
视频 | 《寄生虫》斩获奥斯卡,翻译小姐姐走红,神似金敏喜还是名导演




《寄生虫》获得奥斯卡大奖后,也捧红了翻译小姐姐Sharon Choi。这位翻译小姐姐长相清秀,翻译工作迅速而准确,大方稳健中也带着些青涩,总是笑眯眯的,给人一种亲近感。

她叫Sharon Choi,是一位25岁的韩裔美国人,学习电影专业的,自去年5月在戛纳电影节为《寄生虫》剧组担任翻译以来,这大半年满世界地飞,为导演和其他剧组人员做传译。



“Parasite” Director Bong Joon-ho’s Interpreter, Choi Sung-jae (Sharon Choi) Under World’s Spotlight


奉俊昊和Sharon一起上了Jimmy Fallon的脱口秀——不确定他是不是第一位非英语的导演上这个节目,毕竟脱口秀对于语言的要求是很高的。Jimmy想请导演快速概括一下这部电影,但是又因为不能“剧透”-give spoiler,于是奉俊昊说希望尽可能做到“三缄其口”,留待观众自己去观看。Sharon的翻译非常精简:



Sharon Choi: I’d like to say as little as possible here, because the film is best when you go into it cold.

Narrator: With South Korea’s movie “Parasite” earning globally renowned titles, its director Bong Joon-ho is in the center of the world’s attention. But Bong is not the only one. Choi Sung-jae, more known to the public as Sharon Choi, is garnering massive popularity for her articulate interpretations.

Choi has been the mouthpiece for director Bong from last May in the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, where “Parasite” became the first Korean film to be awarded with the Palme d’Or. Since then, the 25-year-old interpreter has been hailed not only for her accurate interpretations but also for her natural delivery that captured Bong Joon-ho’s unique speech and nuance.

Sharon Choi: When I was in college, I actually majored in sociology. But I know nothing about sociology.

Narrator: One of Choi’s most iconic moments was when she appeared in US talk show The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon alongside Bong. When Fallon asked the South Korean director to describe the movie “Parasite,” Bong answered that he preferred not to say anything in Korean. Moments later, Choi interpreted: “I’d like to say as little as possible here, because the film is best when you go into it cold.”

Sharon Choi: I’d like to say as little as possible here, because the film is best when you go into it cold.

Narrator: Instead of directly interpreting Bong’s answer as “I don’t want to talk about my film here because it’s more fun to watch the movie without knowing the story,” Choi skillfully used the colloquial expression “go into it cold’. The word “cold” here is in reference to being caught off guard or not being informed beforehand.

The video of Bong on NBC’s Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon last month accumulated more than a million views on YouTube. A wave of comments praising Choi for her terrific English interpretation filled the comment section.

Choi was also applauded for her highly-skilled interpretations once again at the recent Golden Globe Awards. After Bong Joon-ho took home the prize for Best Foreign Language Film, Choi did an outstanding job interpreting his acceptance speech.

Sharon Choi: Once you overcome the one-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.

After the ceremony, director Bong, the cast of “Parasite” and Choi were all seen in an interview with American entertainment news outlet The Hollywood Reporter. As usual, Choi was seen perfectly interpreting Bong’s interview answers to English. But this time, Jay was also interviewed by the press.

The Hollywood Reporter: …award season, but you’ve taken a turn in the spotlight, too. How are you…how are you handling all of this?

Bong Joon-ho: She has a big fandom.

The Hollywood Reporter: Yes, she does have a big fandom.

Sharon Choi: I’m just a huge fan of this film and with all the filmmakers, so it’s been great. This is so embarrassing, but yes.

The Hollywood Reporter: Has any stage made you nervous? Because tonight, you looked so cool.

Sharon Choi: All of it. I’m always super-anxious.

The Hollywood Reporter: Really?

Sharon Choi: But yes, thank you.

Bong Joon-ho: She’s perfect, and we all depend on her. And she’s also a great filmmaker.

Narrator: For an interpreter of an acclaimed director, to be interviewed by foreign press was exceptional.

