





Hyeonseo Lee:我的朝鲜逃亡记

When I was little, I thought my country was the best on the planet. And I grew up singing a song called "Nothing To Envy." And I was very proud. In school, we spent a lot of time studying the history of Kim Il-Sung, but we never learned much about the outside world, except that America, South Korea, Japan are the enemies. Although I often wondered about the outside world, I thought I would spend my entire life in North Korea, until everything suddenly changed.


When I was seven years old, I saw my first public execution. But I thought my life in North Korea was normal.My family was not poor, and myself, I had never experienced hunger.


But one day, in 1995, my mom brought home a letter from a coworker's sister. It read, "When you read this,our five family members will not exist in this world, because we haven't eaten for the past three weeks. We are lying on the floor together, and our bodies are so weak, we are waiting to die."

但是1995年的一天,我妈妈带了一封信回家是从她同事的姐妹那里寄来的。上面写道,”当你读到这封信时,我家的所有五个人都将离开人世。 因为我们已经连续两周没有吃东西了。 我们现在一起躺在地板上, 我们的身体都太虚弱,准备等死。“

I was so shocked. This was the first time I heard that people in my country were suffering. Soon after, when I was walking past a train station, I saw something terrible that to this day I can't erase from my memory. A lifeless woman was lying on the ground, while an emaciated child in her arms just stared helplessly at his mother's face. But nobody helped them, because they were so focused on taking care of themselves and their families.

我当时非常震惊,那是我第一次听到活在我的国家的人们所在承受的一切。在这之后不久,当我走过一个火车站时,我看到一件非常痛心的事情让我难以忘怀。 一个奄奄一息的女人正躺在地上, 怀里抱着一个虚弱的孩子, 那个孩子只能绝望地望着他母亲的脸。 但是没有人帮助他们, 因为大家连自己和自己的家人都无法顾全。

A huge famine hit North Korea in the mid-1990s. Ultimately, more than a million North Koreans died during the famine, and many only survived by eating grass, bugs and tree bark. Power outages also became more and more frequent, so everything around me was completely dark at night, except for the sea of lights in China, just across the river from my home. I always wondered why they had lights, but we didn't. This is a satellite picture showing North Korea at night, compared to neighbors.

90年代中期朝鲜发生了一次严重的饥荒。 很不幸地,超过一百万朝鲜人 饿死在饥荒里。并且很多幸存者 是依靠吃草、虫子和树根活下来的。 停电也变得越来越频繁, 到了晚上我周围的一切都变得漆黑一片,除了中国的灯火通明,只要穿过我家旁的河就是。我经常思考为什么他们有灯火而我们没有。 这是一张卫星图,拍摄了夜晚的朝鲜和周边国家的比较。

This is the Amnok River, which serves as a part of the border between North Korea and China. As you can see, the river can be very narrow at certain points, allowing North Koreans to secretly cross. But many die.Sometimes, I saw dead bodies floating down the river. I can't reveal many details about how I left North Korea, but I only can say that during the ugly years of the famine, I was sent to China to live with distant relatives. But I only thought that I would be separated from my family for a short time. I could have never imagined that it would take 14 years to live together.


In China, it was hard living as a young girl without my family. I had no idea what life was going to be like as a North Korean refugee. But I soon learned it's not only extremely difficult, it's also very dangerous, since North Korean refugees are considered in China as illegal migrants. So I was living in constant fear that my identity could be revealed, and I would be repatriated to a horrible fate, back in North Korea.

在中国,我作为一个没家的小女孩过得很辛苦。我根本不知道,身为一个朝鲜的难民我未来的生活会怎样。但是我很快意识到那生活不但充满了艰辛,甚至无比危险。 因为朝鲜难民在中国被视为非法移民,所以我总是生活在恐惧中,我害怕我的身份会被人发现。 我会被遣送回朝鲜, 去接受悲惨的命运。

One day, my worst nightmare came true, when I was caught by the Chinese police, and brought to the police station for interrogation. Someone had accused me of being North Korean, so they tested my Chinese language abilities, and asked me tons of questions. 


I was so scared. I thought my heart was going to explode. If anything seemed unnatural, I could be imprisoned and repatriated. I thought my life was over. But I managed to control all the emotions inside me, and answer the questions. After they finished questioning me, one official said to another, "This was a false report. She's not North Korean." And they let me go. It was a miracle.

我当时非常害怕,感觉我的心都快因恐惧而爆炸了。如果有任何异样,我就会入狱并被遣送回去, 我以为我这辈子完了。 尽管如此,我还是努力隐藏了自己的恐惧和担忧, 并回答了他们的问题。 这之后,一个警察对另一个人说,“ 报告是错误的,她不是朝鲜人。” 然后他们放我走了。真是个奇迹。

Some North Koreans in China seek asylum in foreign embassies. But many can be caught by the Chinese police, and repatriated. These girls were so lucky. Even though they were caught, they were eventually released, after heavy international pressure. These North Koreans were not so lucky. Every year, countless North Koreans are caught in China and repatriated to North Korea, where they can be tortured, imprisoned, or publicly executed.

