful gifts it has given me: my home, my livelihood, my family and now Oscar.

The movies, such as their power, captivated a young man from south London and gave him a dream, and Douglas, my dear, dear friend and brother, you have helped keep that dream alive. Joe Wright, thank you for this. It only took 20 years for us to work together. But it was well worth the wait. Thank you, Kazu, Lucy, David, for your artistry.

Thank you everyone at Working Title and Universal Focus for your efforts in support on this film.
感谢Working Title公司和Universal Focus公司上上下下对这部电影的支持和努力。

Thank you, Eric, Tim, Anthony, Danny and her amazing team and of course, Jim Osborn.

I would like to, I would just like to salute Sir Winston Churchill who has been marvelous company on what can be described as an incredible journey and my wife, Gisele, for traveling that road with me and being at my side.

Thank you, Alfie, Gallie, Charlie, William, my remarkable, remarkable fellow nominees and my dear friend out there Denzel. And I’m not—obviously, I’m not going to win the, you know, the ski.

I would like to thank my mother, who is older than Oscar. She is 99 years young, next birthday. She is watching the ceremony from the comfort of her sofa. I say to my mother, thank you for your love and support.

Put the kettle on, and bring an Oscar home.

奥斯卡 | 最佳男主角 | 卡西·阿弗莱克第89届奥斯卡金像奖获奖感言

At the 89th Academy Awards, Brie Larson announced Casey Affleck as the 2017 Oscar winner for Actor in a Leading Role for his performance in MANCHESTER BY THE SEA. This was the first Oscar win for Affleck. The actor was previously nominated for an Oscar in 2007 for his performance in THE ASSASSINATION OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD ROBERT FORD. Affleck, younger brother of Ben Affleck, got choked up as he accepted his award and paid tribute to fellow Actor in a Leading Role nominee Denzel Washington saying, "One of the first people who taught me how to act was Denzel Washington, and I just met him tonight for the first time. Thank you." Read the full transcript and watch Casey Affleck's Oscar acceptance speech below: 


Casey Affleck's speech transcript:

"That means so much to me thank you. One of the first people who taught me how to act was Denzel Washington and I just met him for the first time tonight – thank you. And to all the other nominees who did great work, I’m proud to be in your company. You guys are very brave and I admire what you do. And I’m only here really because of the talents and good will of so many people that are impossible to name, but most of all Kenneth Lonergan, who made this part and without this part and without his writing I wouldn’t be here for sure. Man, I wish I had something bigger and more meaningful to say, but I’m really proud to be a part of this community and I look out at all of you and I have this whole year and I’m just dumbfounded that I’m included. It means a lot to me. Thank you also to Matt Damon for creating this opportunity {…} and to Patrick and Boomer and to so many people of course my mother and my father for mostly (usually) believing in me in doing this and {…} thank you all very much."

In MANCHESTER BY THE SEA, Casey Affleck plays Lee Chandler. When his beloved older brother dies, handyman Lee Chandler returns to his hometown, a close-knit fishing community in Massachusetts. There, Lee struggles to cope with his current grief and a tragedy from his past while also summoning the strength to comfort his teenage nephew, who has been left in his care. 








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