Bong Joon-ho, also nicknamed Bong Tail, a compound word for Bong Joon-ho in detail, referring to the director’s meticulousness, had also complimented Choi to be an avatar of language. But surprisingly, Choi is not a professional interpreter. As a Korean citizen, Choi graduated from an American university and has experience filming a movie. As a prospective director, Choi has been a huge fan of films and filmmakers. Such background explains why this 25-year-old could perfectly interpret even the smallest nuances of director Bong Joon-ho’s words. Choi is rising in stardom as her interpretation clips are being used as an English teaching material on YouTube.


《寄生虫》荣获“最佳外语片”奖。奉俊昊在发表获奖感言时,先是自己用英语说:“I am foreign language film maker, so I have a translator here.”


"Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles,you will be introduced to so many more amazing films."

这里,one-inch tall barrier来表示字幕,实在妙哉!



Sharon的翻译保持了一贯的干练精准,特别是结尾的that this change symbolizes:

“The category has a new name now from 'Best Foreign Language' to 'Best International Feature Film'. I am so happy to be its first recipient under the new name. I applaud and support the new direction that this change symbolizes.”



"She translates Bong's remarks and nuanced intentions clearly and even pithilywith some punchlines. "


-Pithily: 简洁有力地


*卫报从Sharon开始展开,谈到了与Sharon类似的角色、戛纳电影节的in-house interpreter Massoumeh Lahidji:

"The director-interpreter relationship sometimes approaches symbiosis. Perhaps the gleaming C3PO of cinema interpreters is the Iranian-born, French-based Massoumeh Lahidji, who spent 12 years as a Cannes in-house translator. "




Translating for Bong Joon Ho at the Oscars: Aspiring Director Sharon Choi

Choi, who interpreted for the “Parasite” director and others involved with the film, has become a familiar face throughout awards season.

By Nancy Coleman

Bong Joon Ho was onstage a lot on Sunday night, giving one acceptance speech after another as his film “Parasite” scooped up Oscars, including best picture. Beside him each time was a familiar face.

Sharon Choi, a filmmaker herself, is the interpreter who has followed Bong and the “Parasite” team throughout their successful awards season.

She has given the English translation of the director’s (many) speeches and interviews, through several red carpets and late-night TV appearances. (Bong speaks English and will occasionally shift into the language for brief remarks – “I’m ready to drink tonight,” he said toward the end of one of Sunday’s speeches – but he generally seems to prefer leaving it to Choi.)

At the Oscars, Choi joined Bong onstage four times: as he accepted the awards for best director, original screenplay and international feature, and to interpret for Kwak Sin Ae, a producer, in her speech for the film’s best picture win.

Choi has been at Bong’s side since May – when “Parasite” won the Palme d’Or, the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival – according to The Korea Herald, an English language newspaper in South Korea.  

For someone who’s appeared on several awards stages and live television broadcasts, though, Choi doesn’t seem to cherish being in the spotlight – “This is so embarrassing,” she said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter at the Golden Globes last month when the questions pivoted to her.  

But Choi has ended up there anyway, thanks to the visibility that comes with critical success and awards domination: “Parasite,” after winning at Cannes, also nabbed best foreign film at the Golden Globes, the Writers Guild Award for original screenplay and best ensemble at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Bong has another explanation: “She’s perfect, and we all depend on her,” he said in English in The Hollywood Reporter interview. “And she’s also a great filmmaker,” he added. (Choi laughed: “Yes, I want to direct.”)

When she’s interpreting – usually on camera, or to crowds of Hollywood royalty, or both – Choi’s voice never seems to waver. (Apparently, she hides her nerves well: “I’m always super anxious,” she said in The Hollywood Reporter interview last month.)

Choi’s calm presence under the onstage pressure has caught the attention of online admirers, too. “I know she has a huge fandom,” Bong said in English on Sunday in a red carpet interview with E!.

He continued in Korean. “It’s very embarrassing to translate,” Choi said, “but he said that thanks to me, this campaign has been a smooth journey.”