一些朝鲜人在中国到外国大使馆去寻求庇护,但是很多人被中国警察抓住,并被送回朝鲜。这些女孩是幸运的,尽管她们被抓住了,但是迫于巨大的国际舆论压力她们最终被释放了。但还有一些朝鲜人就没那么幸运了。每年,无数的朝鲜人在中国被捕 并被遣送, 回到朝鲜后,他们被折磨、关押或者被公开处决。

Even though I was really fortunate to get out, many other North Koreans have not been so lucky. It's tragic that North Koreans have to hide their identities and struggle so hard just to survive. Even after learning a new language and getting a job, their whole world can be turned upside down in an instant. That's why, after 10 years of hiding my identity, I decided to risk going to South Korea. And I started a new life yet again.


Settling down in South Korea was a lot more challenging than I had expected. English was so important in South Korea, so I had to start learning my third language. Also, I realized there was a wide gap between North and South. We are all Korean, but inside, we have become very different, due to 67 years of division. I even went through an identity crisis. Am I South Korean or North Korean? Where am I from? Who am I?Suddenly, there was no country I could proudly call my own.


Even though adjusting to life in South Korea was not easy, I made a plan -- I started studying for the university entrance exam.


Just as I was starting to get used to my new life, I received a shocking phone call. The North Korean authorities intercepted some money that I sent to my family, and, as a punishment, my family was going to be forcibly removed to a desolate location in the countryside. They had to get out quickly. So I started planning how to help them escape.

就在我刚开始习惯新生活不久,我接到了一个令人震惊的电话。朝鲜政府拦截了 我寄回家的部分钱款, 作为惩罚,我的家人要被 强制搬走, 搬到农村的一个偏僻的地方去。 他们必须要赶快逃走, 所以我开始计划帮助他们逃脱。

North Koreans have to travel incredible distances on the path to freedom. It's almost impossible to cross the border between North Korea and South Korea. So, ironically, I took a flight back to China and headed toward the North Korean border. Since my family couldn't speak Chinese, I had to guide them somehow through more than 2,000 miles in China, and then into Southeast Asia. 


The journey by bus took one week, and we were almost caught several times. One time, our bus was stopped and boarded by a Chinese police officer.He took everyone's I.D. cards, and he started asking them questions. Since my family couldn't understand Chinese, I thought my family was going to be arrested. As the Chinese officer approached my family, I impulsively stood up, and I told him that these are deaf and dumb people that I was chaperoning. He looked at me suspiciously, but luckily, he believed me.

我们在巴士上的旅途有一周之久, 好几次都差点被抓住。又一次,我们坐的巴士被拦下了, 一个中国警官上了车,他查看每个人的身份证,并开始问问题。因为我的家人不懂中文,我害怕他们会被抓住。所以当那个中国警官快检查到我家人时,我本能地站起来告诉他这几位是聋哑人,我是他们的监护人。他怀疑地看着我,但幸运地,他相信了我的话。

We made it all the way to the border of Laos. But I had to spend almost all my money to bribe the border guards in Laos. But even after we got past the border, my family was arrested and jailed for illegal border crossing. After I paid the fine and bribe, my family was released in one month. But soon after, my family was arrested and jailed again, in the capital of Laos.


This was one of the lowest points in my life. I did everything to get my family to freedom, and we came so close, but my family was thrown in jail, just a short distance from the South Korean embassy. I went back and forth between the immigration office and the police station, desperately trying to get my family out. but I didn't have enough money to pay a bribe or fine anymore. I lost all hope.


At that moment, I heard one man's voice ask me, "What's wrong?" I was so surprised that a total stranger cared enough to ask. In my broken English, and with a dictionary, I explained the situation, and without hesitating, the man went to the ATM, and he paid the rest of the money for my family, and two other North Koreans to get out of jail.


I thanked him with all my heart, and I asked him, "Why are you helping me?"

"I'm not helping you," he said. "I'm helping the North Korean people."



I realized that this was a symbolic moment in my life. The kind stranger symbolized new hope for me and the North Korean people, when we needed it most. And he showed me that the kindness of strangers and the support of the international community are truly the rays of hope we North Korean people need.


Eventually, after our long journey, my family and I were reunited in South Korea. But getting to freedom is only half the battle. Many North Koreans are separated from their families, and when they arrive in a new country, they start with little or no money. 


So we can benefit from the international community for education, English language training, job training, and more. We can also act as a bridge between the people inside North Korea and the outside world. Because many of us stay in contact with family members still inside, and we send information and money that is helping to change North Korea from inside.

所以我们可以通过国际社会的帮助来接受教育,英语培训,工作培训等等。 我们还可以作为 世界与生活在朝鲜的同胞之间 的沟通桥梁。 因为我们很多人都和 生活在朝鲜的家人保持联系。我们寄送回去的信息和钱都在内在地改变朝鲜。

I've been so lucky, received so much help and inspiration in my life, so I want to help give aspiring North Koreans a chance to prosper with international support. I'm confident that you will see more and more North Koreans succeeding all over the world, including the TED stage.


Thank you.(Applause)











